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By Ken Ham Editor’s note: This article was adapted from a news release that was recently distributed to the media. Prolific author, popular speaker and Ark Encounter visionary Ken Ham has released his newest book Creation to Babel: A Commentary for Families. Between offering penetrating commentary and devotional thoughts on the most scrutinized section of the Bible, Genesis chapters 1–11, Creation to Babel tackles today’s most-asked questions about the book of beginnings and addresses the pressing issues of our day, such as: Can you find evolution in Genesis? Where did the different “races” come from? Why are there diseases like [More]
By J.G. Martinez D After society crumbles, the ability to use the fiat currency which was in use before vanishes. Likewise, when politicians decide that certain people no longer should be able to purchase food, medicine, or healthcare, the ability to use the fiat currency which was previously stored becomes much more difficult. It’s in times like these that the ability to create a barter network matters. What does this entail? Are there things I learned about this from living through the collapse of Venezuela? Absolutely, but first, we must understand that this is nothing unique. The creating of barter [More]
“Will this make any difference in terms of changing hospital treatment protocols for Covid in the US? Not a chance, can’t allow any threats to big pharma and hospital profits.” Admin   A Japanese conglomerate that is studying the anti-parasitic drug ivermectin has found that the medication had an antiviral effect on Omicron, according to joint non-clinical research.   Kowa Co. Ltd., a conglomerate with interests in trading, hospitality, and electronics, along with health and medical applications, issued a press release (pdf) on Jan. 31 stating that ivermectin has been found to be effective against Omicron in in vitro studies. [More]
The tyranny that has enveloped Australia is intensifying, especially when it comes to trying to forcing people to take the injection, Reignite Democracy Managing Director Monica Smit in this interview on Conversations That Matter with The New American magazine’s Alex Newman.   Authorities are pushing the controversial “vaccines” even on children, who are allowed to consent to the shots without permission from their parents starting at age 12. Meanwhile, those who refuse the shot are being locked in their homes and denied even medical care. Going to stores requires a “QR” code so government can track everyone. And massive COVID [More]
Does it make sense without the bad news of the Fall? …read more Source: creation.com     
18 Lies about mRNA Vaccines and Covid-19 mRNA vaccines are not gene therapy mRNA vaccines are just a more high tech version of your regular flu shot vaccine. mRNA vaccines are destroyed by your immune system with a couple of days mRNA vaccines do not leave the injection site in your deltoid shoulder muscle mRNA vaccines are safe mRNA vaccines are effective mRNA vaccines wane in efficiency over time Masks protect us all from Covid Mass vaccination should occur during a pandemic Lockdowns are beneficial Vaccine Immunity is as good or better than natural immunity Therapeutics such as Vitamin D, [More]
Ben Armstrong Show: Multiple Bombshells! Former Blackrock Portfolio Manager Exposes Vaccine Manufacturers! Insurer sees 268% increase in Death claims after Vax! JAG Officer Meets With Dr. Malone! Insurer Aegon, with two-thirds of its business in the US, sees 268% increase in Death claims after the vaccine!  Their third quarter was $111 million, up from $31 million a year earlier. Also, Fraud can remove Pfizer and Moderna’s protection from lawsuits!  Lawyers get ready for a big payday! That and much more in the video!   Watch: Vaccine Manufacturers Exposed! 268% Death Claim Increase After Vax! – The New American
Great must listen to interview! Jeff & Erica interview whistleblower neuro ICU Nurse Ann about what she is seeing in the NY hospital she works in regarding vax injured patients. The discussion of what she is seeing starts at about the 16 min. mark. Listen Here
A group of evolutionary scientists from the United Kingdom and France recently unearthed a large track-bearing surface in southern Wales.1 They speculate that these prints are from a bipedal prosauropod2 dinosaur, similar to Plateosaurus, common across Europe. But their interpretation has one major issue. It appears that the prints were made across freshly deposited ocean sediments. Were these dinosaurs walking in t… More… …read more Source: icr.org     
The Water Cooler with David Brody 01-31-22   Dr. Hensen talks about white pine needle tea as a way to treat vaccine side effects, 3 cups/day. He also mentions other things to take that would be beneficial such as dandelion extract tea.   When you watch the video he says at the end he is available to talk to individuals about their Covid situation and treatment. Here is a link to the contact page on his website.   Watch: Dr. Eric Hensen has a solution for the adverse effects of vaccines – Real America’s Voice News
  02/02/22 Stew Peters Show: The Satanic elite want the peasants to wear masks every day and sit quietly home as they conquer our lives and steal the minds of our children. The trucker revolution in Canada, which is the largest convoy in recorded history, has shown the ruling elite that the frustrations are real, and the rejection of Covid tyranny has teeth. This is why Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has fled the capital. The elite and their leftwing lapdogs in media have attempted to dismiss the freedom convoy as fascist and racist, and they have even tried to dehumanize [More]
02/02/22 Stew Peters Show: Thanks to the Republican Party, the Mexican border is a penetrated joke. Leaders in the party betrayed President Trump and successfully stonewalled the mission and set the stage for a new invasion. Now, the Biden junta is using taxpayer dollars to give free hotel rooms to hundreds of thousands of new invaders, all while prosecuting and persecuting real Americans who dare protest the growing tyranny. One men investigating this open conspiracy is investigative reporter Ben Bergquam and he joins us now.
