Creation Magazine LIVE! is a faith-building, evolution-debunking TV show produced by Creation Ministries International.


Young Earth Creation: Irrelevant to Salvation?

Climate Change: Who's to Blame?

A Biblical Approach to Climate Change

The Complexity of Human DNA Destroys Evolution

Abortion: A Matter of Choice?

Chimp-Human DNA: Less similar than previously reported

Noah's Ark: Fact or Fiction?

Did Jesus really rise from the dead?

Did animals die before Adam sinned?

6-day creation: Irrelevant to the Gospel? (part 2)

6-day creation: Irrelevant to the Gospel? (part 1)

Climate Change: Who's to blame? (part 2)

Climate change: Who's to blame? (part 1)

A Biblical Approach to Climate Change (part 2)

A Biblical Approach to Climate Change (part 1)

Bloopers from Season 8 of Creation Magazine LIVE

Evolutionists bashing evolution

How to graduate with your faith intact

Exposing the truth about creationists

Unshakable faith

Objection… Overruled!

No, God did not use evolution

Examining evidence for evolution and deep time

Life: Incredibly created by God

Dinosaurs in the Bible and on the Ark

Science, the Bible, and the Age of the Earth

Evidence for the Global Flood of Noah

Origins and the Gospel

Making sense of science, faith and Genesis

Is Christmas based on pagan traditions?

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