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Paul Craig Roberts   Why can no media, no official “health agency” connect the obvious dots?   https://sputniknews.com/20211025/denmark-sees-record-infection-spread-despite-high-vaccination-rate-1090183209.html   If You Take the COVID Vax, You Can Never Achieve Full Immunity Again – Government Stats Unveil the Horrifying Truth   The British government has spilled the beans about that fact that once you get “vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19), you will never again be able to acquire full natural immunity.   Read More: Hard facts pour in from country after country that Covid cases rise with vaccination and the stupid media reports that the cases are the result of [More]
 Countless whistleblowers flood the inbox at The Stew Peters Show. We could literally do segments on these ALL DAY LONG. As the FDA pushes the needle toward our preschoolers for financial gain and total tyrannical reign, we will continue to expose the horrific consequences of their evil agenda.
The following is a timely and critical interview with Dr. Peter McCullough.   Selected Excerpts   “From an epidemiology perspective for causality, we apply what’s called “The Bradford Hill” criteria. And they go as follows…   “The first question we’d ask is “does the vaccine have a mechanism of action, a biological mechanism of action, that can actually kill a human being?”   And the answer is yes!     “Because the vaccines all use genetic mechanisms to trick the body into making the lethal spike protein of the virus. It is very conceivable that some people take up too much [More]
“This a free 51 page PDF report that compiles much of the information contained in many videos on this site regarding Covid death and injury counts, vaccine contents plus much more.  This makes it ideal to give to someone who wants evidence of all the problems with these vaccines. Link at bottom. Lots of excellent videos and reports to watch and read as well.” Admin From the site: Investigative journalist David John Sorensen and world renowned ‘Physician of Presidents’ and nominee for the Nobel Peace Prize Dr. Vladimir Zelenko combined their knowledge to reveal something devastating to the world: the [More]
When researchers found that a rainforest fly was unable to adapt to drier conditions, it was ‘a complete surprise’. But why? …read more Source: creation.com     
People sometimes feel overwhelmed by the constant onslaught of anti-Christian rhetoric that others put out, but most of those arguments can easily be answered with a little thought. …read more Source: creation.com     
By Ken Ham I have been wanting to write a commentary on the early, foundational chapters of Genesis for years and am so excited to announce that Over the years, I have been asked many (many!) questions about Genesis such as: What was the light on day one? When were angels created? When did Adam and Eve sin? Are Genesis 1 & 2 contradictory accounts of creation? I’ve always wanted to provide a resource for families that not only answers these questions but also provides devotional thought on these foundational chapters of Genesis, helping them see who God is through [More]
10/28/21 Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE The wealthy elite travel to the World Economic Forum’s annual meetings via a “steady stream” of private planes and helicopters to discuss issues like global sustainability By 2050, it’s estimated that aviation will contribute 22% of global carbon emissions; still, in 2019, more than 600 private planes arrived at the Davos Forum, and that doesn’t include the military planes that transported an additional 60 presidents and prime ministers Jet-setters are carbon super-emitters; the idea that the elite can continue to pollute but simply purchase carbon credits to “offset” their pollution is a matter [More]
By Michael By GreenMedInfo Research Group Yet another study adds to the growing body of evidence of fluoride toxicity, shedding light on how it potentially contributes to degenerative eye diseases. Findings… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
As the U.S. Food and Drug Administration discusses administering COVID-19 vaccines to young children, an independent group of Israeli physicians, lawyers, scientists and researchers is advising the FDA of their “severe concerns” regarding the reliability and legality of official Israeli vaccine data.   The Israeli group, the Israeli Professional Ethics Front, said it recognizes the Jewish state has been seen as “the world laboratory” regarding the safety and efficacy of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine.   But the data is flawed, the group said in its letter.   “We believe that the significant failures underlying the Israeli database, which have been brought to [More]
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE Diabetes deaths surged during the COVID-19 pandemic, rising 17% in 2020 Even diabetics who didn’t get COVID-19 suffered, often falling victim to isolation, social distancing, lack of medical care and fear Diabetes deaths and diabetes-caused amputations and intensive care admissions have plagued diabetes patients who delayed medical care during the pandemic; ‘The diagnosis was uncontrolled diabetes, but it was caused by COVID fear’ Among 8- to 20-year-olds, Type 2 diabetes diagnoses tripled in 2020 at Children’s National Hospital in Washington, D.C.; school closures and reduced physical activity triggered by the pandemic were likely factors [More]
Response to a correspondent who takes issue with Genesis as literal history. …read more Source: creation.com     
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) announced a $125 million grant to Washington State University to detect “emerging viruses.” Viruses that have not yet “emerged” are those that are manipulated in the lab, aka gain-of-function research There are 12 partner countries focusing on unknown pathogens from three families, which include coronaviruses (COVID-19), filoviruses (Ebola) and paramyxoviruses (measles and Nipah) Documents released following a Freedom of Information Act request showed gain-of-function research was performed on two types of coronaviruses to boost pathogenicity and statements from the NIH and NIAID directors before Congress were [More]
Dr. Jane Ruby joined the “Stew Peters Show” to answer questions from viewers in the popular “Ask Dr. Jane” weekly segment. Today’s questions focused on protecting kids from school mandates, antibodies in vaxxed people vs those that have had the natural virus, a baseless attack on reputable doctors at the hands of Dr. Fleming on INFOWARS, and a possible ANTIDOTE for those who have “jab remorse”.
