Does the Evidence REALLY Support Human Evolution? (Part I) – Apologetics Press

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Macroevolution1 is the belief that all extant species emerged from previous species, beginning with a simple, single-celled organism. Macroevolution is accepted as true by the bulk of mainstream scientists, even though, without a God, it does not even have the means to get started on its path from single-celled organisms to humans. No sufficient evidence exists to support the blind belief that life could come from non-life, much less life that is equipped with an operating program, genetic information, and the ability to reproduce itself. The evidences which are claimed to support biological evolution, without fail, end up being irrelevant, inadequate, or even erroneous upon deeper investigation. But what about these supposed evidences of human evolution?


We as humans tend to have a special interest in human evolution, since the subject directly pertains to us. This truth no doubt explains why much of the hype over new alleged evidences for evolution focus on human evolution, in particular. Upon deeper examination, are the oft’-used evidences in support of human evolution legitimate?

Does the Fossil Record Support Human Evolution?


Read More: Does the Evidence REALLY Support Human Evolution? (Part I) – Apologetics Press

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