Corporate America Joins LGBT Indoctrination Bandwagon

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“Another sign of our cultural change to one that is now openly defying God and His Word. As the Bible says “God is not mocked, whatever a man sows that shall he also reap.” This applies to nations as well. We are sowing the seeds for a bitter harvest to come.”  Admin


As the LGBT movement continues to grow in power and influence, corporate America has made sure to secure a seat on the “love is love” bandwagon by increasing its marketing efforts to show its alignment with this new indoctrination.

The rush of advertising promoting one aspect or another of these alternative lifestyles is almost too numerous to mention, in facts it’s hard to find one that has not joined in. Here are a few that have been featured in the press over the last few weeks:


Source: Corporate America Joins LGBT Indoctrination Bandwagon