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Lee Strobel introduces the case for the reliability of the Bible as a historical document
Email: Rechristianitizing@sonicandpals.com The very fast and more or less a summary of the mass of evidence of the historical validity of the bible. Again, Josh McDowell’s Evidence that Demands a Verdict is a good book, it’s all bullet points and “5a, 5b, 6a, 6b” etc type of stuff. Another good book is A Case for Christ, which was written by an non-Christian lawyer to see if the new testament could be found ‘not false’ in a hypothetical court of law. He researched and found no falsities in the text pertaining to culture, events, etc etc, and later became a Christian [More]
Is what we have today in the Bible what was written origianlly?
Part one, looking at the reliabilty of the New Testament and Gospel accounts. If you want to pursue this subject further (after all 10 mins. on YouTube is somewhat limited) please check out: www.bethinking.org Audio Downloads: The Bible’s Canon: Authoritative or Arbitrary? byNick Perrin www.bethinking.org The Jesus Seminar by Dr. Darell Bock www.bethinking.org Articles to read: www.bethinking.org How could fallible men produce an infallible Bible? What does it mean, the Bible is inspired? Hasn’t the New Testament been changed? How can anyone believe the New Testament account of the life of Jesus…? (all by Josh MacDowell) Isn’t the Bible full [More]
www.BROCKLAWLEY.com http www.stickam.com twitter.com www.myspace.com www.facebook.com www.ustream.tv All scripture is God breathed. 2 Tim 3:16 The Bible is a historical document and according to C. sanders there are three tests, by which all ancient literature is judged. The first is called the internal test. Do the writers of the Bible claim what they are writing is true? The External test referees to what non-biblical sources say about the Bible. The third test is the bibliographical test which deals with how well the original manuscripts were preserved and then translated into what we have today. Blomberg, Craig L. The Historical Reliability [More]
The Bible is reliable indeed! Jesus said: Mt 24:35 Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away. Have you any doubts about the Bible we have today? If not, you know those who do and may even besmirch and deride your beliefs in God and the Bible! Follow as we create an exciting series that YOU may able to give an answer for the hope that is in you! 1Pe3:15. Check these sources: www.biblestudy.org Also see: New Evidence That Demands a Verdict by Josh McDowell A Zeal For God: Not According to Knowledge by Eric [More]
Some of the archeological evidence tellings us that we can believe what is written in the New Testament.