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Join Origins host Ray Heiple as he welcomes, Dr. Randy Guliuzza for, “Hands: Marvels of Creativity.” Evolutionists like to emphasize the similarities of human and animal anatomy. Our guest explains that the human hand is an amazingly creative tool. It’s very different from a paw or animal hand and it can outperform them in many ways. The amount of brain power it takes for the speed and control of our hands to perform everyday tasks and athletic skills is unmatched. Our hands express in many wonderful ways that we are truly made in His image.
Are biblical creationists damaging Christianity by ignoring modern science? We have been accused of that, but the truth is exactly opposite. Science supports Scripture. Related Articles: Damaging Christianity by ignoring science? (https://creation.com/damaging) Creationist qualifications (https://creation.com/creationist-qual…) Related Products: The Genesis Account (http://creation.com/s/10-2-606) Christianity for Skeptics (http://creation.com/s/10-2-585) Creation magazine (free sample copy) (http://creation.com/free-mag)
What is it that humans have that God has and other animals don’t? Related Articles: Made in the image of God (https://creation.com/made-in-the-imag…) Man: The image of God (https://creation.com/man-the-image-of…) Did the Fall destroy God’s image in man? (https://creation.com/fall-destroy-god…) Related Products: The Genesis Account (http://creation.com/s/10-2-606) Christianity for Skeptics (http://creation.com/s/10-2-585) Creation magazine (free sample copy) (http://creation.com/free-mag)
Join Origins host Donn Chapman as he welcomes Dr. Steve Austin for, Continental Sprint – Part 3
Join Origins host Ray Heiple as he welcomes, Dr. Paul Nelson for, “Orphan Genes Puzzle.” Imagine having to assemble a dictionary of the English language – but every time you open a new book you find words that you’ve never seen before. Many of the words are unique, found only in that book, and nowhere else. Likewise in genetics, hundreds of thousands of new genes are being discovered by DNA sequencing, and their beginnings are a major puzzle.
Join Origins host Donn Chapman as he welcomes geneticist and scientist, Dr. Robert Carter for, “Biblical Age of the Earth.” Have you ever wondered how old is the earth according to the scriptures? Our guest has done an exhaustive study on the details documented in the Genesis genealogies. If you consider all relevant passages, the answer is surprising to most people.
Join Origins host Donn Chapman as he welcomes, Dr. Marcus Ross for, “Rocks as Clocks” How do geologists come up with million-year ages? Are radioactive dating methods accurate? Our guest, a creation paleontologist discusses these issues in a clear and understandable way. Along the way, you’ll discover that creationists have done some great research and have some amazing answers into this challenging issue!
Join Origins host Donn Chapman as he welcomes scientist and astronomer, Dr. Danny Faulkner for, “UFOs: A Biblical Perspective.” They certainly are popular. Where do these “unidentified flying objects” come from and what are they? Are intelligent beings visiting us from another planet? Our guest will examine what the Bible has to say about UFOs, flying saucers, and ETs.
Join Origins host Donn Chapman as he welcomes scientist and astronomer, Dr. Danny Faulkner for, “What’s New on Pluto?” On January 19, 2006 the New Horizons spacecraft was launched from Cape Canaveral, Florida. Nine and a-half years later it flew nearby Pluto and provided stunning photos. Scientists that say the universe is billions of years old expected Pluto to be covered with impact craters, but it isn’t. Our guest today describes what all this new information reveals about Pluto.
Join Origins host Donn Chapman as he welcomes geneticist and scientist, Dr. Danny Faulkner for, “The Firmament of Genesis 1.” The word “firmament” is mentioned 17 times in the King James Version of the Bible, in the books of Genesis, Psalms, Ezekiel and Daniel. The day two creation account in the first chapter of Genesis describes God making a firmament to divide waters above from waters below. What was this firmament? Understanding what God made on Day two can lead to some stunning astronomical conclusions.
Join Origins host Donn Chapman as he welcomes geologist and paleontologist Dr. Marcus Ross for, “Who Believes What?” Today there are so many different views on our human Origins it’s confusing. Worse, some authors and speakers intentionally mix different views and treat them as the same. Our guest shows that if you ask the right questions, then the answers to who believes what are very clear indeed.
Join Origins host Ray Heiple as he welcomes, Dr. Paul Nelson for, “Design in Marine Life.” An unprotected human would die within minutes in arctic water. Yet fully aquatic mammals such as killer whales flourish in the same icy water. What enables a mammal to live in salt water all the time, conducting every bit of their daily business there: feeding, migrating and reproducing? Our guest on this edition of Origins will reveal the breathtaking complexity of marine mammals.
