Some atheists like Richard Dawkins might accept a designer—as long as it is aliens not the biblical God.
When danger looms, the Pleuruptya caterpillar can transform itself into a wheel, and roll away
If your leg bones were made of metal—even the finest space-age alloys— ordinary walking would eventually cause them to fatigue and break. Why doesn’t this happen with bones?
Third in a 3 part series. Creationist Jobe Martin argues that some organisms possess characteristics that are better explained by creation by design rather than by evolution. These organisms include the Bombardier Beetle, the Giraffe, the Woodpecker, the Australian Incubator Bird, The Chicken Egg, the Beaver, the Platypus, the Black & Yellow Garden Spider, the Gecko & Chuckwalla Lizard, and the Human Eye & Ear Drum.
Second of a 3 part series. Creationist Jobe Martin argues that some organisms possess characteristics that are better explained by creation by design rather than by evolution. These organisms include the Bombardier Beetle, the Giraffe, the Woodpecker, the Australian Incubator Bird, The Chicken Egg, the Beaver, the Platypus, the Black & Yellow Garden Spider, the Gecko & Chuckwalla Lizard, and the Human Eye & Ear Drum.
First of a 3 part series. Creationist Jobe Martin argues that some organisms possess characteristics that are better explained by creation by design rather than by evolution. These organisms include the Bombardier Beetle, the Giraffe, the Woodpecker, the Australian Incubator Bird, The Chicken Egg, the Beaver, the Platypus, the Black & Yellow Garden Spider, the Gecko & Chuckwalla Lizard, and the Human Eye & Ear Drum.
? Enter an inspired world of design where nature is the teacher. A place where human designers sit in the Earth’s classroom to learn the mystery of creation. It’s a world of majesty and beauty. From the macro of planets to the micro of the tiniest cell, it’s an all inspired design that is perfectly efficient, wastes nothing, and holds the key to unlock a new frontier of discovery. Directed by Steve Greisen Featuring Andy Lee, Rossi Morreale, Paul Filidis
“This is the first of a great 5 part series on Flood geology featuring geologist Steve Austin. There are links to the other parts on the videos page.” Admin In 1980 Mount St. Helens erupted and quickly became known as “God’s gift to Creationists.” Thirty years later geologist Dr. Steve Austin returns to the volcanic monument to share about the catastrophic processes which reshaped the terrain and how they support the Biblical record of earth’s history. He presents his research on how the events at Mount St. Helens reveal catastrophic processes in other geologic features such as the Grand Canyon
Here are a series of 8 lectures given by Dr. Don Patton at Broadmoor church in 2018 on the topics listed below. Dead Sea Scrolls Archeology And The New Testament Old Testament Archeology Creation Science Age Of The Earth Record Of The Rocks The Fossil Record Noah’s Ark
“You can watch many more videos on Young Earth Creationism from this same Youtube channel here: Excellent video delineating how a global flood is the best explanation for the many geologic features and fossil deposits we see around the world.
01/24/21 “For more information and creation evidence check out their site at There is an introduction of the speaker initially then the lecture starts about the 15 minute mark.” Admin Apologetics Forum of Snohomish County 1.28K subscribers Evolutionism, in supplanting theism, is having a significant impact on our postmodern culture in ethics. We present the results of this and show how the church can combat this today. The ideas associated with Evolution have consequences and are having an impact on the ethics of our society. The Evolution vs. Creation controversy is not a battle between Science and
Life consists of material (matter & energy) as well as non-material parts (information). We look at the nature of information, machines and programs in writing systems, computer systems, and living systems. Each system requires an intelligent mind and a design, and therefore an intelligent designer. The information and the programs in the human cell are orders of magnitude greater than that of a computer system. Living organisms require information, programs, storage, complexity, and design. We were created by an Intelligent Being (God) and did not get here by random chance natural processes. Dr. Heinz Lycklama earned a Bachelor’s degree in
Feb 28, 2020 The new field of ancient DNA is changing everything we once thought about human history. No longer are we sitting in the dark, imagining all sorts of things about where people came from. Instead, we can now peek into their graves and know who was related to whom and where they lived in the past. Our understanding of the settling of Europe, Africa, and Asia have been turned upside down, but Neanderthals and the enigmatic Denisovans have also been brought into the family fold. Ancient DNA challenges the timescale of evolution (since DNA cannot last many thousands
Jan 24, 2020 Probably the least understood of subjects in earth history is the Ice Age and how it fits into a Biblical worldview. We’ll examine the evidence for an ice age caused by the Genesis Flood, how it could fit into the period between Noah and Abraham, and reinforce confidence in what the Bible says historically. Patrick Nurre, speaker and author, was in the second grade when he made his first big find – a large dinosaur bone in the alley behind his house! That was the beginning of a love for geology. Raised in beautiful Montana, he spent
