Covid19 Diagnostic Criteria Tightened by WHO on Biden Inauguration Day!

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“As the article notes the WHO says that the PCR test is now, after fraud Biden became prez, considered just one tool to use along with other diagnostics to determine a Covid case. However during all of 2020 with Mr. Trump in office the PCR test was used by itself to determine Covid cases thereby creating a fake pandemic to make him look bad before the election. Lots of wicked people in these international organizations.” Admin


Well, what do you know?


It just so happens that—on the very day Joe Biden took office—the World Health Organization also released new guidelines ratcheting up the diagnostic criteria for COVID-19.


A single positive PCR test for the virus is suddenly no longer deemed sufficient.


For some reason, as of today, the organization decided that those standard tests for the virus we’ve been relentlessly assured are the gold standard for detecting infection are, in reality, just another “aid for diagnosis.”


Read More: TOTAL COINCIDENCE ALERT: C19 Diagnostic Criteria Tightened by WHO on Biden Inauguration Day!

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