Covid-19 Cases Exploding in Highly Vaccinated Iceland & Gibraltar 

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“Must read article on Covid cases exploding in countries with very high vaccination rates!” Admin


It’s been drilled in our heads that this a “Pandemic of the Unvaccinated.”


The mainstream media and health overlords have painted a picture that casts unvaccinated individuals as lepers of society.


Dirty people responsible for all of the world’s problems.


Super spreaders taking up valuable space in the hospital.

But that narrative is falling apart thanks to the world’s most vaccinated countries.


Let’s take Gibraltar first.


Located on the southern coast of Spain, the British overseas territory fully vaccinated 99% of its roughly 34,000 residents by June 1st.


COVID-19 is supposed to be gone, right?


But cases have exploded in July.


Despite virtually everyone being double jabbed, restrictions are coming back.


Read More: Highly Vaccinated Iceland & Gibraltar DESTROY COVID-19 Vaccine Passport Narrative

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