Debunking Evolution – Pat Roy

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Streamed live on Dec 9, 2016

Today’s youth are bombarded with evolution teaching in public schools, planting seeds of doubt that result in many of our youth leaving the faith, with some estimates as high as two-thirds after they start attending college. View the Debunk Evolution Classroom Promo Video on the website to better understand the challenges faced by our youth:

Helping Equip Believers in Defense of The Faith is the mission of the Apologetics Forum. Genesis Apologetics in Folsom, CA has recently developed a series of six short video-based lessons that debunk the eleven pillars of evolution taught in junior and senior high schools today. The program was designed by experienced professionals and reviewed by scientists at the three leading Creation Ministries in the US: Answers In Genesis (AIG), Institute for Creation Research (ICR), and Creation Ministries International (CMI).

debunking-coverThe training resources for this program consist of a DVD and book on Debunking Evolution, along with a Student Guide. This program helps equip the next Christian generation to stand in the faith by providing them with clear scientific evidence that supports the Genesis account of origins.

Dr. Dan Biddle, President of Genesis Apologetics, is the editor of the book on Debunking Evolution. The authors of the book include David Bassett, Dr. Jerry Bergman, Dr. Daniel Biddle, David Bisbee, Caleb LePore, Roger Patterson, Pat and Sandy Roy, Dr. Jonathan Sarfati, Roger Sigler, Dr. Jeffrey Tomkins, and Cornelius van Wingerden.

Pat Roy, creator of the Jonathan Park Series and one of the authors of the book will be our speaker at the Apologetics Forum meeting on Friday, December 9th at 7:00 PM. He will speak on Debunking Evolution covering all twelve topics presented in the Debunking Evolution video series. His presentation is comprised of a Powerpoint lecture and video clips from the series itself. The twelve topics covered include:

Human Evolution
Natural Selection
Common Ancestors
Vestigial Structures
Radiometric Dating
Whale Evolution
Homological Structures
Why Creation?

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