Sixteen-year-old Stephanie Beard was in a serious car accident that paralyzed her from the neck down. She was told she would never walk again, but God had a much better plan. See how Jesus worked in this situation. The Christian Broadcasting Network. To see more from The 700 Club, go to
Amalia Hubb had severe arthritis in her hips, but one day on The 700 Club Pat Robertson prayed for healing and the Lord worked a miracle… The Christian Broadcasting Network CBN
Vickie Birch had a blocked artery deep in her brain that was life threatening. But through prayer, she was completely healed. A prayer, a pager, a healing . The Christian Broadcasting Network. To see more from The 700 Club, go to
Testimony of miraculous healing after Meredith suffered a massive heart attack as featured on CBN’s 700 Club program 9-13-11. For more, visit or
Andrew Nelson was healed by God of gangrene in both lower legs and feet right before they were scheduled to be amputated.The Christian Broadcasting Network. The 700 Club :
Police officer, Ken Kirby suffered a heart attack. He died but miraculously returned to life after Christian emergency room doctor and staff prayed. .. The Christian Broadcasting Network CBN