Does the Biblical Flood Require 11 New Species to Evolve Daily Afterward? – Apologetics Press

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Critics of the biblical Flood have argued that the implications of the Flood make its reality implausible. For instance, Bill Nye has argued that there are some 16,000,000 species on the planet today.1 If there was a Flood only 4,000 years ago, only 7,000 representative species on the Ark to start with, and all of the planet’s other species were wiped out by the Flood, those 7,000 representative species would have to turn into 16,000,000 species in only 4,000 years. That would mean that 11 new species have evolved every day over the last 4,000 years since the Flood. Does such an implication prove the biblical Flood narrative to be unreliable at best and mythical at worst?


Read More: Does the Biblical Flood Require 11 New Species to Evolve Daily Afterward? – Apologetics Press

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