Crispr/Cas9 Re-Writes Fundamental Blueprint of Humanity – America Out Loud News

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Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger seeks to see ahead and around corners to form a more complete picture of what is in store for us all in these terrifying days of increasing globalist control over humanity.


In our third interview with Dr. Stuckelberger, we explored the advancement of another branch of genetic manipulation—gene editing. We are reminded that a Nobel Prize in 2020 was awarded to developers of the CRISPR technology, which allows scientists to “snip” out segments of DNA. A newer version of CRISPR has now been created. Called CRISPR/Cas9, this technology allows both cutting segments of DNA and the insertion of synthetic DNA.


The result is the re-writing of the fundamental code that creates humanity. This technology may not only alter the human being who receives the procedure—if the editing influences the genetic line, the entire offspring line of that human may be irrevocably altered.


The potential for tragedy from permanently altering DNA human building blocks cannot be overemphasized.


Read/Listen: Crispr/Cas9 Re-Writes Fundamental Blueprint of Humanity – America Out Loud News

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