Radiohalos are the result of nuclear decay. They provide powerful evidence that the earth is young and radiometric dating is highly inaccurate. Related Articles: How dating methods work (…) Radioactive dating methods – Ways they make conflicting results tell the same story (…) Radiohalos: Startling evidence of catastrophic geologic processes on a young earth (…) New radiohalo find challenges primordial granite claim (…)
What’s the connection between the Bible’s history and spiny plant fossils buried deep in the fossil record? Well, from a biblical perspective, thorns arose after the first humans sinned, at the time called “the Fall”. Therefore, these plants with thorns must have lived—and been fossilised—after the Fall. However, according to conventional geology, these fossils are in so-called Devonian rocks, which are allegedly over 360 million years old. Does this mean that the Bible’s history regarding thorns is wrong? No, the problem is that conventional geology ignores how the global flood of Noah profoundly affected earth’s sedimentary rock record. Such a
One of the remarkable things about the geologic record is that blankets of sediments cover vast areas of the continents. In his book, The Nature of the Stratigraphical Record, evolutionary geologist Professor Derek Ager marvelled at the way sedimentary layers extended for thousands of kilometres, even across continents. He was particularly impressed with the chalk beds that form the famous White Cliffs of Dover in Southern England, as these trace all the way to Turkey and Egypt. The strata exposed in the walls of the Grand Canyon provide another example. Some of these sedimentary formations extend thousands of kilometres across
How would our view of dinosaurs change if scientists found carbon 14 in their bones? Well, a group of geophysicists claimed to have discovered exactly that—carbon 14 in dinosaur bones! This is indeed a shocking proposal for those who believe that the last dinosaurs died out 65 million years ago, because carbon 14 decays so fast that it could not possibly survive that long. There should not be one atom of carbon 14 present in dinosaur bones, if they really are as old as is usually claimed. After going to great lengths to rule out contamination, the researchers concluded that
On July 15, 1942, six P–38 Lightning fighters and two B–17 bombers left a secret US Army air base headed for a British airfield to fight Hitler. They never made it. Find out how this story relates to the Ice Age and the authenticity of scripture.
Can certain geologic features like tillites, chalk beds and paleosols be explained by a global flood? Skeptics say no. Find out how the Biblical flood makes more sense of the very features used to try and disprove it! Related Articles: Can Flood geology explain thick chalk beds? (…) Paleosols: digging deeper buries ‘challenge’ to Flood geology (…) Flood models and biblical realism (…)
Many people were taught that fossils are evidence of things happening slowly over millions of years. But they’re not. On this week’s episode, find out why standard evolutionary explanations for fossil formation don’t work. Related Articles: Fast fossils ( Fast octopus fossils reveal no evolution ( Hundreds of jellyfish fossils! (…) Three become one (…) Fossilized insects show signs of stasis and rapid burial! (…) Frozen feeding ( Related Products: Untold Secrets of Planet Earth: Fossils (( The Fossil Record: Unearthing Nature’s History of Life ( Exploring Geology with Mr Hibb (…) Geology by Design ( Rock Solid Answers ((
Most have seen the supposed ‘ape-to-man’ progression on a T-shirt, poster or elsewhere pushing the idea that humans evolved from ‘ape-men’ in the past. What are these supposed ‘proto-human’ fossils that scientist have found and how would Bible-believing creationists explain them? Related Articles: Fossil evidence for alleged apemen—Part 1: the genus Homo (…) Explaining robust humans (…) Making sense of ‘apeman’ claims ( Related Products: Apemen: Missing links and the Bible ( One Human Family: The Bible, science, race and culture ( Charles Darwin’s Religious Views ( Creation magazine (free sample copy) (
Uniformitarianism is the concept that only processes observed today (slow sedimentation, slow erosion) should be used to explain the history of the rocks. It has been the primary way geological data has been interpreted for the last 200 years. Learn its anti-biblical origin and see how it has lead geology astray since its inception into mainstream science. Related Articles: How old is the earth? ( Age of the earth ( The force of probability arguments (…) Philosophical naturalism and the age of the earth: are they related? (…) Related Products: The Young Earth ( The Great Turning Point ( Thousands
A popular myth is that radioactive dating methods confirm the geologic time-scale and the concept of human evolution. The methods appear so impressive that many Christians accept them as evidence that the earth is very old. Many have been taught that radiometric dating methods are absolute. But exactly how solid are those dates? Related Articles: Radioactive dating methods (…) Radiometric Dating Questions and Answers (…) The way it really is: little-known facts about radiometric dating (…) Radioisotope dating of rocks in the Grand Canyon (…) Radiometric dating and the age of the Earth (…) The pigs took it all (
