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Grace’s childhood was a mess of drugs, gang activity and the death of her sister. She learned to cope with hopelessness the same way her family did until a car accident nearly claimed her life.
Kammy thought she would find love and acceptance through partying, but soon found herself with no one to turn to.
Jessica made sure her life looked perfect on the outside, but deep down she knew she needed help to escape the addiction that threatened to ruin her life.
After a boy’s perfect life is shattered by divorce, he turns to drugs and homosexuality. When he learned he was HIV positive, he turned to his Christian mother for help.
The loss of her high-paying career, her marriage and her father pushed Martha to a point of desperation where she cried out to God for help in both her spiritual and physical life.
Stewart was confused when God didn’t fix his parents’ divorce, and began relying on himself for a good life. Then the real estate crash of 2007 destroyed everything, and he didn’t know how to pick up the pieces.
He squandered millions of his earnings and ended his playing career battling alcoholism. Today, Vin Baker is writing a new chapter in his life that reminds us to never lose hope.
When a couple discovered their son was a serial arsonist, they turned him in. But a new storm was coming as their friends and clients abandoned them, and they were faced with depression and bankruptcy.
Alone, angry, and hurt by his step-father’s constant insults, Dermon felt like God wasn’t there. He turned to drugs to numb the pain, but knew there was only one place he could find the love he wanted.
Joel could forget about his family troubles when he used drugs, but his addiction eventually consumed his life. His family tried to pull him out of his lifestyle, and Joel finally realized what was truly the root of his problem.
A spiritual guru with hundreds of thousands of followers has a terrifying vision and realizes he underestimated the powers he played with. He turns to the Bible to find out if Jesus is who he claimed to be.
Sophia’s popularity as a minister is a far cry from her past of loneliness, abuse, homosexuality. See how she uses her story to lead others into healing and freedom.
Barry’s world changed with his son was diagnosed with global brain damage. But in the midst of his son’s sufferings, he holds utmost faith in God and encourages others to do the same.
Abuse and bullying pushed Brian into a life of drugs, crime, and the occult. His mother challenged him every step of the way until the powers they relied on came head-to-head.
Emily called herself a Christian but lead a life of homosexuality, drug use, lying, and rebellion. One night, she googled some Bible verses and learned that though God is love, he is also just and righteous, and she gave her life to Him.
Merari escaped an abuse-filled past when she turned to witchcraft for control. But then a monster appears in her yard one night, and she realizes she was the one being controlled all along.
Growing up, Ron heard all about God but got caught up with the wrong crowd. After 30 years of producing and using meth, he landed in prison and faced what he had ignored his whole life.
Rob compensated for his lack of family by working out and drinking until a failed relationship sent him out a third story window. Stuck in a hospital with a broken back, he cried out for a father he’d never had.
Cody ran away from an abusive home and landed in the streets addicted to drugs. It wasn’t until he was 52 that his life changed drastically, and now he helps those in the very place he once lived.
Before she exuded strength and courage as a stunt woman, Laurie nearly lost her life to depression. A sexual assault had robbed her of a happy childhood until she was invited to an unforgettable Christian youth event.
Beloved singer-songwriter Jessi Colter opens up about standing by her husband, Wayland Jennings, and her journey back to her Christian roots.
Tressa wasn’t a stranger to neglect and instability, and her rebellious life landed her in drug dealing and eventually prison.
Jason found his calling early on, and quickly climbed his way to the top of the music business and had all he could ever want. But without the love he craved, he was seconds away from suicide when he received a phone call.
David was raised by an alcoholic, abusive father, and promised he’d never abuse his own children. But when his dependence on alcohol drove him into a DUI and a divorce, and he knew he needed a better father figure to look up to.
Chris and Colleen were high school sweethearts, but after 20 years, their storybook marriage turned into a nightmare. Affairs drove a wedge between the couple, but out of the devastation grew a new chance at reconciliation.
After Liberty was rejected by her mother, she turned to partying, relationships, and drugs. But darkness from her mother’s home followed her, and Liberty was left relying on a power that gave her more than she bargained for.
Born out of wedlock, Joanna felt she forced her parents into a family they wouldn’t have chosen otherwise. She grew hungry for love and attention until she found exactly who she needed in the midst of her messy life.