Dinosaurs: Monsters of the Ancient World

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Seminar by Bruce Barton
Apologetics Symposium
Cedar Park Church, Bothell WA
October 16, 2014

Evolutionary theory holds that dinosaurs dominated the earth during the Age of Reptiles, some 230 to 65 million years ago, before mammals evolved. Then they were all killed off by some catastrophic event, generally supposed to have been an asteroid strike. But mounting evidence indicates that although there was a cataclysmic event in the past, some dinosaurs survived. Hundreds of clues from many different cultures around the world lend support to the contention that they were around much more recently than 65 million years ago. If this is true, serious questions are raised about dinosaur evolution and the evolutionary timescale. Bruce Barton

This talk will introduce the subject of dinosaurs, and present evidence from paleontology, archaeology, legends, old chronicles, and the Bible that stories of ancient monsters were more than just myths. This evidence will undergird the case for recent creation and the accuracy of the Bible.

About the Speaker:
Bruce Barton has degrees in meteorology and theology, with studies in engineering and graduate work in atmospheric sciences. Mr. Barton was an instrumentation engineer in Research and Development for Weyerhaeuser Company until retirement.

He has a broad background as a teacher and speaker to groups of all ages in a wide range of subjects including science and technology, aviation, and Bible topics, particularly apologetics. He has been speaking and teaching on the creation–evolution controversy for ten years. He also serves on the boards of directors for the 7 Wonders Museum at Mt. St. Helens and the Creation Association of Puget Sound.

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