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What we used to know as hospitals, have now become eugenics death-cells. On Friday, the Stew Peters show was joined by Scott Schara, to reflect on and speak out against the disgusting treatment and ultimate eugenicist murder of his Downs Syndrome daughter Grace, who was 19 years old. Grace had COVID-19 and was in very bad condition. Scott and his wife transported Grace to the hospital where they believed she would be safe. Little did they know that the hospital they were admitting Grace into had already given her a death sentence without them even knowing.
By Troy Lacey How land bridges, rafts, swimming, and other means can account for the dispersion of slower moving animals from the “mountains of Ararat” after the flood. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
Stew Peters Show: We’re continuing to shine a light on the self-appointed executioners who are running our hospitals and using Covid as an excuse to kill off people they think are unworthy. Micky Bishop’s father Jerry got Covid at a funeral. Micky helped him treat it with ivermectin, but Jerry developed a fever so they took him into urgent care. After about 4 days, urgent care said that Jerry had Covid Pneumonia, so they sent him to a hospital. If you’ve heard our prior guests, you know what’s coming next.
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE A simple mouth and nose spray containing povidone iodine (PVP-I) could act as an effective shield to protect against COVID-19 PVP-I is a microbicidal agent with a virucidal efficacy of 99.99% When applied, the oronasal spray acts as a protective layer, coating the nasal and oral mucosa, which helps prevent SARS-CoV-2 from binding with ACE2 receptors and gaining entry into your cells In a clinical trial that has not yet been published, a 0.6% PVP-I solution had an efficacy rate of about 81.5% with “almost no mucosal irritation” Povidone iodine solutions have been found [More]
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE U.K. football legend and sports commentator, Matt Le Tissier, has been speaking out about the large number of athletes who have collapsed or died on the field, and has lost his job as a result Le Tissier says he has never seen anything like it in the 17 years he played football; he is calling for an investigation into the events and says ignoring it is a “massive dereliction of duty” by the officials Fact-checkers and government officials are trying to negate or discredit information that supports the theory that mRNA injections are behind [More]
By Dr. Danny R. Faulkner Stellar evolutionists have aimed to solve the young faint sun paradox since Carl Sagan’s attempt a half-century ago, and the solution still eludes them. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
The Australian government is trying to turn their protestors into rotisserie chicken! On Friday, the Stew Peters Show exposed the truth of what the Australian government is doing in order to stay in control of their country, and suppress the freedom uprising down under. It has been uncovered that the Australian Government has sent their police to burn the protestors with LRADS, which are microwave lasers.
By Ken Ham What’s my favorite board game? Well, it’s one of the world’s most popular indoor games, tracing its origins to the early 1600s, played throughout the English-speaking world, especially in the United Kingdom and my home country of Australia. It has relatively few rules but endless tactical subtleties. What game is it? Our very creative design and fabrication teams at Answers in Genesis have produced a collectors-quality, all-wooden cribbage board inspired by Noah’s Ark and our Ark Encounter themed attraction in N. Kentucky. This beautiful board has four tracks built in, so it can be played with two [More]
By Michael By Sara Tipton If you have a basement or even room under your house, you can create a root cellar to store food! The trick is going to be making it work with what you have, and all of us are in… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
The benefits for children in taking the Pfizer Covid vaccine are minimal. Almost non-existent. Indeed, the benefits of children taking the vaccine accrue almost entirely to adults. And this adult-centered risk-benefit analysis can’t justify the grave dangers to children of this vaccine. In this short video, the VSRF provides parents with a useful framework based on the CDC’s and FDA’s own data, so they make the most informed decision for their children.
Biotech analyst Karen Kingston has a track record of blowing the mind of patriots, with her in-depth investigations into government corruption and the evils of the pharmaceutical industrial complex. On Thursday, she joined the Stew Peters Show so share mind-blowing facts about viruses like Marburg, Sars, and HIV.
What did Adam and Eve learn? How did God ‘know good and evil’? …read more Source: creation.com     
  Stew Peters Show: The death shot has crippled Suzanna Newell, a previously avid triathlon runner, and competitive endurance biker. Doctors have diagnosed her with an autoimmune disease and small-fiber polyneuropathy, which includes symptoms of imbalance, joint pains and tinnitus, and the constant sensation of pins-and-needles on her skin. Newell has refused to let this affliction stop her and has dedicated her time to the small non-profit called React-19, which supports research into COVID-19 vaccination injuries.
