Diet Coke – Literal Destruction Of The Human Body (Yours!) – Deadly Aspartame

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Close coke-new-smoking/ Smoking compared to Diet Coke, now called “The New Smoking.”


1 Corinthians 3:16-17: “Do you not know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that the spirit of God dwells in you? 17 If anyone destroys the temple of God, God will destroy him; for the Temple of God is holy, and you are that temple.”


The Trocho study proved once and for all the formaldehyde converted from the methyl alcohol in aspartame embalms living tissue and damages DNA. aspartame_and_preembalming.htm


After reading this study it appears rather than aspartame being hydrolyzed in the intestines, it is released to be absorbed in the cells. Anyone repeating this study surely would come to the same conclusion. The study is so condemning against this chemical poison that the aspartame industry attempted to assassinate the character of Dr. M. Alemany who conducted the study. Please read his letter about all of this: malemany.pdf


This was sent to the Chairman of the House Committee on Health, when there was an attempt to ban aspartame in Hawaii. Please note he says he is sorry that the health of so many people depends on a product that is harmful and should never have been approved for human consumption.


In reality the FDA never intended for it to be marketed after they set up a task force and realized how harmful it was. First they tried to indict the manufacturer for fraud, and then an FDA internal Board of Inquiry revoked the petition for approval. For further information on how it got on the market through the political chicanery of Don Rumsfeld see the documentary “Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World”: v=toKyRlpmG7A


You will see and hear the aspartame experts discuss the toxicity, as well as the victims telling their heart wrenching stories.


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