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It is painfully apparent to the entire world that we live in unprecedented times.  Watching the so-called “new normal” unfold in front of our eyes often feels like a bad movie depicting a devastating dystopia.  With the relentless push to inject millions with experimental gene therapy, one must wonder, when does the insanity end?  Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of the mRNA technology used in the Moderna and Pfizer COVID injections, says, “the government is not being transparent about the risks.”   Admittedly, transparency has not been the name of the game from the very moment the U.S. Food and Drug [More]
White squirrels appear in a handful of towns in North America. How did they get there? Is it evolution? Is white fur a beneficial mutation or a curse? …read more Source: creation.com     
  During the weekly “Ask Dr. Jane” segment on “The Stew Peters Show”, Dr. Jane Ruby revealed a breaking development, and a deeper look into the findings of Dr. Zandre Botha, who previously exposed never-before-seen images of the contents of the “vaccine” vials. Watch Steve’s interview with Dr. Botha here.
By Ken Ham It’s a huge number—seven million. Wow! Okay, what am I referring to? Well, our Answers Vacation Bible School (VBS), one of the top three in the world and, I believe, the most powerful of any VBS program, partners with Children’s Hunger Fund (CHF) for the Missions Moment. This aspect of the program helps kids apply what they’re learning about the truth of God’s Word and the gospel by meeting tangible needs in partnership with a gospel-focused ministry. And over the years, children and their churches have responded! This means that not only have hundreds of thousands of [More]
By Jeff Thompson by Jeff Thompson During an already existing healthcare worker shortage, New York seems to be determined to make a bad situation worse. New York’s mandate requiring inoculation of all … Read the rest The post NY to Replace Non-Compliant Healthcare Workers with National Guard: Will LEOs Be Replaced Next? appeared first on The Organic Prepper. …read more Source: Organic Prepper     
? Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE September 29, 2021, YouTube banned and deleted our channel, and the channels of several others, including Robert F. Kennedy Jr., for violating the community guidelines they implemented that morning, despite having no warnings or violations this entire year Earlier that day, September 29, YouTube updated its community guidelines with an expansion of its already existing policy on medical misinformation. Whereas before the policy had focused on alleged misinformation relating specifically to the COVID shots, the expanded policy now includes ALL vaccines It’s a deviously brilliant move. Just change the rules to match the [More]
The CDC is FULL of Fear Mongering! Dr. Jane Ruby joins “The Stew Peters Show” to dissect the most recent warnings about your cats, dogs and birds. It’s best to just inject them ALL!
By Jonathan Wells On this ID the Future, Zombie Science author and biologist Jonathan Wells and host Andrew McDiarmid explore the seductive but misleading appeal to consensus science. This is when someone makes a bandwagon appeal to support a scientific hypothesis rather than offering evidence and arguments—as in, “All serious scientists agree that X is the case.” Wells says history makes hash of the consensus-science appeal because the history of scientific progress is all about a consensus view being overthrown by a newer, more accurate view that for a time was a minority view. Wells also draws a distinction between [More]
Dr. Anthony Fauci and other public health officials continue to insist the COVID vaccines are superior to natural immunity, but three Pfizer scientists have been captured on hidden camera in the latest Project Veritas investigation saying otherwise.   Nick Karl, a biochemist who helped develop the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, told an undercover Project Veritas journalist that antibodies developed from a previous COVID infection “are probably better than the vaccination.”   “When somebody is naturally immune, like, they got COVID, they probably have better, like, not better, but more antibodies against the virus,” he said.   “So when you actually get the [More]
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE In June 2021, Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson held a news conference with families who shared stories about the injuries they’d suffered as a result of taking the COVID jab September 10, 2021, WXYZ-TV Channel 7 posted a request on Facebook, asking people who had lost an unvaccinated loved one to COVID-19 to contact them for a story. The post has received more than 241,000 comments and most are about someone who was injured or died from the COVID shot, or who got severe COVID-19 despite being fully vaccinated Jodi O’Malley, a registered nurse who [More]
By Dr. Danny R. Faulkner We at Answers in Genesis have always maintained that the big bang model is incompatible with Scripture. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
WOW! Heather is a brave whistleblower who came forward on her lunch break at work, because she just can’t take it anymore!
  10/06/21 Stew Peters show: Airline workers and travelers are NOT HAVING this tyrannical communist mandate, and they’re all uniting to fight, and fight HARD! You can join in too, information how is given in the video.
