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The book of Romans says that the evidence of God’s creation is ‘clearly seen’ by all and that people are ‘without excuse’ for their disbelief (Romans 1:20). If evidence for creation is that obvious, why then does it seem that public education and media almost always present evidence as pointing to an evolutionary conclusion? The Creation Magazine LIVE! TV program is a ministry of Creation Ministries International. With offices in seven countries and more PhD scientists than any Christian organization this program features cutting edge science that supports the Bible delivered in a non-technical, visually-rich, discussion-based format. Related Articles: The [More]
Grand Canyon is often used as evidence for gradualism and evolution, however, examining the canyon shows that catastrophe, rather than time, carved it. Join us as we explore the Canyon via river raft. The geology of Grand Canyon testifies to the massive catastrophe that caused its formation. The Creation Magazine LIVE! TV program is a ministry of Creation Ministries International. With offices in seven countries and more PhD scientists than any Christian organization this program features cutting edge science that supports the Bible delivered in a non-technical, visually-rich, discussion-based format. Related Articles: Receding Flood Scenario (http://creation.com/gc-origin) Geology Q&A’s (http://creation.com/geology) Does [More]
Are there any facts that are so powerful that anyone who hears them would believe creation? Powerful evidences for biblical creation this week on Creation Magazine LIVE! The Creation Magazine LIVE! TV program is a ministry of Creation Ministries International. With offices in seven countries and more PhD scientists than any Christian organization this program features cutting edge science that supports the bible delivered in a non-technical, visually-rich, discussion-based format. Related Articles: Fossils: Evidence for biblical creation (Creation Magazine LIVE! 3-02) (http://creation.com/cml3-02) Carbon 14 found in dinosaur bones (http://creation.com/c14-dinos) A canyon in Six Days! (http://creation.com/walla_canyon) Genetic Mutation – Magnificent Modifier [More]
Richard Fangrad discusses the creation evolution issue with Paul Arthur on “Insight”
For more information visit: http://creation.com/creation-magazine-live-episode-5 Bible texts are referenced which indicate that creation took place about 6000 years ago. Massive theological problems associated with adding ‘millions of years’ to the Bible are also summarized. Related articles – Jesus on creation (http://creation.com/jesus-on-creation) – Should Genesis be taken literally? (http://creation.com/should-genesis-be-taken-literally) – Did Moses really write Genesis? (http://creation.com/did-moses-really-write-genesis) – Old-earth or young-earth belief—Which belief is the recent aberration? (http://creation.com/old-earth-or-young-earth-belief) – Biblical chronogenealogies (http://creation.com/biblical-chronogenealogies) – In the Days of Peleg (http://creation.com/in-the-days-of-peleg) Feedback – The age of the earth: The Bible is reliable. (http://creation.com/the-age-of-the-earth-the-bible-is-reliable) – Dinosaurs, dating and the age of the earth (http://creation.com/dinosaurs-dating-and-the-age-of-the-earth) Also [More]
All thinking people have to answer the question of origins. This episode explores what atheists have to believe about where they came from. The Creation Magazine LIVE! TV program is a ministry of Creation Ministries International. With offices in seven countries and more PhD scientists than any Christian organization this program features cutting edge science that supports the Bible delivered in a non-technical, visually-rich, discussion-based format. Related Articles: Is Atheism a Religion? (http://creation.com/atheism-a-religion) What all Atheists have to believe (http://creation.com/what-all-atheists-have-to-believe) Why do Atheists hate God? (http://creation.com/atheist-god-hate) A Miracle by Any Other Name would be called Science (http://creation.com/atheist-miracles) Atheism (http://creation.com/atheism)
Special guest, former atheistic evolutionist Dr John Sanford provides remarkable insights into new discoveries in genetics that powerfully support a recent creation of humans and no evolution. The Creation Magazine LIVE! TV program is a ministry of Creation Ministries International. With offices in seven countries and more PhD scientists than any Christian organization this program features cutting edge science that supports the Bible delivered in a non-technical, visually-rich, discussion-based format. Related Articles: Can mutations create new information? (http://creation.com/mutations-new-information) CCR5-delta32: a very beneficial mutation (http://creation.com/ccr5-delta32-a-very-beneficial-mutation) Sickle-cell anemia does not prove evolution! (http://creation.com/sickle-cell-anemia-does-not-prove-evolution) Beetle bloopers – Even a defect can be an [More]
A brief report on the Creation Super Conference held at Muskoka Bible Centre (MBC) in August 2014
Many scientists say that the evidence from genetics incontrovertibly shows humans did not originate from a single pair. This episode looks at specific arguments by bible skeptics and shows how wrong they are. The Creation Magazine LIVE! TV program is a ministry of Creation Ministries International. With offices in seven countries and more PhD scientists than any Christian organization this program features cutting edge science that supports the Bible delivered in a non-technical, visually-rich, discussion-based format. Related Articles: Adam, Eve and Noah vs Modern Genetics (http://creation.com/noah-and-genetics) Could Adam and Eve have given rise to all modern races? (http://creation.com/adam-eve-races-genetics) A shrinking [More]