Dr Rick Oliver teaches on “What Your Not Being Told About Astronomy” at Calvary Chapel Fargo on Sunday, June 14, 2015
Multimedia Presentation by Dr. Heinz Lycklama Apologetics Symposium Cedar Park Church, Bothell WA April 4th, 2018 According to many modern commentators, science has now explained all that we observe in the universe and God is no longer needed. We are told that atheism is the only intellectually tenable position, and any attempt to invoke God as the explanation impedes progress in science. Dr. Lycklama asks the critical question whether science points to atheism? He shows that theism fits more comfortably with science than atheism. Science is limited in the scope of its explanations. We conclude that this is not a [More]
You can watch part 1 here God’s Girders – Bones Skeleton Part 2 with Dr. David Menton
Major scientific problems with the Big Bang are explained along with its incompatibility with Scripture! Related Articles: Big bang beliefs: busted (https://creation.com/big-bang-beliefs…) ‘Light from the big bang’ casts no shadows (https://creation.com/big-bang-casts-n…) Bye-bye, big bang? (https://creation.com/bye-bye-big-bang) Secular scientists blast the big bang (https://creation.com/secular-scientis…) Related Products: Dismantling the Big Bang (http://creation.com/s/10-2-188) Starlight, Time and the New Physics (http://creation.com/s/10-3-505) The Creation Answers Book (http://creation.com/s/10-2-505) Creation magazine (free sample copy) (http://creation.com/free-mag)
If you haven’t done so you can watch part 1 here. Multimedia presentation by Dr. Thomas Kindell during the Apologetics Symposium at Cedar Park Church, Bothell WA. March 7th, 2018. This presentation exposes the flaws and fallacies of common textbook “evidences” for Darwinian evolution based on origin of life experiments, mutations coupled with natural selection, irreducibly complex biological systems, “vestigial” organs, anatomical homology, molecular homology, embryological recapitulation, and the fossil record. The presentation closes by examining known frauds that are still employed in current textbooks to “prove” Darwinian evolution is true. This presentation is “Part 2” of a program that [More]
His presentation starts at the 20 min mark in the video. Russ Miller gives a presentation on Creation and Evolution beliefs and their implications for us all. Very good presentation.   Admin
Millions of people from all around the world have reported seeing what they think are aliens from outer space. How should Christians respond to these reports? The Bible provides direction for understanding aliens and UFOs. Special Thanks: Wendell Marinho – permission to use alien ship animation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3sZ5H… GeekJoan – permission to use microscopic life footage https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zoNQW… Related Articles: Did God create life on other planets? (https://creation.com/did-god-create-l…) Are we alone, or is there life elsewhere in the universe? (https://creation.com/god-and-the-extr…) Aliens in your bedroom (https://creation.com/aliens-in-your-b…) Related Products: Alien Intrusion (http://creation.com/s/10-2-566) The Creation Answers Book (http://creation.com/s/10-2-505) Christianity for Skeptics (http://creation.com/s/10-2-585) Creation magazine (free [More]
portions of an interview with a leading archaeologist.
Before we can hope to understand creation we need to be sure of the literary style of Genesis. Is Genesis poetry or does it record actual historical events? We compare the structure of biblical poetry with historical narrative and see which form of literature Genesis matches. Special Thanks: David Helling – Adam and Eve footage commissionedpictures.com (films showing history as it truly happened— according to scripture.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=POpB_… The Master’s University – footage of Dr. Steven Boyd visit their website at http://www.masters.edu/ or their facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/mastersuniv/ Related Articles: Is Genesis allegory or poetry? (https://creation.com/is-genesis-alleg…) Genesis is history! (https://creation.com/genesis-is-history) Should [More]
Join Origins host Donn Chapman as he welcomes geneticist and scientist, Dr. Robert Carter for, “Noah’s Flood Genetics.” What evidence do we have for Adam and Eve, Noah’s Flood and the Tower of Babel event in the human genome? The historical claims about human history in the Bible are quite clear. Yet, most evolutionists reject these claims based on a superficial study of available genetic data. Our guest will reveal not only can the claims can be tested but they can be confirmed.
Join Origins host Donn Chapman as he welcomes speaker and author, Paul Taylor for, The Language of Evolution. Many people enjoy natural history museums, such as that in London or the Smithsonian in Washington. Although originally built for the Glory of God, such institutions today see their mission to uphold and promote Darwinian evolution. Our guest on this edition of Origins shows us that the evidence for evolution is not actually in the cases of the exhibits, it exists only in the use of language.
Join Origins host Donn Chapman as he welcomes speaker and author, Paul Taylor for, Deconstructing Dawkins. Richard Dawkins is known as a passionate evangelist for atheism. In his book the God Delusion, he claims to be analyzing the issue of the existence of God from a scientific perspective and in doing so he quotes considerable amounts of the Bible to illustrate what he calls its weirdness. Our guest on this edition of Origins takes a closer look at Dawkins conclusions.
Join Origins host Donn Chapman as he welcomes astronomer and astrophysicist, Dr. Jason Lisle for, Distant Starlight in a Young Universe. Here on Earth we see light from galaxies billions of light years away. Based on this it seems that Creation would be billions of years old. However, Dr. Lisle presents a compelling argument to the contrary. Taking into account the speed of light and the passage of time in outer space the evidence may surprise you.
Join Origins host Donn Chapman as he welcomes astronomer and astrophysicist, Dr. Jason Lisle for, The Sun. The universe is full of stars, but the sun is easily the most important to life on Earth. Did you know that it generates more energy in one second than a billion cities could use in a year? When we look closely at the Sun, we find that it supports the Biblical Worldview of Creation.
An interview of Dr. Jason Lisle on problems with the Big Bang theory.