Chuck Baldwin – “A Threat To All Humanity”

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When it comes to constitutional government, the whole left-right, conservative-liberal, Republican-Democrat, even Christian-secular paradigms are, for the most part, an illusion. Over most of the last century, conservatives and liberals, Republicans and Democrats, and Christians and secularists have collectively jettisoned constitutional government in favor of a Welfare State, a Warfare State, a Nanny State, and a Police State.

So-called conservative Republicans like to talk about “limited government,” but in reality Republican presidential administrations and Congresses have equaled or sometimes even surpassed Democrats in exploding the size and scope of government. Likewise, liberal Democrats like to talk about ending foreign wars and so-called free-trade deals that favor international corporations, but in reality Democrat presidential administrations and Congresses have done nothing to bring the troops home or dismantle job-killing “free-trade” deals. After all of the campaign rhetoric, both major parties in Washington, D.C., have become nothing more than water boys for the 1 percent donor class.

Over the past several decades, Republicans and Democrats, conservatives and liberals, Christians and secularists have, for the most part, supported the creation of the Patriot Act, the Military Commissions Act, the indefinite detention sections of the NDAA, the militarization of our local and State law enforcement agencies, the draconian, liberty-killing, blatantly unconstitutional Department of Homeland Security (DHS), ubiquitous government spying of the American people, endless wars of aggression overseas, “the war on terror” at home, ad infinitum.

It seems that the vast majority of liberals and conservatives, Democrats and Republicans, secularists and Christians want bigger, more intrusive government. It is not just inner city blacks (who often vote Democrat) who are taking advantage of America’s monstrous welfare system, so are a huge percentage of whites (who often vote Republican) from suburbia. I will make an educated guess that one will find as many so-called Christians living on the government dole as those who profess no faith. Plus, if you think that only liberals and secularists are getting abortions, think again. Some studies indicate that over half of the people asking for abortions are professing Christians. The paradigms mentioned above are all but useless.

Read More: Columns > “A Threat To All Humanity”