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As many of you know, I have spent time researching and speaking about mass psychosis theory. Most of what I have learned has come from Dr. Mattias Desmet, who realized that this form of mass hypnosis, of the madness of crowds, can account for the strange phenomenon of about 20-30% of the population in the western world becoming entranced with the Noble Lies and dominant narrative concerning the safety and effectiveness of the genetic vaccines, and both propagated and enforced by politicians, science bureaucrats, pharmaceutical companies and legacy media.   What one observes with the mass hypnosis is that a [More]
Stew Peters Show: This unnamed guest is a nurse and has been for fifteen years. She currently practices in her hospital’s postpartum unit, where she cares for newborn infants. She says she’s seen disturbing things among the newborns born to vaccinated moms. Here’s a partial list: heart murmurs, unusually red skin, jaundice, and shrunken genitals in male infants. She joins us to discuss.
“As I post this there is only one heartbreaking story on his page now but he says he will be adding more. While the vax makers rake in billions of dollars from these deadly jabs the victims, like the one in this story, get nothing, talk about injustice.” Admin   Here are some stories of the vaccine injured.   There are hundreds of thousands of stories just like these.   Sadly, Americans have been paid nothing to compensate them for their injuries. Zero. Zip. Nada. This is truly unbelievable.   The settlement in the Larry Nassar abuse case was $380M and nobody there [More]
‘Evolution in action’ turns out to be nothing of the sort. ‘Bacteria evolve resistance to antibiotics’, ‘Insects evolve resistance to pesticides’, ‘Organisms evolve tolerance to pollutants’—these headlines lead many to think that the molecules-to-man evolutionary process is happening before our very eyes.   …read more Source: creation.com     
Stew Peters Show: Our next guest is named Doctor Paul Thomas, but you can just call him Dr. Paul. He’s treated more than ten thousand children over the past three decades, and has also raised nine children of his own. He’s published two books as well, but now the authorities are looking to end his career permanently because of his dissent from party orthodoxy on vaccinations. Dr. Paul Thomas joins us. You can support Dr. Paul’s effort by going to Drpaulsfight.com.
By Ken Ham Do your children enjoy Schus Off!? This fun kids’ adventure program features Trevor and Avery Schu (Foley), and their three children, on explorations in God’s creation. Season 1 is available on Answers TV and Answers in Genesis videos on demand Learn MoreFree Trial Schus Off! also has a blog on our kids’ site, and the pilot episode of the show was included for free, no subscription needed, in a recent blog post. You can enjoy that blog and the full episode in “Meeting the Bison at Big Bone …read more Source: Ken Ham AIG     
omicron —> “moronic”   omicron delta —> “media control”   How much more obvious can they make it? And still people don’t get it…   Come on folks, you are being played. Quit believing what you are told and start looking at the data and the evidence. The PhD’s at Harvard aren’t going to take the booster… they’ve seen the data. Wake up.   Don’t pay attention to what people say publicly. Watch what choices the people who have access to the real data make. That tells you everything you need to know.   Read More: They are mocking the [More]
By Brian-Admin by Brian Shilhavy Editor, Health Impact News This past weekend a group of protesters in Italy that appears to number at least in the hundreds, marched with signs containing pictures of loved ones who had died after receiving a COVID-19 shot. This is from our Bitchute Channel. Last week we published the study that appeared in the American Heart Association publication “Circulation” that linked COVID-19 shots to increased heart …read more Source: Health Impact News     
By Andrew McDiarmid On today’s ID the Future, host Robert Crowther sits down with writer Andrew McDiarmid to discuss his recent New York Post article, “Word to the Wise: Progressives Forget that Parents are in Charge of Kids’ Education.” The two discuss recent dustups in the news in which parents were told to butt out of the public education of their children. This is profoundly wrongheaded and for a variety of reasons, McDiarmid argues. McDiarmid, a Discovery Institute senior fellow, advocates for greater parental involvement, rather than less, and he and Crowther then apply the principle to the narrower question [More]
By Brian-Admin Comments by Brian Shilhavy Editor, Health Impact News The Exposé has published a study by an anonymous “top British Biomedical scientist with 30 years of experience in his field” that is well-referenced and exposes the fraud in virology, which he calls “Voodoo Scientism” and states that it is not “real science.” This is further evidence to support my claim that the whole “science” behind vaccines is absent, and that it is better defined as a religious “cult.” Also, someone has produced a very nice short …read more Source: Health Impact News     
Analysis by Tessa Lena STORY AT-A-GLANCE It is estimated that the Spanish flu pandemic killed 20 to 50 million people worldwide In the words of the CDC, “CDC researchers and their colleagues successfully reconstructed the influenza virus that caused the 1918-19 flu pandemic, which killed as many as 50 million people worldwide Politicians in some cities were enforcing masks in the name of patriotism and public good — and the police were jailing dissenters — the scientists debated the value of masks for preventing the flu This article is about the 1918 flu and the mythology that surrounds it. It is [More]
Successful vaccine rollouts have failed to stop Covid transmission, with new data showing the prevalence of the virus increasing in fully jabbed individuals, according to a medical study in The Lancet. Examining new infections in Germany, researchers found that the rate of cases among fully vaccinated individuals aged 60 and older has risen from 16.9% in July to 58.9% in October. Offering a clear assessment that fully vaccinated people are increasingly becoming the source of Covid transmission, the study identified a similar situation in the UK. Throughout Britain, the number of household contacts exposed to unvaccinated cases (23%) was slightly [More]
