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Today’s interview is with Marcia Montenegro, founder of Christian Answers for the New Age (CANA). She talks about the difference between the New Age and the occult, how people tend to get into these areas, her journey into the occult and work as a professional astrologer, the nature of spiritual experiences and what’s going on, spirit guides, astrology, her conversion to Christianity, and her advice to those interacting with those caught up in the New Age or occult. For more apologist interviews, visit Apologetics315.com
Her family was deep in a mysterious cult, until her brother took a stand and started Linda on the path to freedom… The Christian Broadcasting Network CBN www.cbn.com
Interview with Earthquake Kelley: Learn how Kelley got into witchcraft, voodoo and the Ocult at an early age, and found out the truth behind these powers. He also tells of his trip to Hell.
In this broadcast of Giving An Answer, HC Felder interviews Marc-Arthur Pierre-Louis who talks about the origins and beliefs of Voodoo and how they differ from Christianity
In this broadcast of Giving An Answer, HC Felder interviews John Ferrer who defines the occult and gives its historical roots. John also describes some of the occult beliefs and practices in the Church and explains why they are dangerous and what believers can do about it.
In this episode of Giving An Answer, HC interviews Steve Garofalo on the core beliefs of Wicca. They will also examine the relationship between Wicca and Paganism, the relationship between Wicca and Witchcraft, as well as the differences between Wicca and Christianity.
In this broadcast of Giving An Answer, HC Felder interviews Dwight Knight as he explains the origin and beliefs of Rastafarianism and how these beliefs are irreconcilable with Christianity.
We live in a nation that is totally fascinated with all things paranormal. Astrologers , psychics, and mediums are as common as clergy. But what does God have to say about these practitioners? Listen to HC Felder in this broadcast of Giving An Answer in this message titled “A Christian Perspective of Ghosts, Psychics, and Mediums”.