Do Russia/NATO Military Drills Signal Something Ominous? –

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“Excellent article showing that the ignoring by most people of the military drills being indulged in by NATO and Russia may be similar to the “dreamlike state” people were in prior to the start of WWI. Let’s hope that’s not the case.”  Admin

While most individuals assume that both historical and future events arise as a result of a series of massive and seismic actions, the truth is often that a whimper precedes the bang. While many events are indeed sparked by a single definitive act, it is also true that, in the events leading up to the defining moment, rarely does the general public realize that they are walking along the path to such an event. Even rarer is the individual who realizes that this path was already carved out by high-level players in the halls of banks, corporations, governments, and secret societies long before the destination is ever reached.

For instance, most scholars present the events leading up to World War I as an immediate reaction to the assassination of Franz Ferdinand by a shadowy semi-secret society that was not fundamentally connected to any other secret establishment. The truth, however, is that not only was the Black Hand a part of a Revolutionary Freemasonic structure and the war itself a carefully orchestrated plot that involved the personal attention and assembly of King Edward VII as well as British and French Freemasonic Lodges, but it was not solely a reaction to the assassination of Ferdinand.

More importantly for the context of this article is the fact that, for thirty days after the assassination, life, for the most part, continued on without any apparent changes in the lives of the general public. Indeed, in the month after the assassination of Ferdinand, the majority of the world’s population had returned to what has been described as a “dreamlike trance” of ignorance even as the declarations of war were being prepared behind the scenes.

The time of this “dreamlike trance” – July 1914 – may very well bear relevance to the time in which we find ourselves today.

Read More  Activist Post: Do Russia/NATO Military Drills Signal Something Ominous?.