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By Michael By J.G. Martinez My family was lucky enough to leave Venezuela for Ecuador and Peru before things got to the peak of craziness, and people struggled with the question of where to find food. We didn’t… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By Casey Luskin On this ID the Future from the vault, Nate Herbst of The God Solution and the Center for Science and Culture’s Casey Luskin discuss their experiences as students in science courses interacting with professors over the evolution controversy. Luskin offers some suggested do’s and don’ts, and describes how involvement in a student club first awakened his interest in the intelligent design debate. Source …read more Source: id the future     
Jeff & microbiologist Erica Khan discuss what’s in the vaccines and vaccine shedding. Listen here  
More stories about those injured by Covid vaccines plus news from the blog of Dr. Mercola. Brain Swelling, Tunnel Vision Are Part of This Man’s COVID Jab Effects Woman Suffers a List of Neurological Symptoms After Pfizer Jab Woman in Remission From Epilepsy Gets It Back After COVID Shot Woman Talks About Harrowing Side Effects of Her COVID Shots COVID Shot Victim: ‘I Can’t Even Pick Up and Hold My Baby’ 9 Out of Every 10 COVID-19 Deaths in UK Were Fully Vaccinated The World Health Organization Is Planning to Give Itself Sweeping Powers COVID-19 Shot Reactions Just Keep Piling [More]
  The myth of the mask and the nonsense of social distancing are merely for compliance. The longer the pandemic goes, the more information is revealed – such as the fraud of the PCR test and the dangers of the vaccines.   So why is the government doing this, and more importantly, what is their endgame? In the video she talks about the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) and the vaccine agenda.    
Latest interview of whistleblower nurse Anne about what she is seeing in the hospital she’s at regarding the vax injured, an increase in aneurysms. Listen here
By Ken Ham Are you ready to be blown away by brand-new research that rewrites history as we think we know it? Well, when researchers start with God’s Word, rather than human reasoning, they’re able to make these kinds of discoveries because they have the proper starting point: the history recorded in the infallible Word of God. Harvard-trained Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson, who serves at AiG on our research team, starts with God’s Word, not the evolutionary timeline. Because of that stance, he’s able to study DNA in a completely different way from evolutionists. And what he’s found stamped in our [More]
Why is it vital for us to demonstrate Christian courage? How does the N-Q boundary provide evidence supporting Dr. Henry Morris’ prediction for the Genesis Flood? Did actual encounters with supposedly “prehistoric” creatures inspire dragon art? How can flightlessness be a display of God’s design? Discover the answers to these questions and more in the March-April 2022 issue of Acts & Facts! …read more Source: icr.org     
By Ken Ham The ministry of Answers in Genesis, the Creation Museum, and the Ark Encounter need protecting. Now, I’m not talking about security (although we do have a great public safety department to protect our facilities and staff), but something that is much more destructive. As a result, I want to share with you, our supporters, what we have implemented to help protect the ministry and the investment you have made in it. But first I need to give you some background. I have had a real burden about a particular matter for many years, and that burden continues [More]
The most frustrating thing about this pandemic is that there is no doubt that the drug companies have killed over 150,000 Americans, yet nobody with authority to stop these vaccines wants to talk about the evidence. The vaccine program is done under the pretext of saving 10,000 lives (the Pfizer Phase 3 trial showed the drug saved approximately one COVID life for every 22,000 people fully vaccinated for the COVID variants existing over 1 year ago), but nobody really wants to look at the excess all-cause mortality caused by the vaccines (aka “the collateral damage”).   Is there a viable [More]
By Günter Bechly On today’s ID the Future Casey Luskin hosts distinguished German paleontologist Günter Bechly to discuss Bechly’s essay in the recent Harvest House anthology, The Comprehensive Guide to Science and Faith: Exploring the Ultimate Questions About Life and the Cosmos. Darwinian evolution predicts a gradually branching tree of living forms, with one form shading into another over long periods of evolution, with each transitional step almost too modest to notice. Does the fossil record suggest such a pattern? Quite the opposite, Bechly says. Instead the pattern of the fossil record is consistently one of sudden appearance, and evolutionists [More]
By Dr. R. Albert Mohler, Jr. Ignorance of the Bible isn’t just a problem in our culture. It’s a problem in the church, and it’s scandalous. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE Chewing gum is a popular item, yet estimates are 75% of people do not know there are fossil-fuel-based plastic chemicals in the product. The chemicals are so damaging to the environment that Singapore banned chewing gum in 1992 Gum base includes plastics and waxes. Most chewing gum is also sweetened with artificial sweeteners, including aspartame and sucralose, which raise your risk of obesity, cancer and heart disease Plastic chemicals found in gum contribute to the plummeting sperm count, which one scientist believes will require assisted reproduction within the next 30 years Analysis of urine [More]
Pfizer, the company hit with the largest healthcare fraud settlement and criminal fine to date in 2009; which also happens to be the same company behind the first every mRNA gene therapy injection administered to the general public under emergency use authorisation in the name of Covid-19, has admitted in confidential documents, that it desperately tried to keep from going public, that its Covid-19 mRNA gene therapy may cause Vaccine-Associated Enhanced Disease. Read More: Confidential Pfizer Documents state ‘Covid-19 Vaccine-Associated Enhanced Disease is a real possibility’; & now real-world data proves it’s already occurring – The Expose
Are the days of creation ordinary days? Could they be long periods of time? Is Genesis 1 poetry? Does the length of the days really affect the Gospel? …read more Source: creation.com     
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE Former BlackRock portfolio manager Edward Dowd is speaking out about the real motivations behind the pandemic, which include a global debt problem and an imminent global collapse of the financial industry After the Great Financial Crisis, the decision was made to increase the money supply, but this debt-based financial system is unsustainable and Dowd believes it’s on the brink of collapse Restrictions on travel, vaccine passports and rampant censorship enacted as measures to control the pandemic are all a global way to control the collapse and its aftermath Dowd’s friend in the biotech industry [More]
The Dr. Jane Ruby Show is dedicated to Truth in Medicine and today’s show is no exception, Dr. Jane reviews the stunning expose brought forward by DRASTIC Research, the group that unveiled the illegal criminal activity by Anthony Fauci, Ecohealth Alliance President Peter Daszak, college drop out Bill Gates, and how EHA brokered deals with corrupt US Government officials in HHS to fund countless proposals for Gain of Function programs and proves that the Covid Pandemic was a premeditated, strategic plan for racketeering, money laundering, and death and destruction. Premium members will get a closer look at their criminal activity [More]
Stew Peters Show: The scheme of, false data, and political divisiveness surrounding Pfizer jabs are finally collapsing. Friday on the show, Dr. Robert Malone exposes confidential information from Pfizer containing fatal vaccine injuries and lists of extreme adverse events. In the premium interview, Dr. Malone evaluates the data and the consequences of the jabs.