The Bible describes a global flood about 1600 years after creation. The most devastating catastrophe ever recorded would surely leave evidence, wouldn’t it? So what are consequences of Noah’s Flood? Related Articles: Startling evidence for Noah’s Flood (…) Coal, volcanism and Noah’s Flood (…) Geology documents dinosaurs fleeing Noah’s Flood (…) The Genesis Flood and Noah’s Ark ( How landscapes reveal Noah’s Flood (…) Related Products: Noah’s Flood: Evidence In Australia DVD ( Noah’s Ark: A Feasibility Study ((
The Bible describes a global flood about 1600 years after creation. The most devastating catastrophe ever recorded would surely leave evidence, wouldn’t it? So what are consequences of Noah’s Flood? Related Articles: Startling evidence for Noah’s Flood (…) Coal, volcanism and Noah’s Flood (…) Geology documents dinosaurs fleeing Noah’s Flood (…) The Genesis Flood and Noah’s Ark ( How landscapes reveal Noah’s Flood (…) Related Products: Noah’s Flood: Evidence In Australia DVD ( Noah’s Ark: A Feasibility Study ((
How can a lack of erosion undermine evolutionary ideas of long ages of earth history? Well, when geologists study the boundary between two rock layers, they sometimes conclude that there was a significant time gap between when the lower and upper rock layers were laid down. However, many boundaries don’t show any evidence of elapsed time. The Grand Canyon provides startling examples. One is where the Coconino Sandstone overlies the Hermit Shale. The surface between these rock layers is remarkably flat and smooth—a ‘flat gap’. Yet according to conventional geology, there is a 6 million year gap between these rock
Did you know that the earth’s magnetic field has reversed direction—or ‘flipped’—multiple times in the past? The evidence for these reversals is rock solid, because when molten rock cools, certain mineral grains align with the earth’s magnetic field, thus recording the direction of Earth’s magnetic field at the time, in the solidified rock. Previously, most geologists thought that a single reversal would take many thousands of years. However, creationist physicist, Dr Russell Humphreys, reasoned they must have happened quickly to fit within the biblical timescale. So Dr Humphreys made a prediction that quickly-cooling thin lava flows would be found that
Dinosaur tracks have been found all over the world, but curiously, these track ways are almost always straight. Usually, when animals are relaxed, they meander around in all directions. But if they’re frightened, they tend to move fast in one direction. So why do dinosaur tracks suggest they were panicking when they made the footprints? The global flood recorded in the Bible provides a compelling answer. As the waters rose during Noah’s Flood, various mechanisms—such as tidal movements of the water—caused flood-laid sediments to be briefly exposed. This allowed dinosaurs that had previously been caught up in the currents, to
Whoops! What happens when scientists find fossils in the ‘wrong’ evolutionary sequence? This week, learn how the neat, ordered sequence of fossils required by evolution theory has serious problems, but fits wonderfully with the Bible. The facts reveal that the evolutionary timeline is wrong. The Creation Magazine LIVE! TV program is a ministry of Creation Ministries International. With offices in seven countries and more PhD scientists than any Christian organization this program shows how the latest scientific discoveries support the Bible and refute evolution and million of years. Related Articles: Fossils Q&A page (
Biological evolution is a far less controversial topic among Christians than the age of the earth. But one event recorded in the Bible is the key to understanding the majority of the issues people have with the idea of millions of years. The Creation Magazine LIVE! TV program is a ministry of Creation Ministries International. With offices in seven countries and more PhD scientists than any Christian organization this program shows how the latest scientific discoveries support the Bible and refute evolution and million of years. Related Articles: Are fossils ever found in the wrong place? ( Video – Continental
‘Living Fossils’ are characterized as creatures found in the fossil record (supposedly millions of years old) that are seemingly identical to creatures living today. This is a thorny issue for evolutionists since Darwin proposed his evolutionary hypothesis. The evidence of ‘massive change over time’ is dwindling rapidly. Meanwhile the evidence supporting creation is growing rapidly! The Creation Magazine LIVE! TV program is a ministry of Creation Ministries International. With offices in seven countries and more PhD scientists than any Christian organization this program shows how the latest scientific discoveries support the Bible and refute evolution and million of years. Related
For many people the age of the earth is a settled issue. Even many creationists believe the earth is millions of years old. But the original, main geological arguments used to solidify the concept of ‘deep time’ in the 1800’s have been abandoned today. It is time to re-examine the ‘millions of years’. The Creation Magazine LIVE! TV program is a ministry of Creation Ministries International. With offices in seven countries and more PhD scientists than any Christian organization this program shows how the latest scientific discoveries support the Bible and refute evolution and million of years. Related Articles: Geology
