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Join Origins host, Ray Heiple as he welcomes, Jay Seegert for, “Creation to Christ part 2.” The Old Testament, far from being a collection of disconnected, difficult to understand stories, is actually real history and is foundational to the Christian faith. On the second program of this series we’re going to continue looking at the “big picture” of Old Testament history and creating a timeline… setting the stage for the New Testament and the Gospel message. This information is essential for every Christian.
Join Origins host, Ray Heiple as he welcomes, Jay Seegert for, “Creation to Christ part 1.” The Old Testament, far from being a collection of disconnected, difficult to understand stories, is actually real history and is foundational to the Christian faith. On the first program of this series we’re going to look at the “big picture” of Old Testament history and creating a timeline… setting the stage for the New Testament and the Gospel message. This information is essential for every Christian.
Dr. Patton is the staff Geologist for the Qumran Plateau excavation in Israel, the site that produced the Dead Sea Scrolls some 2,000 years ago. These scrolls, perhaps the most significant archeological discovery of all time, have changed the way we view the Bible. Many have been led to believe that the original text of the Bible has deteriorated over years of copying and recopying. The Dead Sea Scrolls provide a test of that hypothesis, allowing us to compare modern versions with recently discovered manuscripts written over 2,000 years ago. Dr. Patton will take you to the same scene of [More]
Dr. Dan Olinger, Chairperson, Division of Bible, School of Religion at Bob Jones University, teaches a Sunday School class at Heritage Bible Church. In these lessons he is answering supposed contradictions that atheists, skeptics, and scoffers frequently claim are found in the Bible. Dr. Olinger answers the list of contradictions found on a leading atheist website. He exposes the misconceptions of atheists regarding what Christians believe about reading and interpreting the Bible.
Dr. Dan Olinger, Chairperson, Division of Bible, School of Religion at Bob Jones University, teaches a Sunday School class at Heritage Bible Church. In these lessons he is answering supposed contradictions that atheists, skeptics, and scoffers frequently claim are found in the Bible. Dr. Olinger answers the list of contradictions found on a leading atheist website. He exposes the misconceptions of atheists regarding what Christians believe about reading and interpreting the Bible.
Dr. Harrub‘s website: www.bradharrub.com For more info on this matter, get Dr. Harrub‘s book, Convicted A Scientist Examines the Evidence for Christianity www.bradharrub.com Brad Harrub holds an earned BS degree in Biology from Kentucky Wesleyan College, and an earned Doctorate degree in Anatomy and Neurobiology from the College of Medicine at the University of Tennessee in Memphis. He was listed in Who’s Who Among Scientists and Researchers. He is the author of Convicted: A Scientist Examines the Evidence for Christianity and the coauthor of the books, The Truth About Human Origins, Dissecting the Truth, Investigating Christian Evidences, Matters of Life [More]
If Adam and Eve had Cain, Abel and Seth then where did we all come from? Are there people living today who are not descended from Adam and Eve? Related content • Who was Cain’s wife? (creation.com • Cain’s wife and brother-sister intermarriage (creation.com • Creation for Kids—Creation 31(1): Cain’s wife—who was she? (downloads.creation.com
Many historical accounts of sightings and interactions with dinosaurs as well as ancient drawings & sculptures, cave drawings and other art. Very cool.
Genesis (1. The Basic Book) – David Pawson – Unlocking the Old Testament Popular Bible teacher David Pawson takes a wide-angle look at each book of God’s word. For more on the topic of evolution please see the Phillip E. Johnson playlist: www.youtube.com and Dr. David Berlinski’s thoughts on the topic: www.youtube.com Also check out the website: creation.com davidpawsondownloads.com
Traditionally ancient historians have used records of the reign’s of Egyptian kings as the basis of their chronology. This has lead many to believe that the Old Testament gives an unreliable record of history. However recent evidence suggests that a number of Egyptian kings reigned simultaneously rather than consecutively. Mark Woolmer explains this is taken into account striking similarities are found between the Egyptian and Hebrew records and new light is shed on archaeological discoveries. This is a fascinating exploration of the current debate in ancient history. Egyptian Clay Tablets Found – 5000 Years Old – www.youtube.com Edinburgh Creation Group [More]
Lee Strobel introduces the case for the reliability of the Bible as a historical document
Josh introduces the debate of scholars towards the authorship of the Pentateuch. Jesus Himself quotes Moses 16 times and attributed to him the Pentateuch, but what about the dates and the development of the writing system?
The civilization of Ebla existed 1000 years before Moses and existed for 800 years as a great civilization. The finds from this excavation site revealed two distinct languages used during the reign of Ebla.
Josh discusses the historical reliability of the Old Testament.
Part 2 of how we got the Old testament part of the Bible. Includes scientific verification of scripture, so called contradictions, historical evidence and what inspiration is. Using powerpoint resources from Rose Publishing, and Josh McDowell. The speaker is Duncan Forbes from New Life Church, Roehampton, London. www.newlifelondon.com www.duncanf.blogspot.com www.duncanf.blogspot.com
A teaching on how we got the Old testament part of the Bible, including archeological evidence of the historicity of the Bible, and date of authorship. Using powerpoint resources from Rose Publishing, and Josh McDowell. The teacher is Duncan Forbes, Pastor at New Life Church, Roehampton, South West London www.newlifelondon.com www.duncanf.blogspot.com