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I am Christian (Acts 11:26, Acts 26:27-29,1Peter 4:16) KJV Bible I believe in One God (Malachi 2:10, Mark 12:32, Romans 3:30,1Corinthians 8:6, Ephesians 4:6,1Timothy 2:5, James 2:19) I believe Jesus(Yahweh is Salvation) [Joshua, Yeshu, Yeshua, Isa, Yahshua, Iesu, Iesous] Is God (Isaiah 9:6,John…
Today’s interview is with Thomas E. Woodward, professor at Trinity College of Florida, and founder and director of the CS Lewis Society. Woodward is an historian of the intelligent design movement. He talks about his work and background, the intelligent design movement (its definition, origin, and goals), anti-ID objections and rhetoric, the direction of the ID movement today, the Dover trial, the question of “is ID science?”, the approaches of Michael Behe, William Dembski, and Stephen Meyer, The Mysterious Epigenome: What Lies Beyond DNA, the future of ID research, resources for people learning and teaching ID, and more. For more [More]
In this broadcast of Giving An Answer, HC Felder interviews Ted Wright about a recent trip that he took with a group of scholars to the Grand Canyon to examine evidence to validate the biblical account of Noah’s Flood.
In this broadcast of Giving An Answer, HC Felder interviews Ted Wright as he explains Intelligent Design and how this necessary points to a designer.
In this broadcast of Giving An Answer, HC Felder interviews Ted Wright about a recent trip that he took with a group of scholars to the Grand Canyon to examine evidence to validate the biblical account of Noah’s Flood.
Is Intelligent Design religiously motivated? Does ID commit the god of the gaps fallacy? Can all life be explained through chance? Is the design we see so obviously flawed that no omniscient God would have created it? Explore the responses to these arguments as well as other augments against Intelligent Design in this episode of Giving An Answer as HC Felder interviews Prof. JT Bridges.
See more scientific support for the worldwide flood historically described in Genesis. Evidence that great mudflows quickly deposited 100s of nautiloids together in the Grand Canyon, which is only explainable by the global flood. View the Powerpoint presentation described on the show here: www.ctvn.org More Origins shows & info at the Cornerstone TV website: www.ctvn.org Dr. Steven A. Austin is a field research geologist with a Ph.D. from Penn State University in sedimentary geology. He is “Senior Research Scientist” with Institute for Creation Research in Dallas, Texas. He has performed geologic research on six of the seven continents of the [More]
Over the last few decades, new evidence has surfaced that restores man to a central place in God’s universe. Astronomers have confirmed that numerical values of galaxy redshifts are ‘quantized’, tending to fall into distinct groups. According to Hubble’s law, redshifts are proportional to the distances of the galaxies from us. Then it would be the distances themselves that fall into groups. That would mean the galaxies tend to be grouped into (conceptual) spherical shells concentric around our home galaxy, the Milky Way. The shells turn out to be on the order of a million light years apart. The groups [More]
Geologist Andrew Snelling, Ph.D. gives compelling geologic evidence for the worldwide flood that the Bible historically records. Andrew A. Snelling, B.Sc. (Hons), Ph.D. Director of Research, AiG-US Biography Andrew A. Snelling is a geologist, research scientist and technical editor. He completed a Bachelor of Science degree in Applied Geology at the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia, graduating with First Class Honors in 1975. His Doctor of Philosophy (in geology) was awarded by The University of Sydney, Australia in 1982 for his research thesis entitled “A geochemical study of the Koongarra uranium deposit, Northern Territory, Australia”. Between studies [More]
Geologist Andrew Snelling, Ph.D. gives compelling geologic evidence for the worldwide flood that the Bible historically records. Andrew A. Snelling, B.Sc. (Hons), Ph.D. Director of Research, AiG-US Biography Andrew A. Snelling is a geologist, research scientist and technical editor. He completed a Bachelor of Science degree in Applied Geology at the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia, graduating with First Class Honors in 1975. His Doctor of Philosophy (in geology) was awarded by The University of Sydney, Australia in 1982 for his research thesis entitled “A geochemical study of the Koongarra uranium deposit, Northern Territory, Australia”. Between studies [More]
Eve: Real Evidence with Dr. Robert Carter Dr Robert W. Carter Speaker/senior scientist, Creation Ministries International (USA) Education 2003 University of Miami, Ph.D. Marine Biology and Fisheries. 1992 Georgia Institute of Technology, BS Applied Biology, Co-Op, with high honor. Professional Experience 2004–2005 Environmental Consultant (TY Lin International/HJ Ross) Water quality monitoring—Miami River dredging project Impact mitigation—Key West Harbor Dredging project 1996–2003 Doctoral Dissertation Work (University Of Miami) Designed and performed experiments in marine ecology and genetic engineering Helped develop new protocol for the rapid cloning of cnidarian fluorescent protein genes Successfully cloned green and red fluorescent proteins from hard and [More]
