Death Jab: COVID ‘Vaccine’ More Dangerous Than Virus For Men Under 40, Data Shows – National File

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Newly released data shows that big pharma-produced COVID jabs are more dangerous than the virus itself for men under 40, causing severe side effects including the lethal heart condition of myocarditis. The new data on the jab, which the definition of “vaccine” has been changed to accommodate, comes as even the CDC admits that the shots do nothing to stop the contraction and transmission of COVID-19.


“It is now undeniable, [the] vaccine can cause more myocarditis in men under 40 than COVID-19,” tweeted Dr. Vinay Prasad, a voice for truth and medical freedom who has spoken out since the early days of COVID-19 and the death jab roll-out. “I have said repeatedly Moderna should be banned in men [under] 40,” Prasad went on to tweet, saying that the “FDA failed Americans.”


Read More: Death Jab: COVID ‘Vaccine’ More Dangerous Than Virus For Men Under 40, Data Shows – National File

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