“A very good, long 2 hr. interview that covers many topics about the vaccines i.e. ingredients, patents, nano-technology etc. Karen Kingston was a former rep for Pfizer.” Admin OMG!! Must Watch and Share!! Dr. Ardis and Dr. Carrie Madej learn from Karen Kingston, what’s REALLY in the C19 vaccines
Does recent modelling solve the long-age problems with Io? …read more Source: creation.com     
10/26/21   50 years from now, America will look back at today and realize that the Republic was at a tipping point where the Marxist Cabal consumed all avenues of the Constitution, leading to the new “Socialist America”, year 2071. Or, America will look back at a “silent majority” that rose up – peacefully and/or violently – to their re-claimed the God-given, birthright that was stolen by ideologues who are drunk on power and greed.   This, ladies and gentlemen – whether we know it or not – is our World War III. It is happening real time. Graham Ledger [More]
Evolutionists frequently claim that human and chimp DNA are over 98% similar. They need this percentage to support their hypothesis that humans and chimps shared a common ancestor three to six million years ago. Based on known mutation rates, anything significantly less than a 98.5% similarity would destroy the entire theory.More… …read more Source: icr.org     
The upward trend in mortality and morbidity resulting from the Covid-19 vaccination program is overwhelming.   People are dying Worldwide.   The health risks of the mRNA vaccine are fully documented. Thrombosis, Blood Clots, Myocarditis, Heart Attacks, Cancer,    The mRNA “experimental” vaccine was launched in mid to late December 2020. In many countries, there was a significant and immediate shift in mortality following the introduction of the Covid-19 vaccine.       Source: HeathData.org   Despite all the lies and distortions, the official figures of covid vaccine deaths for the EU, US and UK cannot be refuted.  (see below). TOTAL for EU/UK/USA – 40,666 Covid-19 injection [More]
The FDA Committee members that plan to tell you to subject your kids to a shot that has proven to be dangerous, and in many cases deadly, didn’t want you to know about their profitable ties to Pfizer. Well, Patrick Howley DOES want you to know!
By Ken Ham Which is more important: Genesis or Revelation? Okay, now I’m sure that got your attention. First of all, every word of Scripture is important, as this is the inspired, infallible Word of God we are talking about: “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness” (2 Timothy 3:16). And as the Apostle Paul stated in 1 Thessalonians 2:13: And we also thank God constantly for this, that when you received the word of God, which you heard from us, you accepted it not as the [More]
“Lengthy but excellent article detailing the lies and authoritarian nature now being exhibited by the government and the medical establishment. They also discuss the moral bankruptcy that seems to have taken hold of them where the mass deaths they are causing is not something abhorrent to them but a means to a nefarious end.” Admin   In a recent opinion essay published on the pharmaceutical industry-friendly MedPage Today, Dr. Matthew Wynia, a medical ethics professor at the University of Colorado School of medicine, propagated an old trope by accusing doctors who advocate cheaper, effective drugs and natural supplements for treating Covid patients as [More]
And they want to push this on YOUR KIDS! The shots are dangerous, and in many cases DEADLY, but the FDA is set to approve “emergency use authorization” for KIDS ages 5-11.
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE Leilani Lutali is not taking someone’s spot on the transplant list, but she and her direct donor are mandated to take the COVID shot, or she will not get the life-saving surgery The hospital reasons the shot will reduce the risk of infection and death when Lutali takes antirejection drugs for the transplant, but they do not mandate the flu vaccine to reduce the risk of rejection and severe infection, or death Data show that there is a high percentage of transplant patients who have comorbid conditions strongly associated with severe COVID disease and [More]
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE High COVID vaccination rates create pressure on the virus to mutate into variants with higher levels of contagion and pathogenicity. Recent research concluded that those who are fully “vaccinated” against COVID-19 are indeed more susceptible to COVID variant infections than unvaccinated people The narrow protection you get from the COVID shot will inevitably necessitate a booster shot for each emerging new variant that is resistant to the shots U.K. data show the COVID death toll is higher among the fully vaccinated compared to the unvaccinated. Between February 1, 2021, and September 12, 2021, 63.5% [More]
By Ken Ham For decades 98% of DNA was considered to be “junk DNA”—useless leftovers from our supposed evolutionary history. This view has held scientific research back as many evolutionists don’t even bother to research the non-coding “junk” regions—but are these days “over”? A new paper on the platyhelminth worm, Schistosoma mansoni, was published recently in the journal Genome Biology and Evolution. This study looked at repetitive DNA on the female W-chromosome, and they discovered that so-called “junk DNA” portions are involved in sex determination. The study authors write: The days of “junk DNA” are over. When the senior authors [More]