A lecture Dr. William Lane Craig gave at Saddleback in 2009. Here he talks about the Kalam Cosmological Argument made by Al Ghazali. Here’s a link to a lecture by William Lane Craig on really bad objections (some of them laughable) youtube atheists made against the Kalam Cosmological Argument: www.youtube.com You can see this lecture in parts here: www.youtube.com Here is a playlist of videos of William Lane Craig addressing a comprehensive list of refutations and objections and questions made by various people about the Kalam Cosmological Argument: www.youtube.com
I don’t think that arguing against objective morality, or arguing FOR it but towards a naturalistic source, are the only options. Take a look at what happens when we (even hypothetically) concede that it has a theistic basis! It certainly doesn’t do Christianity any favors. Twitter: twitter.com SCRIPT IS AT www.nonstampcollector.com OTHERS at www.nonstampcollector.com Why couldn’t an objective morality simply make sense? Why does looking at morality through the lens of Christianity make such LITTLE sense? Well, it’s obvious why – Christianity and its god is nonsense. There could be no clearer sign that Christianity is a man-made bunch of
PBS’ “Closer to Truth” conducted the best interview Dr. William Lane Craig ever had. Host and scientist Robert Lawrence Kuhn asks all the right questions about philosophy, religion, and science with him. You will get a nutshell of Dr. Craig’s thoughts in this interview (although his views on the resurrection of Jesus is absent from this interview). Hopefully, it will lead you to pursue more research on the topics. Dr. Craig is quite simply a philosopher’s philosopher. Watch this interview in parts: www.youtube.com William Lane Craig’s website: reasonablefaith.org Link www.closertotruth.com Index of videos on William Lane Craig drcraigvideos.blogspot.com William Lane
A short interview with Dr. William Lane Craig, a leading Christian philosopher, about how college students should respond when they wrestle with doubts about the faith. William Lane Craig expert: William Lane Craig interviewer: Glen Davis
Robert Lawrence Kuhn (host of PBS’ “Closer to Truth”) asks philosopher and theologian William Lane Craig about whether God’s existence can be demonstrated or not. Questions explored: Can you demonstrate God’s existence mathematically? Does an argument have to convince everybody in order for it to be valid? What are some of the best arguments for God’s existence? What is the Cosmological Argument? What is Leibniz’s argument for God’s existence? Does the contingency argument depend on a universe having a beginning? What is the Teleological Argument? What is meant by Fine-Tuning and Intelligent Design? Can the universe be “designed” by chance?
Is the belief in miracles unintellectual? Did the philosopher David Hume come up with an air tight argument for not believing in miracles? What about the philosopher Benedict Spinoza who argued that miracles are a violation of natural law, which is impossible? In this episode of Giving An Answer, HC Felder interviews Dr. Frank Turek who responds to these, as well as other objections to miracles.
Christian Influence Upon Science Danny R. Faulkner Biographical info: Danny R. Faulkner has a BS in math from Bob Jones University, an MS in physics from Clemson University, and an MA and Ph.D. in astronomy from Indiana University. Dr. Faulkner has been on the faculty of the University of South Carolina, Lancaster, since 1986, where he holds the rank of professor and teaches astronomy and physics. His research interests include stellar astronomy, especially binary stars. He has been published in the Astronomical Journal, Astrophysical Journal, the Publication of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, and the Information Bulletin on Variable
Although declining in popularity the idea that there could be a gap of millions of years between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2 is still popular. The origin of the idea and some major problems with it are discussed in this episode. According to creation.com All episodes of Creation magazine LIVE! are free to watch, download to your computer and copy.
This episode is based on CMI’s booklet 15 Reasons to Take Genesis as History. It is a summary of some of the major arguments that the Genesis record must be taken as real historical events involving real people. Allegorical or mythological renderings result in massive theological difficulties. According to creation.com All episodes of Creation magazine LIVE! are free to watch, download to your computer and copy.
Special guest Reverend Joe Boot, pastor of Westminster Chapel in Toronto discusses how the Christian worldview is logically consistent with all reality. Christianity is not a superstition, but backed by reason and logic unlike atheism and evolution. According to creation.com All episodes of Creation magazine LIVE! are free to watch, download to your computer and copy.
According to history recorded in the Bible everyone who has ever lived comes from Adam and Eve. At Babel, after Noah’s flood, God created several language groups from a single language group, resulting in the dispersion of these groups all over the world. This raises questions such as: how did different skin colors originate? What about all the fossil evidence for ‘races’ coming from ‘ape-men’? All episodes of Creation magazine LIVE! are free to watch, download to your computer and copy from creation.com
Bible texts are referenced which indicate that creation took place about 6000 years ago. Massive theological problems associated with adding ‘millions of years’ to the Bible are also summarized. According to creation.com All episodes of Creation magazine LIVE! are free to watch, download to your computer and copy.
What we believe about where What we believe about where we came from has implications for the question, “What is the meaning of life?” Consequently, creationists and evolutionists have very different answers to many “controversial” issues in the culture today. This Episode of Creation magazine LIVE explores the Christian/creationist position on “hot issues” According to creation.com All episodes of Creation magazine LIVE! are free to watch, download to your computer and copy.
Many historical accounts of sightings and interactions with dinosaurs as well as ancient drawings & sculptures, cave drawings and other art. Very cool.