Devvy Kidd – Kavanaugh Nomination Hearings: Another Ugly Fight Dems Can’t Win

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In my column last week, I used a quote by an author who quite succinctly and in a few words sums up how your enemy thinks: “Distraction is your enemy’s greatest weapon”.


Let me quote her again as I segue into this column speaking about a fictional character in the book; a rotten, corrupt U.S. Senator:


“He believed the majority only had the ability to concentrate on one thing at a time with 100% efficiency. Throw in a little disturbance here, an interruption there and their 100% focus would drop to 85.


“Hit them with an emotional obstacle, one that would screw with their head and their heart simultaneously, and the concentration level was down around 65%. Distractions were the negatives to the positives of commitment. It was a basic mathematical formula where you simply continued to subtract from the total.” Sydney Bauer, Undertow


Sound like the chaos going on right now in our country? The phony, manufactured lie called the “Russia Collusion” investigation cooked up by career criminal, Hildebeast Clinton and her faithful lapdogs in the FBI and DOJ. Good, decent Americans being ruined by out and out lies (Gen. Michael Flynn) and others being dragged into that bogus investigation who had nothing to do with something that never happened. Legal bills enough to choke a horse.


Fighting the mentally ill in Congress like Comrade Mad Maxine Waters, Hollywood big shots (DeNiro) and high-tech mega moguls (Zuckerberg, Bezos) who’ve made millions and billions of dollars from “deporables” by purchasing their products, using their social “media” technology and seeing their movies; wealth beyond what most of us will never have.


Add all the America hating groups out there who want open borders, amnesty for all illegals, get rid of ICE and simply allow America to turn into a sh*t hole country.


The Demorats have done a superb job in keeping this nation in a state of uproar and distracted over the legitimate election of Donald Trump using lies and circus antics in their efforts to stop him from doing what he can to save this republic – despite having to fend off attacks from scum in his own party.


It’s just one fire after another; put one out and another is lit. Why is that? I’ll tell you why. Because the American people have been thoroughly brainwashed in the government indoctrination centers they call public schools for the past half century.


Read More: Kavanaugh Nomination Hearings: Another Ugly Fight Dems Can’t Win