10/05/21   “Where was the FBI last year when ANTIFA was burning down cities? So now they want to stop parents from voicing their opinions at school board meetings opposing the radical leftist agenda being implemented. Not surprising.” Admin   Only days ago the National School Board Association asked Joe Biden to use federal anti-terror laws against parents who are protesting – and fighting – the leftist agendas of their school boards, who want to install Critical Race Theory and other indoctrination in classrooms.   Now the administration has responded with orders from Attorney General Merrick Garland to the FBI [More]
By Ken Ham We have a new Facebook group! We just launched a Answers Bible Curriculum for Homeschool. Answers Bible Curriculum brings the Bible to life! This exciting curriculum contains homeschool lessons that cover the entire Bible chronologically in four years, providing a powerful overview of God’s Word. Filled with theology, doctrine, and apologetics, your children will dive deep into God’s Word from a young age. Designed for grades K–5, but older students can be involved as well. Year One is available now, with Year Two coming soon! There is no other Bible curriculum like it. Answers Education Online brings [More]
By Michael “See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil.” YouTube and Google are the self-declared arbiters of evil, not truth, and they say evil is any negative information about unapproved gene therapy… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By Michael By Neenah Payne FDR told America in the 1930s, “We have nothing to fear but fear itself”. However, America and the world forgot that valuable lesson in early 2020. Since then, most of humanity has… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
“I received an email from GreenMedInfo about a 10 part video series by Chris Wark on how he treated his cancer naturally. The series will be free to view from Oct. 12 to 21 online. If interested see email below for link to sign up.” Admin If you’re concerned about cancer, or have a loved one facing cancer right now, we’ve got an invaluable resource to share with you today from our friend and 17-year cancer survivor, Chris Wark. Chris was diagnosed with stage III colon cancer in 2003, two days before Christmas, at just 26 years old. When faced with intimidating [More]
The subject of origins continues to attract interest from the public and the scientific establishment. Understanding our origins informs us of who we are in the greater scheme of things: beloved creatures or cosmic accidents. The stakes are high. Our understanding of who and what we are forms the basis for all our philosophies, morals, laws, politics, economics, and worldviews. This issue is also important to biblical hermeneutics,… More… …read more Source: icr.org     
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE Two new studies add to the mounting evidence that vitamin D deficiency is linked to an increased risk of COVID-19 infection, severity and death The new data confirm the papers and research published throughout 2020 that found the same data, yet agencies appear intent on ensuring the public is not well-informed The Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI), a self-proclaimed consumer advocacy group, has two decades of historically promoting and supporting big business interests In the summer of 2020, the CSPI launched a campaign against Mercola.com that culminated in a warning letter [More]
“German doctors/scientists tell about their findings of the damaging side effects of the Covid vaccines and metallic elements and other strange things found in the vaccines. All speaking is dubbed into English. Skip ahead to the 52 min. mark where a pathologist talks about auto-immune reactions occurring then he goes into what he found in the vaccine after it was analyzed which confirms the anomalies others have found in them. Finally he goes into a Q&A session on various topics regarding the vaccines and their effects which lasts about 10 min. Next they go into part two where they have [More]
10/05/21 “Great interview talking about the lawlessness going on in our country, the wide open border policy of the criminal Biden regime and more.” Admin U.S. Congressman, Dr. Paul Gosar, joined “The Stew Peters Show” in an unfiltered segment of truth surrounding the overreaching tyrannical state of America.
“Dr. Botha found in her patients after they were vaccinated  damaged red blood cells that were stacked up like discs one atop the other, this phenomena was also reported by a German Dr. in her patients which you can watch here. Both Drs. analyzed the J&J vaccine vials they had obtained and found  weird structures and other anomalies in the vaccine. Watch this video to see what Dr. Madej found in the Moderna and J & J vaccines she analyzed! This is mind blowing folks, like something out of a horror movie!  Show these videos to anyone thinking of taking [More]
A novel genetic paradigm for how the created kinds diversified after the Flood Read More
10/04/21 “Criminal fraud Biden has a goal to totally destroy freedom in and the economy of this country. His campaign slogan was “Build Back Better” but before you can do that you have to destroy what’s currently in place and if not stopped this fraud and his treasonous cohorts in congress will do just that.”  Admin Amid a record surge in illegal immigration that has followed a reversal of Trump administration policies, the chief of the Border Patrol union says he’s never seen morale so low among his colleagues. Brandon Judd, who began his career under President Bill Clinton, charged [More]
By Ken Ham Looking for something unique for your church this Christmas? Don’t miss Long Foretold: Journey of the Magi, a children’s Christmas play written by the talented staff at our K-10 Christian school, Twelve Stones Christian Academy. Your church will love how fun, informative, and unique this play is! I recently chatted with two of the writers of this play. You can enjoy that interview below:
By Brian-Admin Tucker Carlson of Fox News exposes a PowerPoint presentation that the military is using to convince soldiers to get the mandatory COVID-19 shots that uses the “7 Tenets of Satanism.” The U.S. Army allegedly confirmed that this is real. This is from our Bitchute channel, and is also on our Rumble channel. See Also: Understand the Times We are Currently Living Through Identifying the Luciferian Globalists Implementing the New World Order – Who are the “Jews”? Insider Exposes Freemasonry as the World’s Oldest Secret Religion and the Luciferian Plans for The New World Order