Stew Peters Show: The bioweapon marketed as a ‘vaccine’ has proven to be an injectable death wish in many cases. Now, the US is expecting a new rollout of dangerous jabs with terrifying ingredients. Dr. Jane Ruby joined the show Friday to expose these developing details and her plans to collaborate with experts to find out more.
By Ken Ham Fact or interpretation? When you read popular science items, keep that question in the forefront of your mind. Why? Well, because much of what you read is just the researchers’ interpretation of what they have discovered—not fact. And there was a news item that appeared recently that’s a perfect example of this. Headlines hailed the Brazilian fossil discovery as the “‘great grandfather’ of Diplodocus and Brontosaurus!,” a missing link in the evolution of the largest creatures to ever roam earth (the long-necked sauropods). This new dinosaur is believed to have been seven feet long, bipedal, and had [More]
03/04/22   “On the same page is a 4 part interview with Mr. Hoffman called 4th Reich Rising which you might want to watch too.” Admin   This new Glazov Gang episode features Leo Hoffman, a veteran investigative reporter and author whose book, Stealth Invasion, spent the majority of 2017 among Amazon.com’s top 10 books on immigration. Visit him at LeoHohmann.com.   Leo discusses The Globalists’ Puppets in Power, revealing The dark assignment they are dutifully fulfilling.   Don’t miss it!   Watch: Glazov Gang: The Globalists’ Puppets in Power | Jamie Glazov Productions
By Ken Ham There’s no doubt Dr. David Menton was one of those giants of our day in the biblical creation ministry. He worked with AiG for 20 years and moved to his eternal home December 2021. He was well known by biblical creationists around the world. I first met Dr. Menton in the early ’80s when I spoke in the St. Louis area. But what do I remember most about Dr. Menton? I certainly remember his knowledge of anatomy. I’ve never met anyone who had such detailed knowledge about this subject. No wonder he was honored for his teaching [More]
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE The U.S. Food and Drug Administration issued temporary guidance in March 2020, allowing benzene in hand sanitizers at levels up to 2 parts per million (ppm) The allowance was made due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which triggered unprecedented demand for disinfectant products like hand sanitizers When hand sanitizer shortages emerged at the start of the pandemic, the FDA’s temporary guidance allowed manufacturers to produce the products from lower grades of ethanol Valisure tested 260 hand sanitizer products, including liquid and non-liquid products; they found that 44 batches, or 17%, contained benzene The FDA finally [More]
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE Data such as U.S. hospitalizations for COVID-19 according to age, race and injection status have been collected by the CDC for more than a year but most of it hasn’t been made public The CDC published data on boosters’ effectiveness in adults under 65, but didn’t include data for 18- to 49-year-olds, “the group least likely to benefit from extra shots” The CDC didn’t publish the data over concerns that it would be “misinterpreted,” but the only way the data could be interpreted as ineffective is if they show the shots don’t work Dr. [More]
The latest data published by the UK Health Security Agency confirms deaths are rising dramatically among the triple vaccinated population whilst declining steadily among the not-vaccinated population in England.   With the most recent figures showing the fully vaccinated accounted for 9 in every 10 Covid-19 deaths over the past month; and the triple vaccinated accounted for 4 in every 5 of them.   Read More: Whilst you’ve been distracted by Russia’s Invasion, the UK Gov. released a Report confirming the Fully Vaccinated now account for 9 in every 10 Covid-19 Deaths in England – The Expose
By Mark Looy Atheists believe that religion should be kept out of public places. But what if atheistic humanism is a religion, too? …read more Source: AIG Daily     
“Persecution for those telling the truth about the deadly “jab” is worldwide.” Admin   FWM reported this week that a major German health insurer revealed that the number of side effects from the Covid-19 vaccines has been vastly underreported. BKK ProVita board member Andreas Schöfbeck spoke of an “alarming signal” and called for more research. But his honesty came with a hefty price tag. MUNICH Andreas Schöfbeck has estimated that in Germany up to 3 million people have been treated for side effects that occurred after the jab. This concerns 31 000 people who have died and 412 000 who [More]