By Ken Ham Discover some of the remarkable creatures that call Ararat Ridge Zoo at the Don’t miss our 14-month 2022 calendar (starting in December 2021). Order yours today at (bulk discounts available to give them out as fun Christmas gifts). Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,Ken This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team. …read more Source: Ken Ham AIG
By Michael By Richard Hoffman, University of Hertfordshire Many of us know that we should steer away from processed meats and eat more vegetables if we want to be healthier and lower our chances of developing… …read more Source: Natural Blaze
“I certainly hope this isn’t true but the Dems know they will lose big in the 2022 elections so don’t be surprised if they go full blast to impose their radical agenda by any means possible before then. Unfortunately they will cause much misery in the process of doing this.” Admin Social media platforms are getting flooded with testimonies from farmers, friends of farmers and people who work with farmers explaining how the Biden regime is now paying the people who grow America’s food supply to destroy it. At a time when inflation is soaring, Washington, D.C., is ordering farmers to plow under
By Guillermo Gonzalez On today’s ID the Future astrobiologist Guillermo Gonzalez and host Casey Luskin discuss the idea of undirected panspermia. Gonzalez explains the basic idea and what the best current evidence says about its plausibility. The occasion is his chapter on panspermia in the new anthology A Comprehensive Guide to Science and Faith, co-edited by Casey Luskin, associate director of Discovery Institute’s Center for Science and Culture. Undirected panspermia is the idea that the first life on our planet came from outer space, carried by chance processes from a faraway living planet on space dust, asteroids, or comets either
The subject of origins continues to attract interest from the public and the scientific establishment. Understanding our origins informs us of who we are in the greater scheme of things: beloved creatures or cosmic accidents. The stakes are high. Our understanding of who and what we are forms the basis for all our philosophies, morals, laws, politics, economics, and worldviews. This issue is also important to biblical hermeneutics,… More… …read more Source:
; Today on ASK DR. JANE, we address whether Covid and election fraud tie together through the same group of criminals. We also discuss when Dr. Jane believes all mandates will be done with, and which cities will keep them, as well as what will happen to the PCR test when it loses its emergency use authorization status at the end of the year.
“This is great news! Now you know why Gov. DeSantis is the top target in next years November election by psychopath Biden and his handlers.” Admin Stew Peters Show: Florida’s special, anti-vaccine tyranny, legislative session has begun and lawmakers are preparing to ban forced vaccination, mask mandates and punishment of the unvaxxed through OHSA enforcement. Stew Peters Show investigative journalist Edward Szall reports on the proceedings and the soul moving testimony of doctors, nurses, and firefighters.
Atheists actually believe in miracles without any reasonable cause for them. …read more Source:
If any poor unfortunate soul represents the way our leaders have misled and lied to us, it’s 13-year-old Maddie De Garay. Her mother Stephanie was a Biden voter and a complete believer in this vaccine, so much so that she volunteered her daughter for a Pfizer vaccine trial. Now she’s suffering from an erratic pulse, muscle spasms, headaches, has lost the ability to walk or even cough properly, is confined to a wheelchair and has to use a feeding tube. Her mother joins Stew to discuss this medical injustice.
“Copied the following from an email I received from them about this new video.” Admin Project Veritas released a new video today featuring an interview with CBS San Antonio [KENS 5] whistleblower, Brett Mauser, who exposes his colleagues and outside corporate partners for promoting a political ideology rather than objective journalism in the newsroom. Here are some of the highlights from today’s video: Christina Karaoli Taylor, Multicultural Competency Trainer, CKT Cultural Strategies: “I challenge you [journalists] to stop thinking in terms of objective journalism. We’ll discuss why that’s not really feasible anymore.” Ron Trevino, CBS Houston News Anchor: “I don’t really care
Listen Here The discovery and danger of these repeated vaccines and boosters are having real-world impacts on peoples’ lives. In many cases, the body never has a chance to heal and rid itself of the spike proteins. This program today has been months in the planning, bringing together both Dr. Peter McCullough and Dr. Vincent Giampapa. We will talk more about the spike proteins, and the damage done to our healthy cells, due to the Coronavirus and the vaccines and the boosters that are being forced onto an unwilling public. In addition to answering listener questions, the educational component will
You can follow the telegram channel of a woman named Stacee as she details her experience of battling with Covid vax injuries. She appeared to be improving recently but has now unfortunately reported on relapsing. She has a gofundme campaign setup to help with medical costs related to her battle with these vax injuries. If you would care to contribute I’m sure it would be greatly appreciated.
