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As a teenager, Keith had a growing list of drug and alcohol offenses. One day while home under house arrest, a church lady’s visit changed his life. cbn.com
Joe sensed a presence of darkness from an early age, and the loneliness and fear from an unstable childhood opened doors to demonic activity throughout his life.  cbn.com
Charles’ father thought Rugby would be a good way for his son to make friends, but it became more of an outlet for his rage over abandonment issues.  cbn.com
Randy practiced the art of deception from an early age, making it easier for him to live a double life in later years. However, things began to change after he picked up a book he couldn’t put down.  cbn.com
Weldon was trying to live a perfect life, but hid behind his addictions to deal with pain and guilt. An arrest and judge’s offer of a second chance ultimately led to freedom from his past. cbn.com
David didn’t know who God was, and left his Jewish faith at a young age. Later, when his life and marriage were destroyed by his addictions, David hit bottom and reached up to find hope. cbn.com
Polly had a twisted view of love after a childhood of sexual traumas. She floundered for years, eventually getting married, but still carrying the scars of an abused little girl. cbn.com
Mickey died in a fiery plane crash while doing what he loved, skydiving. He survived, and now shares the visions he had of the afterlife. cbn.com
Terry hated his father, struggled in school, and soon sought comfort in the wrong places. When he was given a chance to turn his life around, he almost lost it. cbn.com
Duck Dynasty’s Jase and Missy Robertson almost lost hope after a difficult pregnancy, and when baby Mia was born with a cleft palate, they put their family in God’s hands. cbn.com
Sandy shares about her experience of being used as a virgin sacrifice in satanic sexual rituals and how that opened up the door to demonic possession in her spiritual life. cbn.com
Erik thought he had to be a tough guy to avoid being bullied in his neighborhood. When he landed in prison on a murder charge at 16, he found the structure he needed and experienced the healing power of a Father’s love. cbn.com
When Sandy’s father exposed her to demonic activity and witchcraft at a young age, she spent a lifetime running from darkness. Finally, she found a source of power to help her break free. cbn.com
A life-long struggle with identity and weight pushed Jackie to death’s doorstep. cbn.com
James wanted to be free of the pain of his childhood but his life went on a downward spiral and he eventually thought suicide was the answer, but God had a different plan. cbn.com
Richard’s reputation as a troublemaker followed him throughout life. When years of running from the police ended with an arrest for DUI, he decided he needed to change. cbn.com
Michelle’s life reached its lowest point after she was attacked, but she soon found freedom and a vision for the future by painting through her pain. cbn.com
Erin didn’t realize just how much energy she had been investing in running from God until a conversation with a street preacher began to soften a hard heart. cbn.com
Rodrick felt forgotten by God and sought acceptance on the streets. After leading a life of crime, he finally broke free and found the love he craved. cbn.com
Miqueas was attracted to fast money, and soon was involved in many criminal schemes. Even after he was sentenced to 23 years in prison, his parents never gave up on him. cbn.com
Lewis grew up in a single parent home which left few roadblocks to the destructive path he chose. cbn.com
Drinking and driving left Eric responsible for the deaths of two young women. But he found his second chance in the most unlikely place, the mother of one of the daughters he killed.  cbn.com
Anthony had a distorted view of what a ‘real man’ was, so his involvement with gangs and drugs came as no surprise. cbn.com
Trey Canard knew what it meant to be a Christian, but as he made a name for himself in motocross his heart had little room for God.  cbn.com
Cut from the NFL and bankrupt, Greg Scott found purpose in helping others eat.  cbn.com
Chris didn’t love Morgan when they married and his rage pushed her towards alcohol, drugs and the arms of another man. Determined to make it work, the couple continued a miserable existence for years until a trip to grandma’s house.  cbn.com
A high school football standout loses his future prospects when hit by a car. Joey’s tendency to party before the tragedy became full on addiction after his dreams were crushed. cbn.com