Daily Devotion: Jesus, Love Them Through Me – Guideposts

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“I don’t have it in me,” I whispered to God yesterday. Several friends had shared happy news about successes, achievements and blessings. I longed to celebrate with them. But in my secret heart, the contrast with my own recent loss and pain kindled an ugly temptation to self-pity. I could keep my voice bright and fake it.

I could keep my voice bright and fake it. I could say the appropriate things. But I wanted to coax my heart to match, to find sincere joy for my friends. How does a man who is out of work celebrate when his friend gets a fantastic new job? How does a woman grieving a miscarriage attend a friend’s baby shower? How does someone crippled with pain wholeheartedly rejoice over another’s miraculous healing, without that whisper deep in the soul: “Lord, what about me?”

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