Diamond Weevil Studded with Advanced Technology – icr.org

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“One of the scientists quoted in the article states “We’ve got some catching up to do.….The nature-produced tiny structures are far beyond any human designs.” yet evolutionists want us to believe this marvel of design happened by chance … ridiculous.”  Admin

The diamond weevil, which makes its home in the Brazilian tropics, has a body studded with tiny, brilliant reflectors. Each one is like a diamond, reflecting different-colored light in shiny arrays. New research has probed the microstructure of these brilliant facets and discovered that the way they work is familiar—but the way they are made is not.

These insect “diamonds” are not made of carbon like the diamonds in a jewelry store, but instead contain the same sugar-based molecules called chitin that comprise the rest of their outer cuticle. But the 3-dimensional arrangement of the sugar molecules is precise and orderly. In their report published in the Journal of the Royal Society Interface, the researchers called them “biological photonic crystals that act as wavelength-specific reflectors.”1

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