“If you haven’t seen Steve’s interview of Mr. Hirschman you can see it here.” Admin Steve Kirsch: Cary Watkins is an embalmer with over 50 years of experience. He knows Richard Hirschman and vouches for him. Cary has personally seen these clots himself and says they are unlike anything he’s ever seen before. Hirschman suspected the vaccine many months ago, but has only recently shared his experiences on camera. This interview is important because it shows that Hirschman had been seeing this months ago, that he is credible, and that Watkins saw it too. Watkins doesn’t use Zoom, so this [More]
In January, the CEO of a major Midwest insurance company disclosed in a virtual Chamber of Commerce meeting that his company had seen a 40% increase in all-cause deaths in the last half of 2021, describing it as a once-in-200 years event.   That startling rise came as the daily number of deaths from COVID-19 was less than half of what it was the previous year, suggesting the vaccines are the most likely cause.   The CEO, Scott Davison of OneAmerica, said he found the data to be “consistent across every player in that business.”   Read More: ‘It’s the jab’: Top [More]
Steve Kirsch: It’s a LONG interview (2 hours and 20 minutes), but it’s a very important interview. If Canada falls, they will set the model for how to crush dissent. In this wide ranging interview, I talk with Dr. Byram Bridle about whether the truth will ever come out and how this will end. Topics covered: 1. How did the debate challenging the Canadian health officials go? 2. Does anyone want to debate you? 3. What does the science say about the vaccines? 4. Are these reports about blood impacts after vaccination true? What did you own studies find? 5. [More]
Flowers are as beautiful as they are complex. Flowers (Anthophyta) are designed with a receptacle (axis) upon which are found the carpel (ovary, style stigma) and stamen (filament and anther). The petals provide colorful aesthetic value while nectar guides within the petals can only be seen by pollinating insects that are able to see in the ultra-violet range. The ongoing puzzle for evolutionary botanists is the origin of the flowe… More… …read more Source: icr.org     
02/17/22 Stew Peters Show: On Monday, Canada’s Maoist Chairman Justin Trudeau unleashed the Emergency Measures Act on the Canadian people in retaliation for the righteous siege of Ottawa by the Freedom Convoy. Pastor Artur has been quarreling with Canadian authorities since the beginning of the pandemic – now, he has been arrested and placed in solitary confinement. On Tuesday, his son, Nathaniel Pawlowski, joined the show, to expose the abuse his father is facing at the hands of Trudeau’s jailhouse thugs.
The Australian government might have subtlety declared war on their citizens by allegedly using war-grade LRAD’s on peaceful protestors. Stew Peters was joined by his Australian correspondent, Maria Zeee to discuss the topic further. Over the past weeks, thousands of people descended on the Australian capital of Canberra to put an end to their country’s insane COVID policies. Organizers estimate it may have been over 500,000 people who showed up in a country less than 30 Million!
By Ken Ham Answers TV now hosts over 5,000 videos—wow! Our award-winning video streaming platform grows each week, with new episodes of favorite originals and new programs and presentations being added constantly (with lots of exciting programs still in the development stage!). Here’s just some of what’s new to Answers TV: Buddy Davis’ newest “Amazing Adventures,” Safari! Buddy’s off on his most far-flung adventure yet! Walk with lions (if you dare!), ride an elephant, and search for other exciting wildlife in South Africa alongside your favorite adventurer. Hike & Seek Season 2: God’s creation is full of incredible creatures. Prepare [More]
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE There’s an even worse offender than sugar for your immune system and overall health: industrially processed seed oils, often referred to as “vegetable oils” At the root of the harmful biochemical reactions triggered by seed oils is linoleic acid, the primary fatty acid found in polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) The dramatic increase in seed oil intake in recent decades is a key culprit behind the soaring rates of heart disease, cancer, age-related macular degeneration, diabetes, obesity and dementia Unsaturated fat intake is associated with increased mortality from COVID-19, while saturated fat intake lowers your [More]
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE Sweet wormwood (Artemisia annua) is a traditional plant-based medicine with antiparasitic, antiviral and anticancer properties. Studies show it’s also an effective remedy in the treatment of mild to moderate COVID-19 In April 2020, China added three Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) formulas to its standard of care for COVID-19, including one containing sweet wormwood, called Jinhua Qinggan In one COVID-specific study, Jinhua Qinggan granules were found to significantly alleviate fever, cough, fatigue, sputum, anxiety and need for hospitalization. Most recently, a Pakistani trial found the TCM remedy was 82.6% effective when used in COVID-positive patients [More]
  Stéphane Bancel, the C.E.O. of Moderna Therapeutics, released $300 million worth of Moderna shares, following up by deleting his Twitter account, seemingly with the intent of abandoning ship. Attorney Thomas Renz is welcomed onto the Stew Peters Show on Friday to discuss Bancel’s attempt to hide from accountability, the hacking of GiveSendGo, and Pfizer’s work to shield itself from the scrutiny of its deadly shots.
The discovery of an ancient man entombed in the Alps’ ice was one of the greatest finds of the last century. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
On today’s episode of the Dr. Jane Ruby Show, Dr. Jane busts open the Truth on the Hemorrhagic Fever Fears and how those doing the warnings may be part of the propaganda campaign to ignite fear in the United States and around the world and then in the 2nd segment, by popular demand, brings you an “Ask Dr. Jane” session that is so popular on The Stew Peters Show, to answer your questions and concerns and in the last segment, we have some important new findings from the highly published and esteemed research scientist, Dr. Jessica Rose with some stunning [More]
Stew Peters Show: The Biden Administration will stop at nothing to exterminate us. From leaving American citizens in Afghanistan to die, to mandating the fatal death shot that has killed more people than any other before. In their most recent video, Project Veritas has revealed that this Regime is after something far more precious… Your children. On Wednesday, the show was joined by Dr. Jane Ruby to discuss these disgusting vaccine mandates.
The video above is in German so unless you understand it, mute the volume then click on “Settings” icon beneath the video to change the subtitles to English via auto-translate feature. Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE The German Club of Clear Words takes a deep dive into the network of individuals and organizations responsible for the COVID scam Whether blatantly visible or not, you can identify just about any network by connecting dots between individuals and organizations. Who’s working with whom, where, and why? Who’s paying whom? And once you’ve done that, you can more clearly identify the motivations [More]