“The question is not when does life begin, but when does a person begin?” Dr. David Menton explains from anatomical science and biology the truth of Psalm 139:13–16, which says that God weaves us together in the womb. He also reveals the amazing and intricate design of the womb and the processes of fertilization, implantation, embryonic development, and birth itself. Dr. Menton shows that each of these is a series of miracles (irreducible complexities) that cannot be explained by chance and random processes. More detail at www.answersingenesis.org Biography Professional Affiliation: Biomedical research technician at Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota in the [More]
Evolutionists have long argued that birds evolved by chance from reptiles. However, in this lecture, you will see that no two classes of vertebrates differ more dramatically than do reptiles and birds. Unlike the dinosaurs, from which birds are said to have evolved, birds are truly “formed to fly.” With the aid of a scanning electron microscope, Dr. Menton examines the feathers of birds and compares them to reptile scales. Contrary to the claims of evolutionists, feathers are profoundly different from scales in every respect. It is biological nonsense to claim that one evolved from the other by chance. For [More]
According to its critics, intelligent design (ID) is simply creationism repackaged to evade constitutional challenges in the public school science classroom. This criticism, however, ignores both the real history of ID and its actual content. ID is not so much a theory about life’s history — because ID supporters differ widely in their views about the details of Earth history — but a proposal that design is empirically detectable, and thus a fit subject for scientific analysis. In his talk, Dr. Nelson will explain what ID is and what it is not. This video file is a 60 minute seminar [More]
“As you do not know what is the way of the wind, or how the bones grow in the womb of her who is with child, so you do not know the works of God who makes everything” (Ecclesiastes 11:5). Bones may not look very lively, but our life depends on a boney skeleton that is an engineering marvel. Bones are often associated with death, like the dry bones of Ezekiel37:1–14, but our bones are very much alive with cells, blood vessels, nerves, and pain receptors. Indeed, bones are capable of growing, repairing, and even changing their shape to meet [More]
“As you do not know what is the way of the wind, or how the bones grow in the womb of her who is with child, so you do not know the works of God who makes everything” (Ecclesiastes 11:5). Bones may not look very lively, but our life depends on a boney skeleton that is an engineering marvel. Bones are often associated with death, like the dry bones of Ezekiel 37:1–14, but our bones are very much alive with cells, blood vessels, nerves, and pain receptors. Indeed, bones are capable of growing, repairing, and even changing their shape to [More]
How did the catastrophic sedimentary and tectonic processes associated with the global flood form the world we see? Catastrophic plate tectonics was the theory devised by creationists 150 years ago to explain the geology of continents and ocean basins. Lately, creationists have modeled the ocean-floor upheaval that initiated the flood, subducted the pre-flood ocean floor, and propelled the oceans over the continents. Subduction of the pre-flood ocean floor moved continents into their present positions, and enlarged and deepened ocean basins. Major mountain ranges are the product of plate collisions. Left over heat and global cooling following the flood created the [More]
The technical book for those with a scientific background, Radioisotopes & the Age of the Earth Vol 1, mentioned around the 22:00 mark can be found here: usstore.creation.com Or you can download free PDFs of Radioisotopes and the Age of the Earth, Volume I www.icr.org Radioisotopes and the Age of the Earth, Volume II www.icr.org For those not so technical, Thousand Not Billions can be found here: usstore.creation.com Also see this article by Dr. Humphreys on evidence for a young world www.answersingenesis.org Biography Dr Humphreys was awarded his Ph.D. in physics from Louisiana State University in 1972, by which time [More]
The origin of life remains the theory of evolution’s most significant obstacle. More than 150 years after Darwin published his theory, and following exhaustive efforts, evolutionists are no closer to solving the riddle of how life began. Despite countless attempts using every conceivable condition, biochemists have been unable to produce genetic information (DNA) and/or proteins in a simulated natural environment and thereby show how even the simplest cell could have formed without intelligent design. This presentation will examine the origin of life and illustrate that evolution is simply without a foundation. Life began through the actions of a God of [More]