How can soft tissue be fossilized if the rock that contains the fossils was laid down over a long period? Five exquisitely preserved octopus fossils defy the idea that sedimentary rocks form slowly. Richard Fangrad and Calvin Smith discuss this amazing article from Creation magazine. Main article: From Creation magazine 31(4) Fast octopus fossils reveal no evolution Related articles – Fast octopus fossils reveal no evolution ( – Hundreds of jellyfish fossils! ( – Living fossils: a powerful argument for creation ( – Still soft and stretchy: Dinosaur soft tissue find—a stunning rebuttal of ‘millions of years’ ( – Dinosaur
How old are fossils? When was the fossil record produced? Could fossils have existed when God called His creation “very good”? The answer to these questions have profound effects on the Gospel. Tune for the answers in this mind expanding episode. The Creation Magazine LIVE! TV program is a ministry of Creation Ministries International. With offices in seven countries and more PhD scientists than any Christian organization this program features cutting edge science that supports the Bible delivered in a non-technical, visually-rich, discussion-based format. Related Articles: ‘Sue’ the T. rex: another ‘missionary lizard’ ( Charles Lyell’s hidden agenda—to free science
Over three chapters, the book of Genesis vividly describes a worldwide flood that began with the all the fountains of the great deep bursting forth, and the floodgates of heaven being opened. The reality of Noah’s Flood is the crux of the conflict between evolutionary and biblical world-views. If this global deluge really happened, then the millions of years of earth history and evolutionary progression supposedly seen in the fossil record are swept away. The Flood accounts for the major geological features and the vast majority of the fossil record. Indeed, the fossils themselves are a mute testimony to the
For more details visit: Was dinosaur extinction a result of a massive impact by an asteroid? Support for this comes from what has been interpreted as a massive impact crater (called Chicxulub) in Mexico’s Yucatán Peninsula plus an iridium rich layer in the geologic record between the Cretaceous and Tertiary rock layers. It may be better to understand these and other geologic features to be the result of “big belches” of basalt—flood basalts. That interpretation fits nicely with the Bible’s account of Noah’s Flood and the associated massive catastrophism. Main article: From Creation magazine 28(2) Immense impacts or big
For more details visit: Evolutionists believe that whales evolved from land creatures. Some fossil discoveries have made the alleged whale evolution a centrepiece of evolutionary propaganda. Evolutionists trumpet these and other supposed ‘missing links’ as proving goo-to-you evolution right, and the Bible wrong by implication. Richard Fangrad and Calvin Smith discuss the facts. Main article: From Creation magazine 27(2) Not at all like a whale ( Related articles • Fossils Q&A page ( – Refuting Evolution chapter 3: The links are missing – That quote: about the missing transitional fossils ( – Those fossils are a problem (
For more details visit: Great minds of the past had no difficulty with the concept of a young earth shaped and reshaped by catastrophic forces, especially the upheavals associated with Noah’s Flood. Today, we have been so thoroughly saturated with the ‘slow and gradual’ philosophy that when we look at vast cliffs, landscapes and boulders we tend to immediately associate them with very long ages. Richard and Calvin discuss Surtsey, a young island that looks incredibly ‘old’ and how it relates to the creation/evolution controversy. Main article: From Creation magazine 30(1) Surtsey still surprises Related articles • Rapid
How could scratches in rock disprove the biblical flood? Well, scratches in rock, call striations, are sometimes caused by a glacier moving over bedrock, therefore, when scientists encounter striated rock, they often claim that a glacier caused it. Striation occurs in the sedimentary rock that was laid down in Noah’s Flood, evolutionary geologists claim this is evidences of multiple ancient ice ages, so they claim that Noah’s year-long flood could not have laid down these rocks. However, we now know that underwater landslides cause striations, similar to the ones caused by glaciers today. Furthermore, there are important differences between glacial
For more details visit: Geologist Dr Steve Austin is responsible for making great advancements in creationist geology. This episode features an interview with Dr Austin from Creation magazine. His research into geological catastrophism (over uniformitarianism) on coal, around Mount St Helens, in Grand Canyon, in Yellowstone and other places has helped many people to better understand what the global flood of Noah could have accomplished geologically. His research on Catastrophic Plate Tectonics (CPT) and radioisotope dating and also included. Main article: From Creation magazine 32(2) Geologic catastrophe and the young earth Related articles • Startling evidence for Noah’s