Has the law of biogenesis (life begets life) been broken? Evolution says yes. However, when established scientific laws that describe the natural world are broken we recognize that as supernatural, or miraculous. So then, does the origin of life require the supernatural? The Creation Magazine LIVE! TV program is a ministry of Creation Ministries International. With offices in seven countries and more PhD scientists than any Christian organization this program features cutting edge science that supports the Bible delivered in a non-technical, visually-rich, discussion-based format. Related Articles: The Primitive atmosphere (http://creation.com/atmosphere) Origin of life: the polymerization problem (http://creation.com/polymer) 15 loopholes [More]
Some Old Earth Creationists (such as Dr Hugh Ross) have taught that old earth teaching was common among the church fathers, and the a young earth interpretation is recent invention. In this episode we set the record straight by looking at what the church fathers actually said about how and when God created. The Creation Magazine LIVE! TV program is a ministry of Creation Ministries International. With offices in seven countries and more PhD scientists than any Christian organization this program features cutting edge science that supports the Bible delivered in a non-technical, visually-rich, discussion-based format. Related Articles: Encyclopedia Britannica [More]
Uniformitarianism (long shown by creationists to be an inadequate mechanism to produce the rock and fossil record) was once the foundational ‘doctrine’ of the geologist. Many geologists now accept ‘Neo-catastrophism’ (many catastrophes over millions of years). Why the change, and does this theory fare any better? The Creation Magazine LIVE! TV program is a ministry of Creation Ministries International. With offices in seven countries and more PhD scientists than any Christian organization this program features cutting edge science that supports the Bible delivered in a non-technical, visually-rich, discussion-based format. Related Articles: Secular Neocatastrophism (http://creation.com/secular-neocatastrophism) The origins of old Earth geography [More]
Can a physicist, who has a detailed knowledge of radiometric dating, really accept a recent creation? Find out in this revealing interview with physicist Dr Jim Mason as we discuss physics, dating methods and the Higgs boson ‘God particle’. The Creation Magazine LIVE! TV program is a ministry of Creation Ministries International. With offices in seven countries and more PhD scientists than any Christian organization this program features cutting edge science that supports the Bible delivered in a non-technical, visually-rich, discussion-based format. Related Articles: Interview with Dr Jim Mason (http://creation.com/jim-mason-nuclear-physicist) Has the ‘God particle’ been found? (http://creation.com/higgs-boson-god-particle) Should creationists accept [More]
Many Christians feel that Genesis is a side issue and that modern Christians should just focus on New Testament teachings. What would we know about origins if we only studied the New Testament? The Creation Magazine LIVE! TV program is a ministry of Creation Ministries International. With offices in seven countries and more PhD scientists than any Christian organization this program features cutting edge science that supports the Bible delivered in a non-technical, visually-rich, discussion-based format. Related Articles: What does the New Testament say about Creation? (http://creation.com/new-testament-creation) Genesis: Bible authors believed it to be history (http://creation.com/genesis-bible-authors-believed-it-to-be-history) The use of Genesis [More]
A consequence of evolutionary thinking is that ancient people were intellectually inferior to moderns. On the other hand, the bible records that people began with high intelligence and had great capabilities. This week we look at evidence for the biblical record. The Creation Magazine LIVE! TV program is a ministry of Creation Ministries International. With offices in seven countries and more PhD scientists than any Christian organization this program features cutting edge science that supports the Bible delivered in a non-technical, visually-rich, discussion-based format. Related Articles: Ancient civilizations and modern man (http://creation.com/ancient-civilizations-and-modern-man) The Antikythera mechanism (http://creation.com/japheth-remember-to-turn-off-the-computer) Neanderthal Children’s Fossils (http://creation.com/neanderthal-childrens-fossils) [More]
Why focus on the origins debate if it is not a salvation issue? How does a believer’s view about Genesis and creation affect their view of salvation? This week we examine the issues and importance of origins. The Creation Magazine LIVE! TV program is a ministry of Creation Ministries International. With offices in seven countries and more PhD scientists than any Christian organization this program features cutting edge science that supports the Bible delivered in a non-technical, visually-rich, discussion-based format. Related Articles: Does Creation really matter? (http://creation.com/does-creation-really-matter) Did God create over billions of years? And why is it important? (http://creation.com/billions) [More]
Similarities in living things is hailed as knock-down evidence for evolution. This week, find out why it actually powerfully supports Biblical creation. The Creation Magazine LIVE! TV program is a ministry of Creation Ministries International. With offices in seven countries and more PhD scientists than any Christian organization this program features cutting edge science that supports the Bible delivered in a non-technical, visually-rich, discussion-based format. Related Articles: Do similarities between creatures prove that they had a common ancestor? (from the Creation Answers Book, Chapter 7) (http://creation.com/cab7) Homology made simple (http://creation.com/homology-made-simple) Are look-alikes related? (http://creation.com/are-look-alikes-related) Apes and Humans: 99% similar? (Creation [More]
