Short videos, usually 15 min. or less, dealing with topics such as: Can we verify the New Testament?, Was the Bible changed over time?, Were the new testament writers biased?, The best way to argue for Christianity and many more.


Is the Old Testament God different from the NT God

Answering Big Old Testament Questions

Can Christianity Be True With All The Denominations

Does the Bible Condone Slavery and Genocide?

Do Christians Follow the Old Testament God?

What Makes the Case for God's Existence So Strong?

How the Cosmological Evidence Points to the Existence of God

What the Bible Says about "Guardian Angels"

Why Are There So Many Denominations in Christianity?

Disputing the Argument that All Religions are True

How Can the Bible Be Inerrant If It Contains Variants

Does the Bible Condone Genocide?

Have I Investigated Other Religions

Did You Know Jesus' Influence on THIS

Jesus' Hidden Influence on Art

Does The Universe Prove God?

Does this Disprove the Old Testament?

Why Is God So Hidden?

Did The Story of Jesus Change Over time

Answering YOUR Questions about Christianity

7 Differences between Angels/Demons

How the Cosmological Evidence Points to the Existence of God

The Bible is Embarrassing (Which is Good)

Christianity Answers Life's Biggest Questions

Does THIS Prove the New Testament?

Were the Gospel Writers Biased?

Can We Verify the New Testament?

Was the Bible Changed Over Time?

Is Christianity a Conspiracy?

The Key To Convincing Someone of Christianity

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