Dandelions Are NOT Weeds! They Build Bones Better Than Calcium, Cleanse the Liver, Heal Eczema and Psoriasis, and More!

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By Thomas Perry

Source: Dandelions Are NOT Weeds! They Build Bones Better Than Calcium, Cleanse the Liver, Heal Eczema and Psoriasis, and More! For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com.

By Anya Vien Did you know that dandelion is an amazing food and medicine? Though most people view dandelions as pesky weeds that are super invasive, they are the most nutritious plants around. It has been used for centuries as a food and as a medicine to treat anemia, eczema, psoriasis, blood disorders, and depression. […]

Source: Dandelions Are NOT Weeds! They Build Bones Better Than Calcium, Cleanse the …read more

Source: realfarmacy.com


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