If you weren’t already convinced, you double your risk of cardiac incidents and the rate of stillborn babies is up by 29 times (but only if you are vaccinated). Does anyone in authority care? I’m getting a lot of people telling me about this abstract that appeared in Circulation, which is arguably the top-rated journal on cardiology. This was incorporated in my latest slide deck (slide 26 and 27 at the time this is being written). Yes, this is a big deal. But nobody is listening. Cardiac risk could go up 1,000X after vaccination and it wouldn’t matter. Nobody is [More]
A question is asked about sceptics’ responses to creationists using speedy growth rates of speleothems under man-made structures to illustrate speedy natural cave formations …read more Source: creation.com     
By Dr. David Menton Look at those luscious pancakes! Can’t you just taste them? You can—because of God’s intricate design for your senses. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
Dateline 12/08/21 Dr. Ryan Cole who appears at a lot of Covid Health Summits sharing the truth about the dangers of these vaccines and the benefits of Ivermectin in treating Covid has been removed from St. Luke’s Health Partners, one of the largest health care networks in Idaho. Naturally his truth telling has irked the medical establishment there who accuse him of making unfounded claims about vaccine health risks and touting unproven drugs to treat Covid i.e. Ivermectin, HCQ etc. No matter how much evidence accumulates that these vaccines are dangerous and that Ivermectin and HCQ are very beneficial in treating [More]
“This is horrifying folks! The long term effects of endless shots and boosters on those receiving them may be catastrophic based on the information in this article. Share this with anyone you know thinking about getting jabbed.” Admin A Lancet study comparing vaccinated and unvaccinated people in Sweden was conducted among 1.6 million individuals over nine months. It showed that protection against symptomatic COVID-19 declined with time, such that by six months, some of the more vulnerable vaccinated groups were at greater risk than their unvaccinated peers. Doctors are calling this phenomena in the repeatedly vaccinated “immune erosion” or “acquired immune deficiency”, accounting for elevated incidence [More]
By Aden Tate by Aden Tate Author of The Faithful Prepper and Zombie Choices. I’ve been thinking a lot about bugging out a lot lately, and on my backpacking trips, it is … Read the rest The post Calories in a Bug-Out Bag: How Many Can You Really Fit? appeared first on The Organic Prepper. …read more Source: Organic Prepper     
By Ken Ham On December 1, 2021, the United States Supreme Court heard oral arguments that may overturn Roe v. Wade, the 1973 Supreme Court decision that declared the US Constitution supposedly protects a woman’s “right” to have an abortion. Breaking News Supreme Court upholds the Texas “Heartbeat Bill,” while allowing suits to move forward against the state. This seems to be a positive sign that the Court is allowing recent pro-life legislation to stand. (Source: The Christian Post) While these powerful arguments were being presented before the justices, apparently a group of pro-death activists stood outside with a banner [More]
By Michael Op-Ed by Edward Curtin With his extraordinary new book, The Real Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health, RFK, Jr. has made it very clear that he will not… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
I Investigating the cause of a disease is like investigating the cause of a crime. Just as the detection of a suspect’s DNA at a crime scene doesn’t prove they committed the crime, so the detection of the DNA of a virus in a patient doesn’t prove it caused the disease. Consider the case of Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) for example. It can cause serious diseases like arthritis, multiple sclerosis and cancer. A Japanese study in 2003 found that 43% of patients suffering from Chronic Active Epstein-Barr Virus (CAEBV) died within 5 months to 12 years of infection. Yet EBV is [More]
By Harry F. Sanders, III How we know human life begins at conception, as the Bible affirms, and the cultural consequences of ignoring the facts …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Robert Kulacz, DDS (NaturalHealth365) Can a root canal procedure increase the risk of disease? The evidence is clear – allow me to explain. In our book The Toxic Tooth, Dr. Thomas E. Levy and I make the case that root canal-treated teeth remain infected, are a focal source of pathogenic bacteria and toxins that disseminate throughout the body, and are a cause of – or contributor to – a host of systemic diseases. Armed with this information, a person who has an infected tooth has an important decision to make: Do I “keep” this tooth by having a root [More]
? Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE The Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989 imposes fines and prison sentences on anyone who “knowingly develops, produces, stockpiles, transfers, acquires, retains or possesses any biological agent, toxin or delivery system for use as a weapon” The problem we face today is that our federal government has been captured by forces that seek to destroy the U.S. from within. As such, we cannot trust the federal judiciary to prosecute and hold those responsible for the pandemic and the toxic COVID shots accountable To circumvent the corrupted federal judiciary, we need to focus on [More]
By Brian-Admin by Brian Shilhavy Editor, Health Impact News Stallone Edmonds Tepania is a 33-year-old registered nurse and mother of 3 in New Zealand. She recently went public on social media to share her story of being diagnosed with pericarditis, inflammation of the sac around the heart, after being injected with a second dose of a COVID-19 shot. She doesn’t mention the manufacturer of the shot, but the government of New Zealand’s pamphlet on “COVID-19 Vaccine” only mentions Pfizer, and no other brand. (Source.) While these tragic stories of …read more Source: Health Impact News     
Nobody can explain that. Some poo-poo these events saying that they happen all the time. True, they do. But not at this rate. Something happened in 2021 that changed things by a lot. Can you guess?   Now, in the comments of that tweet, you’ll see people say that “these events happen all the time.” True, they do. For example, this death of Piermario Morosini that happened in 2012.   But they don’t happen at this rate. No way. That’s the thing nobody can explain. And it only stared after the vaccines rolled out. And with very few exceptions, only to vaccinated players [More]
How could the earth get out of a global glaciation? …read more Source: creation.com