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Think of all the jobs that our good working sense of smell fulfills. First, the nose detects a chemical—the source of the scent. It distinguishes that scent from literally billions of others. Our sense of smell even gauges the strength of the scent. Finally, the sense rapidly scans memories of past smells to interpret the odor’s level of pleasure or toxicity or something in between. Human engineers would need a large lab full of… More… …read more Source: icr.org     
By Lori Alton, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) As you probably know by now, heart disease – responsible for over 610,000 fatalities every year – is currently the leading cause of death in the United States. Yet, it’s still rare to see a conventionally trained physician talk about the role of vitamin B or any other nutrient for disease prevention. (their training is just not adequate – yet.) For example, Research shows that vitamin B2, part of the complex of nutrients needed for normal body function, has the ability to lower levels of an inflammatory amino acid linked with heart disease, thereby [More]
By Dr. Mercola When you think of methods to boost your heart health, you probably think about diet and exercise, but there’s another component that’s also important: sleep. Getting enough sleep each night, and quality sleep at that, has previously been associated with cardiovascular risk, and recent research also found that sleep is connected with subclinical atherosclerosis.1 Atherosclerosis is a chronic and progressive inflammatory disease that manifests clinically as coronary heart disease. Otherwise known as hardening and narrowing of the arteries, atherosclerosis describes a buildup of plaques in your arteries that can restrict blood flow, leading to blood clots, heart [More]
By Vicki Batts (Natural News) Big Biotech and Big Agriculture …read more Source: Natural News     
By Sarah Chaffee On this episode of ID The Future, Andrew McDiarmid talks to Dr. Ann Gauger, a senior research scientist at Biologic Institute and co-author with Dr. Douglas Axe of a new paper recently published in the journal BIO-COMPLEXITY that probes the limits of evolutionary optimization. Gauger explains how she and Axe tested popular hypotheses for protein origins and discovered that while mutation and selection can improve the proficiency of good designs through small adjustments, they seem unable to convert fortuitous selectable activities into good designs. Enjoy the interview, then read the full paper here! Your browser does not [More]
On today’s godcast of TRUNEWS, Rick Wiles and Kerry Kinsey present the headlines, including the continuing tariff standoff between the US and China, whether the US is preparing for military intervention in Venezuela against Maduro, and Republicans and Democrats coming together to lay hands on the President at today’s National Prayer Breakfast. In the second half, the discussion shifts to the suppression of free speech in America, as the US Senate’s first measure to pass in one outlawing BDS support against Israel. Will this ultimately lead to a backlash against Prime Minister Netanyahu and his Zionist partners in the US? [More]
By Michael By Alex Pietrowski In August of 2018 stock prices for Bayer, the company that now owns Monsanto, took a nosedive after a California judge awarded defendant DeWayne Johnson $289 million in damages…. …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By Ken Ham In the fight to protect freedom of religion and conscience and the free exercise of religion in America, it seems there’s often bad news. So I thought I’d share some good news with you to encourage you that the fight isn’t over yet and to urge you to continue standing and fighting for our freedoms. Here’s the good news: the state of South Carolina has recently allowed faith-based foster care agencies to abide by their religious convictions and purpose and place children with Christian, church-going families only. An Obama-era regulation barred faith-based and federally funded foster care [More]
By raptorman Immortal cancerous lifeforms including the infamous He-La cell and the A-549 cell line as well as others are the real modern zombie horror show that many have never heard of. This is because the situation may be far scarier than any movie. Immortal He-La cells are human cancer cells propagated in a lab that live forever given the right conditions and are very hard to control. Having a prion-like capability of floating on a grain of dust or adhering to testing tools. They have contaminated human cell culture production operations worldwide since the 1950s. Able to escape level [More]
By Sharon Falsetto Back pain affects millions of people every year. It is the leading cause of disability in the world. Back pain can be acute or chronic. Certain essential oils have been found in scientific studies to help relieve many of the symptoms associated with back pain. If you are unfamiliar with using essential oils, consult a certified aromatherapist before using them and reference our Essential Oil Safety Guide. In addition, check with your medical practitioner, especially if you are taking any other medications (either prescribed medication or over-the-counter medication). Symptoms of Back Pain Back pain may include, although [More]
By Michael By Daisy Luther Life hacks are all over the place at the minute (seriously, they’re everywhere) and some are really good – but often they’re more Martha Stewart than Grizzly Adams. Survival Life… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
The junk DNA paradigm has proven to be an ill-founded icon of evolution. We’ve witnessed its pet sub-theories systematically debunked as we learn more and more about how creatures’ DNA systems work. And now one of the pet darlings of junk DNA speculation, the alleged useless nature of introns (intervening noncoding pieces of genes), has also been tossed in the evolutionary trash heap. When scientists first… More… …read more Source: icr.org     
By AdminM by Paul FassaHealth Impact News A recent study published late 2018 confirms an earlier Health Impact News article that macular degeneration, a disease mainstream medicine considers irreversible, can be prevented, attenuated, and even reversed naturally. The natural ingredient this study tested was coconut oil. This study was conducted by Nigeria’s University of Ilorin’s Department of Physiology. The final report, titled Coconut oil protects against light-induced retina degeneration in male Wistar rats was published by the journal Pathophysiology. The Study Paper’s Major Points Summarized Retina degeneration causes macular degeneration …read more Source: Health Impact News     