Oct 25, 2019 This PowerPoint presentation examines different groupings of favorite atheistic ideas for supporting biological macroevolution as a scientific fact. The first look is at the best evidences that evolutionists supported at the beginning of the speaker’s ministry in 2005; then a description of what the speaker now believes are most often promoted by evolutionists to the general public as the best evidences for evolution. The third examination is of what a recent nationwide survey determined that the youth of today believe are the “most convincing” evidences for evolution. Finally, the very most convincing evidence, according to the youth,
May 30, 2020 Dr. Fernandes discusses the fastest growing non-Christian worldview in America today—Cultural Marxism. He discusses several aspects of cultural Marxism such as it origin, critical race theory, political correctness, and the new tolerance. Dr. Fernandes also shares the biblical response to this worldview. Dr. Phil Fernandes is the senior pastor of Trinity Bible Fellowship and the president of the Institute of Biblical Defense. Fernandes founded the Institute of Biblical Defense in 1990 to help train Christians in their defense of the faith. He also teaches Bible, philosophy, and world religions at Crosspoint Academy and the Gateway School of
Jun 22, 2020 We discuss the most well-documented examples including the discovery of the first life form Bathybius that turned out to be a chemical precipitate, Piltdown man, Java Man, Ancon Sheep Blunder, the Peacock Blunder, the Forehead method of detecting Inferior Races, Hesperopithecus (the human fossil that turned out to be a pig’s tooth), and others. Dr Jerry Bergman is an author, teacher and a speaker. He has taught biology, biochemistry, anatomy and genetics, psychology and other courses for over 40 years at the University of Toledo Medical College, Bowling Green State University, and other colleges. His 9 degrees
Jul 24, 2020 “Better Living Through Chemistry!” We will discover that the information for prescribing life activities and the life force itself is not part of the atoms, molecules and chemical principles even though life rides on or runs on the chemistry of the cells. Evolution assumes that life is a product of the physical atoms and molecule, yet the un-directed process of chemical evolution violates known and verified chemical laws, principles and processes. We will show that the “goo-to-you-by-the-zoo” model is unscientific, especially in proverbial “primordial pond” or oceans. Without a sound foundation of the origin of life, the
Rocky Mountain Creation Fellowship Feb. 3, 2019 “Very informative and entertaining.” Admin 3 lessons are covered: Every creature has a story to tell – He discusses some of the remarkable features possessed by several creatures that enable them to survive. Every creature has automatic education (instinct) – He discusses how creatures know how to do things like build nests and many more by instinct. If evolution is true why is everything so perfectly sized and shaped.
Rocky Mountain Creation Fellowship Jan. 19, 2020 “You may have to turn up the volume to better hear what he is saying.” Admin This image-rich program will share some of the major discoveries at the Saturn system, including the planet itself, its rings, moons, magnetic field, and the giant moon Titan. The Cassini mission tour (2004-2017) was the most ambitious and well-equipped outer-planet mission to date, sending to Earth a wealth of data and images, some of which is of interest to Biblical creationists concerning the age of the solar system. The speaker will also briefly discuss his persecution over
Rocky Mountain Creation Fellowship Mar. 21, 2020 Mr. Kraft speaks on Genesis and science – watch God live as the creating and redeeming God as you never have before!
Rocky Mountain Creation Fellowship May 16, 2020 An engaging and well illustrated presentation on the compelling scientific evidence for a young earth.
Rocky Mountain Creation Fellowship Sept. 11, 2020 “His presentation, which relates to the age of the earth relative to the decay of the earths magnetic field, starts around the 12:10 mark of the video.” Admin In 1983 Dr. Russ Humphreys of Sandia Labs made predictions about the magnetic fields of Mercury, Mars, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, well before those magnetic fields were measured by spacecraft. Among the most important moments in modern creation science research was witnessing one-by-one his predictions borne out by NASA spacecraft.
Dr Rick Oliver teaches on “What Your Not Being Told About Astronomy” at Calvary Chapel Fargo on Sunday, June 14, 2015
Dr. Jobe Martin’s seminar on creatures that defy evolution. Excellent information.
June 2019 Rocky Mountain Creation Fellowship Contrary to popular belief, ancient man was not a dumb cave man. According to the Bible, “ancient” was really only a few thousand years ago, when man was created by God to live with Him in the garden … Adam was intelligent from the start. Brian will be explaining this; and he will be showing how current evidence – ancient ruins all over the world – reflects intelligence, how it connects to ancient Babel, and that it all confirms the history and timescale of the Bible.
Rocky Mountain Creation Fellowship ( ) was pleased to have Dr. Carl Baugh, Founder and Director of Creation Evidence Museum ( ), in Glen Rose Texas speak on the subject “Hard Questions for Evolutionists” at their May 13, 2011 meeting. More than thirty years of Dr. Baugh‘s life have been spent researching the atmospheric conditions before the Genesis Flood, and he is Research Director for the world’s first Hyperbaric Biosphere. He serves as Discoverer and Excavation Director of fourteen dinosaurs, including Acrocanthosaurus in Texas and Diplodocus in Colorado. Dr. Baugh is also co-discoverer and co-excavator of a unique