Creation / Evolution Debate: Kent Hovind vs Theistic Evolutionist John D. Callahan

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Genesis: History or Myth? was the topic when well-known creationist Dr. Kent Hovind (Creation Science Evangelism, with over 90 debates to his credit, took on theistic evolutionist John D. Callahan, president of Faith & Reason Ministries ( Callahan accepted Hovind’s evolution offer in an open letter: $250000 Evolution Challenge Accepted! Dr. Hovind responded to this letter during his radio show 8-26-04, and he also comments on biology and astronomy issues, politics, ministry, and other personalities in evolution and creationism (see link 1 or link 2, 5.34 Meg, 44:29 minutes). The Debate took place at Faith Baptist Church and Schools ( 7644 Farralone Avenue, Canoga Park, CA 91304, on Sunday December 5, 2004 from 3:30 to 5p. The staffs of both Faith Baptist and Creation Science Evangelism were very helpful and pleasant, specifically Dr. Roland Rasmussen, Sr. (pastor), Tim Rasmussen (co-pastor), Roland Rasmussen, Jr. (cameras), Charlie Misseijer (moderator), Gil Machado (Fox News, cameras), Brent Henman (self, cameras), Arthur K. (sound), Jeff Schroeder (CSE), Jonathan Sampson (CSE), “DJ” (CSE), Kent Andrew (CSE), and of course, Dr. Kent Hovind (CSE). In a series of card questions from the audience, Hovind took the position that the Bible is inerrant and scientifically accurate, contrary to view of public education and the scientific establishment. Callahan contended that the Bible should be viewed as an historic work and

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