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Lady healed of shingles by Word of Knowledge on 700 Club.
Sharon’s knee never recovered from a car accident injury, and she relied on pain medications to get through each day. She didn’t believe she could be healed, but knew that God was beyond her disbelief.
Two days after Hunter’s birth, doctors found a mass taking up 2/3 of his stomach. While seeking treatment for their son, Hunter’s parents sent out a desperate call for prayer, and received more than they expected.
For two years, Nereida’s acid reflux barred her from eating solids and put her in the ER twice a week. But then she came to what she said was the worst day of her life. ? WATCH more stories: http://share.cbn.com/5ds46 ? CLICK to experience God’s love, purpose and forgiveness in your life: http://share.cbn.com/5ds47 ? Need prayer? CLICK: http://share.cbn.com/5ds48 CALL 24/7: 1-800-826-8913. ? PARTNER with CBN ministries: http://share.cbn.com/5ds49 ? CLICK to learn more about CBN ministries: http://share.cbn.com/5ds4a ? CLICK HERE to subscribe to The 700 Club YouTube Channel: http://share.cbn.com/5ds4b ? SIGN UP for daily devotionals: http://share.cbn.com/5ds4c ? GROW in your faith: http://share.cbn.com/5ds4d ? DOWNLOAD the myCBN app: http://share.cbn.com/5ds4e
After 6-year-old Reagan fell out of a loft, doctors spent three weeks trying to combat the effects of her brain swelling. They expected severe disability and a long rehabilitation, but Reagan’s progress surprised everyone.
Surgery was the only option to remove the cancerous tumor in Joseph’s esophagus, but it left him in excruciating pain. Bedridden and unable to eat, Joseph’s only hope was a miracle.
After more than 20 years of delivering furniture, Carl was left with unbearable back pain. With only temporary reliefs, he prayed for healing so that he could enjoy a pain-free retirement.
Ella’s parents were excited about their baby girl, but she was too fragile to hold. Doctors lost hope as Ella’s condition deteriorated, and with only five minutes left for Ella to live, the family changed their prayers
For years Rosy suffered from debilitating pain and headaches that were not relieved by massages or manipulations. Imagine her surprise the day the pain vanished.
At 6 weeks old, Katie was diagnosed with a life threatening heart condition. Her heart stopped, and despite the risk of brain damage, doctors fought to bring her back.
Crushed under a 25-ton rubber tire roller, Chris is given little to no chance of survival. Nothing short of a miracle could save him.  
Eddie became a Christian as a young man, but bad choices led to addiction issues. After struggling to get clean he had lingering health issues, but a revelation opened the door to healing.
Barbara couldn’t keep any food down for three and a half years, and her extreme weight loss had her at the brink of death. She prayed that God would just let her die, but then the unexpected happened.
Juan was a good boxer, but a blow to the head landed him in the hospital with a 30% chance of survival. After he woke up, it turned out there was more to heal than just Juan’s body.
Terri suffered from chronic headaches and migraines for 10 years, but as a homeschool mom she had no choice but to endure the pain. Then one day she found a way to beat the headaches for good.
When Mike was diagnosed with cancer and given four months to live, he was terrified. Faced with death, he reached the point where he wanted to take his own life—but God had a different plan.
Teresa has led a worldwide dance ministry for 20 years, but had to put choreography on the back burner when she began experiencing severe knee pain. She figured she was just “getting older” until a prayer proved her wrong.
When Wanda contracted shingles, the pain kept her from doing the things she loved. She wasn’t able to find any relief on her own, but a prayer she heard on TV led to an instant miracle.
After a terrible accident, Luke had little hope for survival. Luke’s family refused to believe the prognosis, and believed in a different destiny for him. Eleven days later, they began to witness the miraculous.
When Luanne tried to eat, her jaw locked up and wouldn’t close. After a few days of pain and discomfort, she finally found a release.
After a horrific accident, Katie knew her life depended on one thing.  cbn.com
After 20 minutes under water, 2-year-old Gore was given less than 1% chance of normal brain function if he survived. With no answers that they could find, Gore’s parents turned to prayer.  cbn.com
When doctors resuscitated Emily, they said there was nothing they could do to fix her torn aorta. They gave her a death sentence, but then the miraculous stepped in—three times.  cbn.com
After continually injuring her arm, there was nothing Kathy could do to make the pain go away. Shots and therapy didn’t help, but then she found something that did.  cbn.com
Lynne fractured her elbow after a fall, and after months of pain, it still wasn’t healed. The doctors believed the bone would never heal without surgery, but Lynn felt differently.  cbn.com
Getting hit by a car left Dora with an agonizing headache. She called in to The 700 Club to pray for healing, and spent months calling back.  cbn.com
For 47 years, Jacquie struggled with the pain of a car crash, and none of the remedies she tried fixed the injury itself. Then one day she was offered a relief, and everything changed.  cbn.com