Scripture describes a global flood in no uncertain terms. All major mountains of the world have fossil of sea creatures in very widespread sedimentary strata at high elevations. Five affirmations about geologic processes form the framework for understanding the geologic features of the earth: (1) sedimentation, (2) tectonics, (3) erosion, (4) volcanism, and (5) exponential decline. Catastrophic flood tectonics and sedimentation were followed by great volcanic events and colossal sheet-flood and channelized erosion. These global geologic processes have declined into the slower processes we see in the present world. Scripture forms the framework for interpreting the geology of the world [More]
Also see this article by Dr. Humphreys on evidence for a young world www.answersingenesis.org View part 2 here: www.youtube.com Biography Dr Humphreys was awarded his Ph.D. in physics from Louisiana State University in 1972, by which time he was a fully convinced creationist. For the next 6 years he worked in the High Voltage Laboratory of General Electric Company, designing and inventing equipment and researching high-voltage phenomena. While there, he received a US patent and one of Industrial Research Magazine’s IR-100 awards. Beginning in 1979 he worked for Sandia National Laboratories (New Mexico) in nuclear physics, geophysics, pulsed-power research, and [More]
New alleles are accumulating rapidly in living populations and cellular mechanisms have not been adequately sought to explain the intentional production of these changes. Homologous DNA recombination occurs in all organisms and is at the heart of genetics. Since its discovery during meiosis, these reactions were assumed to occur randomly along the length of chromosomes, and only involved with gene crossovers. It is now well known that meiotic recombination is not the random process it was originally assumed to be, and controlled by highly organized regulatory systems. In addition, a form of homologous recombination has been discovered which is responsible [More]
RMCF (youngearth.org) hosted prolific author Paul Taylor from Creation Today (http at their March 9, 2012 meeting. Mr. Taylor is a high school science teacher, website programmer and ICT trainer, creation speaker and debater. Paul joined the Creation Today staff on April 25, 2011 as Director of Ministry Development. He has been speaking and writing on the subject of creation for more than thirty years, most recently serving as the senior speaker and manager of Answers In Genesis ~ UK/Europe, the United Kingdom branch of the creationist organization based in Kentucky. He brings many assets to the Creation Today team [More]
Dr. Harrub‘s website: www.bradharrub.com For more info on this matter, get Dr. Harrub‘s book, Convicted A Scientist Examines the Evidence for Christianity www.bradharrub.com Brad Harrub holds an earned BS degree in Biology from Kentucky Wesleyan College, and an earned Doctorate degree in Anatomy and Neurobiology from the College of Medicine at the University of Tennessee in Memphis. He was listed in Who’s Who Among Scientists and Researchers. He is the author of Convicted: A Scientist Examines the Evidence for Christianity and the coauthor of the books, The Truth About Human Origins, Dissecting the Truth, Investigating Christian Evidences, Matters of Life [More]
Brad Harrub holds an earned BS degree in biology from Kentucky Wesleyan College, and an earned doctorate degree in anatomy and neurobiology from the College of Medicine at the University of Tennessee in Memphis. He was listed in Who’s Who Among Scientists and Researchers. He is the author of Convicted: A Scientist Examines the Evidence for Christianity and the coauthor of the books, The Truth About Human Origins, Dissecting the Truth, Investigating Christian Evidences, Matters of Life and Death, Diamonds in the Rough: Nuggets of Truth from God’s Word and has written many tracts and articles for brotherhood journals. He [More]
This is a quick, solid, overall summary of the current situation in the creation-evolution controversy, including discussion of soft tissues of dinosaurs and other supposedly millions years old creatures. This is the one video to watch over and over. You’ll learn something new every time you do. Buy it on DVD: creationtruth.com About Dr. Charles Jackson Dr. Charles Jackson has four degrees in science and education (EdD Sci Ed, Univ of VA, 1994; MS Enviro Bio, George Mason Univ; MEd Sci Ed, GMU; BS Bio, GMU). From 1980 to 2002, he taught secondary school sciences 11 years, then college biology [More]
What would the Earth be like without animals? They are indeed a very special part of the creation that provide endless fascination and bring much love into our lives. Unknown animals are discovered each year and the complicated world of these creatures has been made clearer by recent scientific discoveries. This presentation focuses on the amazing gifts of animals that illustrate the ingenuity of their design and creative power of our Father in heaven. This video file is a 43 minute seminar by Chris Ashcraft that was recorded during the Seattle Creation Conference { nwcreation.net }, October 2009. View online [More]