Children’s hero devoted to God – Johnny Appleseed

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Seventy years old, he visited his friend William Worth one evening, ate some milk and bread, read out loud from the Bible, laid down on the floor to sleep and never woke up.

This was how John Chapman, better known as Johnny Appleseed, died on March 18, 1845.

Johnny Appleseed’s father, Nathaniel Chapman, was a minuteman who fought the British at Concord in 1775 and in the Continental Army under George Washington.

Johnny Appleseed collected seeds from apple cider presses in western Pennsylvania. He may have spent time on Grant’s Hill in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in 1794 at the time of the Whiskey Rebellion.

He planted orchards and nurseries from the Alleghenies to central Ohio, West Virginia, Indiana, Illinois, giving thousands of seedlings to westward bound pioneers.

He lived a nomadic life at harmony with Indians, bringing them medicinal plants. Native Americans, even hostile ones, considered him touched by the Great Spirit and became converted.

Read More  Children’s hero devoted to God.

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