For more details visit: The account of Noah and the Ark is one of the most attacked and ridiculed sections of the Bible. This program summarises and refutes some of the arguments against the feasibility of Noah’s Ark as described in Genesis 6:14–16. Related articles – Noah’s Ark Q&A page ( Was the Flood global? (Chapter 10 from the Creation Answers Book) ( Feedback – Noah’s Ark never happened? ( – Helpful in dispelling doubt! ( Also see – Noah’sFlood Q&A page (
For more details visit: Why does Noah’s Ark need to be explained at the end of a message about sexual purity? What on earth does Cain’s wife have to do with a lesson on drug addiction? How does the extinction of the dinosaurs relate to a discussion about family relationships? People need to know that the Bible is accurate before they will base their lives on it. Richard Fangrad and Calvin Smith discuss a prison minister’s experience in evangelizing troubled youth. Main article: From Creation magazine 28(3) Prison power ( Related articles • Creation: Timely tool for today’s evangelist
God’s Word says that the whole globe was covered in water at the time of Noah’s Flood. All land dwelling, air-breathing creatures not on the Ark perished and the world was repopulated by those surviving on the Ark. That means that all of the animals and their worldwide distribution has taken place within a timescale of just over 4,000 years since the Flood. How can this be? Related content – How did animals get from the Ark to isolated places, such as Australia? ( – The grey blanket ( – Cuddly cold-cures counter critics ( – Hitchhiking Lemurs (
Dr Lawrence Krauss calls teaching creationism to children ‘child abuse’. He wants to censor any science that contradicts his beliefs about atheism and evolution over millions of years. However, he doesn’t seem to grasp foundational aspects of the origins debate. Teaching lies to children is wrong. They need to be taught the truth about the world around us and what life is all about. To learn more about the science supporting creation see the following articles. Related Articles: Yes, living things change, but not in a way that supports evolution ( More articles on natural selection ( Yes, speciation happens,
Dr Lawrence Krauss compares teaching creationism to children as child abuse. He also compares teaching creation to teaching that Santa Claus or Hell is real. He suggests that evidence against his beliefs about atheism and evolution should be censored. Meanwhile creationists believe that scientific evidence should be taught to children, even if it contradicts evolution. People should be taught truth. To learn more about the science supporting creation see the following articles. Related Articles: Yes, living things change, but not in a way that supports evolution ( More articles on natural selection ( Yes, speciation happens, but this doesn’t support
For more details visit: Since God describes His completed creation as “very good” (Gen 1:31) how did things like venomous snakes develop? Richard and Calvin discuss the origin of “bad things” after Adam sinned. Main article: From Creation magazine 31(4) Snakes: Designed to kill? Related articles • Did a snake really speak to Eve? • What about the Snake in the Garden of Eden? • How did bad things come about? • The problem of evil: pre-Fall animal death? • Understanding poisons from a creationist perspective For more information on the creation/evolution issue
If Adam and Eve had Cain, Abel and Seth then where did we all come from? Are there people living today who are not descended from Adam and Eve? Related content • Who was Cain’s wife? ( • Cain’s wife and brother-sister intermarriage ( • Creation for Kids—Creation 31(1): Cain’s wife—who was she? (
Were the events in Genesis actually historical? Where can we look for clues on how to interpret Genesis? The Creation Magazine LIVE! TV program is a ministry of Creation Ministries International. With offices in seven countries and more PhD scientists than any Christian organization this program features cutting edge science that supports the Bible delivered in a non-technical, visually-rich, discussion-based format. Related Articles: Genesis Verse-by-Verse Bible Study Tool ( Creation compromises Q+A page ( Related Products: Refuting Compromise ( Genesis and the Gospel Connection DVD ( Should Christians Embrace Evolution? ( Creation magazine (
Calling someone a “flat-earthier” defiantly isn’t a compliment but many people believe that, in the past, the church taught that the earth is flat. Historian Jeffrey Burton Russell put this myth to rest in his definitive book “Inventing the Flat Earth.” He could only find five obscure writers in the first fifteen hundred years of the Christian era, who denied the earth was a globe. What’s more, science historian John Heilbron documented in his book, “The Sun in the Church,” that the church actually supported astronomers by letting them use cathedrals as solar observatories. The Bible itself makes some intriguing
What is the nature of the relationship between faith and science? Can the apparent separation between science and faith ever be eliminated? Many scientists are convinced that evolution happened, does that mean it did? Join the discussion. The Creation Magazine LIVE! TV program is a ministry of Creation Ministries International. With offices in seven countries and more PhD scientists than any Christian organization this program features cutting edge science that supports the Bible delivered in a non-technical, visually-rich, discussion-based format. Related Articles: It’s not science ( Argument: Evolution is true science, not ‘just a theory’ ( Does science need evolution?