This episode provides a fascinating look at human culture, racism, slavery through the eyes of one of the fathers of the modern creation movement. Author, speaker and founder of Creation magazine Dr Carl Wieland is our guest. Related episode: Tracing the nations back to Babel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q32hkel6OEI The Creation Magazine LIVE! TV program is a ministry of Creation Ministries International. With offices in seven countries and more PhD scientists than any Christian organization this program features cutting edge science that supports the Bible delivered in a non-technical, visually-rich, discussion-based format. Related Articles: Origin of the Human Races (http://creation.com/the-origin-of-the-human-races) Adam and Eve [More]
Everything (ultimately) progresses toward disorder. The second law of thermodynamics is often misused by both evolutionists and creationists. Dr Carl Wieland’s clarification of this most fundamental law of science reveals powerful support for Christianity. The Creation Magazine LIVE! TV program is a ministry of Creation Ministries International. With offices in seven countries and more PhD scientists than any Christian organization this program features cutting edge science that supports the Bible delivered in a non-technical, visually-rich, discussion-based format. Related Articles: World Winding Down study guide (http://creation.com/world-winding-down-study-guide) Thermodynamics and order Q&A page (http://creation.com/thermodynamics) Thermodynamics and evolution (http://creation.com/thermodynamics-and-evolution) Evolution, creation and thermodynamics (http://creation.com/evolution-creation-thermodynamics-part-2) [More]
Extra-Biblical historical records testify to the ancient nations beginning as family units from Noah’s descendants. This powerfully supports the Bible’s history, especially the reality of the world’s population ‘restarting’ after the Flood of Noah. The Creation Magazine LIVE! TV program is a ministry of Creation Ministries International. With offices in seven countries and more PhD scientists than any Christian organization this program features cutting edge science that supports the Bible delivered in a non-technical, visually-rich, discussion-based format. Related Articles: Creation Magazine LIVE! Season 2 Episode 4 (http://creation.com/cml2-04) In the days of Peleg (http://creation.com/peleg) Tower of Babel confirms linguistics (http://creation.com/babel-linguistics) The [More]
Skeptics accuse creationists of pushing ‘bad science’ and religious ideas. This episode examines evolution according to the evolutionists own criteria for what science is. The Creation Magazine LIVE! TV program is a ministry of Creation Ministries International. With offices in seven countries and more PhD scientists than any Christian organization this program features cutting edge science that supports the Bible delivered in a non-technical, visually-rich, discussion-based format. Related Articles: Answering the “New Atheists” (http://creation.com/answering-the-new-atheists) Countering Critics Q&A’s (http://creation.com/countering-the-critics-questions-and-answers) Answering Bible Skeptics (http://creation.com/skeptics-bible-errors) Who’s really pushing bad science? http://creation.com/lerner) Here be Centaurs (http://creation.com/centuars) Creationism and Peer Review (http://creation.com/creationism-science-and-peer-review)
It has long been claimed that monkeys typing randomly could eventually type out the complete works of Shakespeare. Plymouth University researchers recently installed a computer in a monkey enclosure to see what would happen. After a month the 6 monkeys in question had produced 5 pages of indecipherable text. This result isn’t surprising, though, because the monkeys mainly used the computer as a toilet and trampoline. This ridiculous ‘research’ reminds me of the mathematician Sir Fred Hoyle’s analogy to illustrate the likelihood a single bio-polymer, necessary for life, arising by chance; without a Creator. He likened it to 100,000 billion, [More]
For details visit: http://creation.com/creation-magazine-live-episode-19 Special guest Pastor Joe Boot, pastor of Westminster Chapel in Toronto discusses how the Christian worldview is logically consistent with all reality. Christianity is not just a superstition, but backed by reason and logic unlike atheism and evolution. Related articles – Loving God with All Your Mind: Logic and Creation (Semi-Technical) (http://creation.com/loving-god-with-all-your-mind-logic-and-creation) – The Koran vs Genesis (http://creation.com/the-koran-qur-an-vs-genesis) – The Haggard tragedy: Christianity must be wrong because of all the hypocrites in the church! (http://creation.com/the-haggard-tragedy) – Why use apologetics for evangelism? (http://creation.com/why-use-apologetics-for-evangelism) – The Indoctrinator (http://creation.com/the-indoctrinator) Also see – Apologetics Q&A page (http://creation.com/christian-apologetics-questions-and-answers)
Mirror of: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3hUhFVmte0Y Please rate and comment freely.
Mirror of: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DAe4V3-E2t4 Please rate and comment freely.
Through eye-popping computer animation, based on recent scientific discoveries, this week’s episode explores amazing biological machines at work in our bodies. The Creation Magazine LIVE! TV program is a ministry of Creation Ministries International. With offices in seven countries and more PhD scientists than any Christian organization this program features cutting edge science that supports the Bible delivered in a non-technical, visually-rich, discussion-based format. Related Articles: ATP synthase: majestic molecular machine made by a mastermind (http://creation.com/atp-synthase) Incredible Kinesin! Biological ‘robots’ will blow your mind! (http://creation.com/incredible-kinesin) Meta-information – An impossible conundrum for evolution (http://creation.com/meta-information) Related Products: Codes and Creation DVD (http://creation.com/store_redirect.php?sku=30-9-559) [More]
Mirror of: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JRg4Qx8WcEM Please rate and comment freely.