By Michael By The Ice Age Farmer Mega interview with David the Good of the Survival Gardening channel! In this first part, we cover the priorities that help frame one’s approach to a survival garden. And while… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By Ken Ham God has put us here “for such a time as this” (Esther 4:14). Our time is aptly described in Philippians 2:15 as a “crooked and twisted generation”—how can we stand for Christ, boldly proclaim his Word, and remain firmly planted in truth in such a time? We all need to be equipped to know how to deal with the changing culture we live in. Get answers that will encourage and equip you at our upcoming Answers for Women Conference at the Ark Encounter, March 31–April 2, 2022, south of Cincinnati. The line-up of speakers is exciting. Here [More]
Exclusive view of Dr. Jane Ruby’s premium-only show that discusses the explosion of jab-induced military injuries/deaths.
? Dr. Peter Breggin, and his guest Dr. Bryan Ardis, ask the question, “Are people in power capable of systematically murdering those under their care and control?” Dr. Breggin begins by summarizing the historical truth that human history is dominated by elites and other leaders who purposely use and murder large numbers of those under their control. Dr. Ardis and Dr. Breggin then look at incontrovertible evidence that those in control of COVID-19 medicines and vaccines have been planning and continue to implement treatments that are murdering people in America and throughout around the world. This discussion goes where few [More]
By Linda Sauer A baby is usually born during gestational weeks 38–40 amid many complex and miraculous developmental changes to the baby . . . and the mother. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
I came across this site which has many stories of those being murdered in hospitals by insane Covid protocols such as the one you can read here. There are links to forms such as medical directive to physicians, medical power of attorney, vaccine exemptions and more. There is a lot of other useful information as well. It’s appalling this mass murder is actually occurring in this country. Hospitals are being incentivized financially by our government to commit these crimes. How those who are participating in this sleep at night is a mystery to me. What will they say to God [More]
? Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE Data show COVID-19 deaths have been wildly exaggerated by counting people who died from other conditions but had a positive COVID test within 28 days of their death U.K. data released in response to a Freedom of Information Act request show that the number of deaths between January 2020 and the end of September 2021 in England and Wales, where COVID-19 was the sole cause of death, was just 17,371 — not 137,133 as reported Of the 17,371 people who had COVID-19 as the sole cause of death, 13,597 were 65 or older. [More]
Stew Peters Show: Ever since we exposed the horrific, possibly criminal treatment of Scott Quiner at the Mercy-less hospital in Coon Rapids. Shenah Higgans is the daughter-in-law of Danny Groom. Danny is a disabled Vietnam War veteran, so he deserves to be honored by this country. Instead, we’re giving him torment worthy of the Vietcong. We are prepared to do everything we can to help Danny, Shenah, and their family. Shenah Higgans joins us.
02/01/22 “The Stew Peters Show” has been banned from iHeartRadio without explanation. This comes after Spotify inexplicably banned the popular conservative radio host last fall. Stew Peters, host of the popular radio show “The Stew Peters Show,” was recently banned and removed off iHeartRadio for no apparent reason.   Last fall, Spotify had removed him without explanation as well.   Peters is an America First patriot who speaks about topics such as COVID-19, election integrity and vaccine mandates.   Following the bans, Peters spoke out against the platforms for their blatant censorship.   Read More: BREAKING: Stew Peters Responds After iHeartRadio, Spotify [More]
Baraminology studies need adjustment to properly reflect the biblical distinction between flying animals like Archaeopteryx and land animals like dinosaurs. …read more Source: creation.com     
Today on the Stew Peters show, Dr. Jane Ruby joined us to share more terrifying findings from the hospitals. Its is not exaggeration or a joke to say that the NIH funded hospitals are truly death camps as revealed through CMS documents. Dr. Jane Ruby joins us to discuss.
01/31/22   “It’s said when Biden stated in Oct. 2020 he and his team created “the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics” that he was referring to something else but I believe he was actually telling the truth in this slip of the tongue statement. The information coming out now seems to confirm this.” Admin   Famed conservative filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza has released the trailer of a coming movie that reveals the “2000 Mules” that have been documented as delivering stacks of 2020 presidential election ballots to dropboxes across the nation – especially [More]
5 Food Storage Lessons From WWII 7 Historical superfoods that people can stockpile for years without refrigeration Prepper food supply: 6 Long-lasting foods you need in your pantry Food supply tips: 10 Best survival foods to buy from the grocery store Survival skills: Learn how to cook from scratch so you can feed your family when SHTF Honey: The ultimate survival food that doesn’t expire
By Brian-Admin Image Source. How an Anonymous Reporting System Made Yale a COVID ‘Surveillance State’ by Aaron Sibarium The Washington Free Beacon Excerpts: Since the beginning of the pandemic, Yale University has required all students to mask indoors in public spaces. But it was 9:30 p.m on a Saturday night, and the library was deserted. With no one within at least 150 feet of him, a Yale senior decided to relax with a movie—and without a mask. It got him reported to the school’s …read more Source: Health Impact News     
Moving forward people will need regular boosters to be “up to date”, & they won’t be using the term “fully vaccinated” anymore. Dr Rochelle Walensky, director of the US Center for Disease Control, told the media on Friday that the CDC is intending to “pivot the language” regarding the Covid19 vaccines. Speaking to the press briefing, Dr Walenksy had a very obvious message she really wanted to hammer home : And what we really are working to do is pivot the language to make sure that everybody is as up to date with their COVID-19 vaccines as they personally could [More]