Death Rates From This Illness Double In Argentina’s GMO Agribusiness Area –

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Data linking GMOs and pesticides to human health ailments continues to emerge, as a new report put together by the Ministry of Health in Cordoba, Argentina has found that increased levels of crop spraying in Argentina’s most extensively farmed areas has resulted in a large increase of cancer rates for those that live in the vicinity.

According to the report, deaths from cancerous tumors have as much as doubled in areas where genetically modified (GM) crops are grown and agro-chemicals are used. That’s not really surprising, given the fact that numerous studies have linked them to cancer, and other detrimental health ailments.

The highest death rate was recorded in the ‘Pampa Gringa’ area. This is where most GM crops are grown, and the most pesticides are used; it makes up a large portion of the Cordoba region. This area and other areas in the region have cancer rates that are way above the national average

Read More  Natural Health News and Wellness Tips: Death Rates From This Illness Double In Argentina’s GMO Agribusiness Area.

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