Many Christians today have a diminished view of the Bible because they can’t answer questions like, “Is there really a God?”, “What about evolution”? Are there facts to back up the Bible or is it all just faith? Creation Ministries expert speakers visit churches all over the world to help pastors and leaders equip their congregations to understand that the whole Bible, even Genesis, is accurate. We help to ‘demolish arguments’ that the world uses to try to convince people that the Bible isn’t true. For more information on getting a CMI speaker to visit your church, contact the CMI
Some say that that there really isn’t a standard for interpreting the Bible and that all interpretations are simply the creation of man. But if that’s true then how can we know anything in the Bible for certain? Is there a universal way that the Bible should be read, and if so, what is it? Related content The authority of Scripture ( Should we trust the Bible? ( Jesus Christ on the infallibility of Scripture ( Holy books? ( Gospel dates and reliability ( Is the Bible our sole final authority? ( The Bible and hermeneutics ( Should Genesis be
For more details visit: Many are confused thinking that Mormons are Christians, but there are many issues on which Mormon beliefs conflict with Biblical Christianity. Richard and Calvin discuss one of those areas: Mormons believe that the Fall of man when Adam sinned was actually a good thing! Main article: From Creation magazine 29(1) The Fall: a ‘glorious necessity’? ( Related articles: – Cults and Creation ( For more information on the creation/evolution issue visit
Did God curse His creation before man sinned? Could death, suffering and disease have existed at the point God declared His creation “very good”? (Genesis 1:31) Related content Retroactive death ( The End of Christianity — book review ( Articles on other ideas that involve trying to fit the millions into Genesis (
For more details visit: Can the ‘days’ in Genesis be understood as being millions of years long because 2 Peter 3:8 says, ‘one day is like a thousand years’? Richard Fangrad and Calvin Smith discuss some of the details on this topic from the article in Creation magazine. Main article: From Creation magazine 31(4) 2 Peter 3:8 — one day is like a thousand years ( Related articles – ‘Day’ in Genesis 1: easy to understand ( – How long were the days of Genesis 1? ( – Should Genesis be taken literally? ( – Genesis: Myth or History?
Did God use evolution to create? Could Jesus and Paul be wrong about creation? Tune is as we discuss statements by leading theistic evolutionists. The Creation Magazine LIVE! TV program is a ministry of Creation Ministries International. With offices in seven countries and more PhD scientists than any Christian organization this program features cutting edge science that supports the Bible delivered in a non-technical, visually-rich, discussion-based format. Related Articles: A response to Timothy Keller’s ‘Creation, Evolution and Christian Laypeople’ ( BioLogos and the age of the earth: Pushing an anti-biblical doctrine ( It’s not Christianity! Biologos says: Christian parents and
For details visit: Evolution says that, given the right chemicals and conditions, life will arise by chance. So if those conditions existed on other planets than life could have arisen many times. Could there be intelligent life ‘out there’? Christians wonder if God could have created life elsewhere. What is the Biblical answer to UFO sightings, crop circles and alien abductions, etc? Related articles – Alien life/UFO Q&A page ( – Were the Sons of God/Nephilim aliens? ( Feedback – Aliens, evolution and the occult ( – Fast food giant firms up alien beliefs ( – Aliens in your
For details visit: Could there be a gap of millions of years between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2? Richard Fangrad and Calvin Smith discuss some of the major problems with it. Related articles – From the beginning of the creation ( – Can evolution’s long ages be squeezed into Genesis? ( – What does ‘Replenish the Earth’ mean? ( – Gap Theory brochure (PDF) ( Feedback – Theistic evolutionist answers CMI’s questions ( – Why do you take the Bible literally? ( Also see – Theistic Evolution Q&A page (
Many people struggle with understanding what the word ‘day’ in Genesis 1 means. Since the word ‘day’ has a variety of meanings some believe that it could mean that God created over millions of years. Richard Fangrad and Calvin Smith, give many examples of how the word ‘day’ can be used in different ways. In most cases it is easy to understand the variety of meanings based on the context. When this simple principle is applied to understanding the meaning of the word ‘day’ in the context of Genesis 1 the meaning is also clear: it is a literal day!
Rather than accept what the Bible says about who wrote Genesis (Moses), nearly all liberal Bible colleges and seminaries (and sadly some which profess conservative evangelical doctrine) teach the ‘documentary hypothesis’ (also known as the ‘JEDP hypothesis’) instead. So what is this hypothesis and does it actually answer the question of “Who wrote Genesis?”? Related content Did Moses really write Genesis? ( Who Wrote Genesis? Are the Toledoth Colophons? (
Some Christians believe in evolution. Does this mean they are not Christians? Scientists and theologians are interviewed to answer this question. The Creation Magazine LIVE! TV program is a ministry of Creation Ministries International. With offices in seven countries and more PhD scientists than any Christian organization this program features cutting edge science that supports the Bible delivered in a non-technical, visually-rich, discussion-based format. Related Articles: Do you need to believe in a literal Genesis to be a Christian ( Same data different interpretation ( Can Christians believe evolution ( What all atheists have to believe ( Why do Christians
Is atheism simply a lack of belief in God as some say or an active belief that there is no God? Is there a criteria for determining what a religion is or is not? Related content Is Atheism a religion? ( Atheism (Atheism) Related products: Christianity for Skeptics (
God has given us a brain, tools and rules of reasoning like logic and created us in His image as rational beings. He has also given us revelation of who He is, what has happened in the past and what will happen in the future. But if there is a conflict between man’s interpretation of evidence and God’s revelation, what should have more authority? Man’s reasoning or the revelation of the one who gave man his ability to reason? Related content The battle of beginnings ( All in the mind ( Does it matter what people believe? ( Loving God
For more details visit: The Incas of South America stored information in the form of elaborate knotted strings known as khipu, written in a complex binary code more than 500 years before modern computers were invented. Richard Fangrad and Calvin Smith explain that all code systems have only ever come from intelligence, showing how this points to intelligent design and the creator God. Main article: From Creation magazine 27(3) Unravelling the knotty khipu code ( Related articles – Information Theory Q&A page ( – Inheritance of biological information— part I ( – Inheritance of biological information—part II ( –
The public education system only endorses one view of origins. Would it be better if the scientific evidence for creation was also taught? Would it be more ‘fair? The Creation Magazine LIVE! TV program is a ministry of Creation Ministries International. With offices in seven countries and more PhD scientists than any Christian organization this program features cutting edge science that supports the Bible delivered in a non-technical, visually-rich, discussion-based format. Related Articles: Is creationism important in education ( Atheists to teach religious subjects in schools ( Evolution in American education ( Evidence for Creation banned from UK religious education