By Lori Alton, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the number of cancer deaths in the United States nearly tripled between 1950 and 2011, increasing from 210,733 fatalities per year to 576,691. Unfortunately, natural (cancer cell killing) substances like, silymarin have been largely ignored by the mainstream media and Western medicine. The numbers don’t lie: Cancer remains the second leading cause of death in the nation, right behind heart disease. To make matter worse, rates of metabolic conditions – including type 2 diabetes, obesity and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease – are increasing [More]
Sneak peek of latest Creation magazine.’Extreme’ living fossils shout ‘after their kind’ …read more Source: creation.com     
By Dr. Mercola Children as young as 11 are struggling with addictions to e-cigarettes, also known as vaping, in reference to the vapor (opposed to smoke) emitted from the device. The gradual demise of traditional cigarettes has been heralded as an achievement for better health, but the danger is the alternative many have chosen may be just as alarming. While e-cigarettes do not expose you to thousands of toxic compounds found in conventional combustible cigarettes, researchers are only beginning to understand the toxicities involved in smoking e-cigarettes. In some ways, these man-made options may be just as dangerous, just with [More]
  Today on TRUNEWS, Rick Wiles and Kerry Kinsey present the headlines, including a review of Tuesday’s State of the Union address by President Trump, Senator Elizabeth Warren found claiming once again to be Native American, and geologists being puzzled by high-speed earthquakes around the world. In part two, Doc Burkhart joins the team as together they discuss how Russia is responding to US aggression by revealing their new ‘Poseidon’ undersea nuclear drone force, each one with 100-megaton strike capability. Finally, why was Pope Francis holding hands with the Grand Imam of the UAE, declaring all religions are ‘the will [More]
By AdminM by Paul FassaHealth Impact News A study published a few years ago shows that in states where marijuana has been legalized, suicide rates have declined. The study, Medical Marijuana Laws and Suicides by Gender and Age, was published by the American Journal of Public Health and showed a reduction in suicide rates in states that allowed cannabis for medical use. Since this study was published, more states have adopted medical marijuana laws and some of those that have allowed cannabis for medical purposes have expanded to allowing cannabis for “recreational use” with controls and restrictions similar to alcohol [More]
By Dr. Jason Lisle My paper was criticizing what Guliuzza has publicly written in which he denies the reality of natural selection: a claim that he has never publicly retracted. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Seth Pollard An increasing number of scientists now say that cholesterol doesn’t cause heart attacks, but eating a high-cholesterol diet may come with other risks, including a higher risk of colon cancer. Now, scientists understand exactly how cholesterol increases that risk. [1] Researchers from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) have discovered a previously-unknown molecular mechanism that promoted the growth of tumors in a study of mice. The authors wrote that as cholesterol levels increased in the mice, they observed that the mice’s intestinal stem cells (ISCs) began to proliferate and cancerous tumors inside the animals began growing [More]
By Dr. Mercola Modern agricultural practices have been a threat to life on Earth and are a factor in virtually every growing environmental and health problem. Farmers 100 years ago would have laughed at such a thing happening, as agriculture is necessary for food production and, therefore, life. However, it is indisputable today we are drastically and negatively affecting air, soil and water. Scientists are now calling for the definition of a new geological age, moving Earth from the Holocene era of stability into Anthropocene, marked by significant and permanent changes to the Earth from mankind. In the past decades, [More]
By Mike Barrett Alzheimer’s is an insidious disease that many people fear, so it’s super exciting to hear that a blood test could detect the disease as many as 16 years before onset. This would give doctors and sufferers time to make lifestyle changes and try treatments that could slow the onset of the disease earlier rather than later. The test is simple. It is designed to measure changes in the levels of neurofilament light chain (NfL), a certain protein found in blood. Researchers wrote in the journal Nature Medicine that when levels of NfL rise, it may be an [More]
By Dr. Jean Lightner This brief examination of Jason Lisle’s paper highlights that misunderstanding about natural selection is more prevalent among creationists than he suggests. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Dr. Mercola 30 Tips in 30 Days Designed to Help You Take Control of Your Health This article is included in Dr. Mercola’s All-Time Top 30 Health Tips series. Every day during the month of January, a new tip will be added that will help you take control of your health. Want to see the full list? Click here. The amount and quality of light you’re exposed to every day can have an enormous impact on your health. The healthiest light, of course, is natural sunlight, which has a number of benefits beyond the making of vitamin D in [More]
By Sara Middleton, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) In a world of toxic food and household chemical ingredients, we generally consider long names bad news. For example, have you ever read the label on a conventional household cleaner or a heavily processed food laden with additives or preservatives? Yeah, we can’t pronounce over half the “ingredients” either – many of which have been linked with health conditions like, cancer and heart disease. Now, startling new research suggests yet another link between a common environmental chemical and an increased risk of various health conditions. The chemical is a mouthful – dichlorophenol – and [More]
By Sara Middleton, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) Great strides have been taken in the last few decades to fight back against the cleverly marketed billion dollar tobacco industry – and to good effect. For example, even though around 38 million American adults are still smoking, this number has declined significantly. And of the people who haven’t quit yet, they seem to be smoking less overall. Of course, we all know smoking is associated with a wide range of health risks such as, an increased risk for cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), heart disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke, and gum …read [More]
Jeffrey P. Tomkins, Ph.D. and Timothy L. Clarey, Ph.D. Red algae form one of the main components of coral reefs and were originally thought to have appeared on Earth during the middle of the Cretaceous system about 100 million years ago. At least that’s what the standard evolutionary story claimed until the same type of fossils were just discovered in Silurian system roc… More… …read more Source: icr.org