By Ken Ham “Newly discovered sponge-like animals could change the known history of animal evolution.” Claims like this are ones we often hear—the evolutionary story and timeline are constantly changing as new finds upset everything they thought they knew, such as when animals first evolved from sponges (if they even evolved from sponges—that’s much debated in the evolutionary community!). Now, some will claim this is just how science works. After all, our knowledge about the natural world adjusts as we make new discoveries. But it’s interesting to note how frequently this happens with the idea of evolution—timelines that were “settled
“An endless cycle of mRNA shots are on the way. Dr. McCullough brings out how dangerous endless boosters will be in this interview.” Admin Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE Major health organizations across the world have changed several definitions of medical terms, including the definitions for “vaccine,” “herd immunity” and “pandemic,” which in turn have a significant impact on everyday life. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is now considering changing the definition of “fully vaccinated” Israel and Australia have already pushed back the goal post. Citizens must get a booster at six months after their second
“This is the first of a great 5 part series on Flood geology featuring geologist Steve Austin. There are links to the other parts on the videos page.” Admin In 1980 Mount St. Helens erupted and quickly became known as “God’s gift to Creationists.” Thirty years later geologist Dr. Steve Austin returns to the volcanic monument to share about the catastrophic processes which reshaped the terrain and how they support the Biblical record of earth’s history. He presents his research on how the events at Mount St. Helens reveal catastrophic processes in other geologic features such as the Grand Canyon
11/17/21 “These remarks by Michelle Malkin, though given from a Catholic perspective, nonetheless in general apply to all Christians in these perilous times.” Admin These are abridged remarks I gave Tuesday morning in Baltimore at the “Enough is Enough” protest across from the annual gathering of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. Church Militant senior producer and St. Michael’s Media founder Michael Voris was forced to go to court to hold the prayer rally and gathering of Catholic dissidents after their permit was canceled by Baltimore’s speech-squelching city solicitor, James Shea. Baltimore authorities baselessly accused Voris and scheduled
ICR scientists and support staff recently completed a two-week science expedition through the Great Plains and western mountain states to conduct scientific research and produce two documentaries. And now our Dallas creation museum and event teams are welcoming guests of all ages to celebrate our first ever Dinosaur Week and learn about these mysterious creatures from a biblical perspective. How can ICR afford to take on these and many other fait… More… …read more Source:
Analysis by Dr. Karen Shaw Becker STORY AT-A-GLANCE The ultraprocessed pet food industry is obsessed with convincing pet parents that cats aren’t carnivores and can therefore thrive on diets crammed full of carbohydrates The scientific fact that cats are indeed true carnivores, coupled with a nutritional awakening among cat parents poses a problem for an industry that has made its fortune selling biologically inappropriate grain- and carb-based cat food It’s simply a fact that cats’ bodies aren’t designed to digest carbohydrates efficiently, and most carbs in a cat’s diet convert to sugar and fat — leading to obesity and related diseases
If you love fast food like nearly 37% of the United States population who eat it a day, you may be consuming industrial chemicals. That is exactly what a study published by George Washington University recently found. The study examined the top fast food chains in the country by purchasing 64 fast food items from establishments in the San Antonio, Texas area, including Chipotle, McDonald’s, Domino’s, Burger King, Taco Bell, and Pizza Hut. Upon testing their samples, the researchers found small amounts of harmful chemicals called phthalates in most food samples. Phthalates, anyone? Toxic plasticizer is found in a
? Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE According to a September 2021 analysis, based on conservative, best-case scenarios, the COVID shots have killed five times more seniors (65+) than the infection In younger people and children, the risk associated with the COVID shot, compared to the risk of COVID-19, is bound to be even more pronounced Data show higher vaccination rates do not translate into lower COVID-19 case rates The COVID shots are an epic failure. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports having more than 30,000 spontaneous reports of either hospitalizations and/or deaths among the fully vaccinated;
The Great Unconformity is one of the most baffling mysteries in the geological sciences.1 It is marked by a massive surface of erosion that appears all over the world at about the same time. Many studies have tried and failed to satisfactorily explain its global occurrence. Now a new report published in Geology claims to take a step forward in solving this mystery.2 Just like prior attempts, this research effort sti… More… …read more Source:
“This is just the start, more booster shots will be required in the future, count on it. Listen to Dr. Peter McCullough discuss the danger booster shot created spike proteins will cause in the body.” Admin People will need to have COVID-19 booster shots on top of the original two doses to be considered “fully vaccinated” in the UK, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said on Monday. At a Downing Street press briefing, Johnson said the concept of what constitutes “full vaccination” will need to be adjusted. “On boosters, it’s very clear that getting three jabs—getting your booster—will become an important
?????? Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE In a “Full Measure” report, host and investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson described the unprecedented injection mandates that are dividing America President Joe Biden issued an executive order that would require executive branch federal employees and federal contractors to get a COVID-19 shot by December 8, 2021; with the deadline approaching, 11 U.S. states sued the federal government in order to block the mandate, calling it an unlawful, unconstitutional violation of federal procurement law Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds called the mandate an “abuse of power” that would only worsen labor shortages and supply chain
“Podcast by Dr. Peter McCullough on how Covid vaccines given to those having natural immunity (recovered from Covid infection) only increase risk of side effects while providing no documented benefit.” Admin Listen Here There is recent research on the fact that the COVID-19 vaccine is dangerous for those who have already had COVID-19 and have recovered with inferred robust, complete, and durable immunity. These patients were excluded from the FDA-approved clinical trials performed by Pfizer, Moderna, and J&J. From these trials, the safety profile was unknown when the products for approved for Emergency Use Authorization in 2020. There has been
11/17/21 Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE U.S. states are increasingly rolling out digitized versions of driver’s licenses that “go way beyond what a driver’s license is about” An international standard for mobile drivers’ licenses and mobile IDs was approved for publication August 18, 2021, clearing the way for global use Mobile IDs will act as a digital identity that will ultimately tie in to retail, health care, law enforcement and travel sectors Ultimately, the IDs will also act as vaccine passports, making it easy to display whether you’ve gotten a COVID-19 injection — and any other future injections that
11/17/21 “Some very important points are made by Dr. Sigoloff on what this purge will do.” Admin Stew Peters Show: Doctor Sigoloff joins us. Of all the insane things we’re doing in our frenzy to “Defeat” Covid, perhaps the most insane of all is our ongoing purge of the armed forces. We have tens of thousands of skilled, highly-trained personnel who are going to be forced out or possibly imprisoned for not getting the shot.
How can Noah’s Flood explain it? …read more Source: