“The sheer insanity of all this is breathtaking!” Admin Staff at a British National Health Service (NHS) hospital have begun asking male cancer patients whether they might be pregnant before scheduling certain scans. A report in the Telegraph Monday unveiled that the Walton Care NHS Foundation Trust in Liverpool asks “all patients under the age of 60, regardless of how you may identify your gender” if they are pregnant before performing radiotherapy, x-rays, and MRI scans, all of which can be harmful to a developing baby in the womb. The new measure has apparently been adopted in response to a 2017
Is there a billions-of-years gap between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2, with a Luciferian flood that caused all the fossils? Biblical and scientific problems with gap theory. Read More
More Israelis are experiencing injuries and reactions following COVID-19 booster shots than the country’s passive reporting system indicates, according to a survey conducted by the Israeli Ministry of Health. What do the data tell us about safety signals and underreporting? More Israelis are experiencing injuries and reactions following COVID-19 booster shots than the country’s passive reporting system indicates, according to a survey conducted by the Israeli Ministry of Health (MOH). The MOH conducted an active survey of booster shot recipients to collect data on adverse events associated with booster doses, then compared the survey data to the data available from
On today’s Dr. Jane Ruby Show, Dr. Jane shows you the latest evidence of Pfizer and Moderna vials containing metallic foreign objects, and that they have been seen growing into self assembling circuits that rapidly expand when warmed to body temperature; and later, Dr. Jane shows you an FDA document proving that the bioweapon makers and the FDA keep calling the death shots “vaccines” because they’ve always known the dangers of gene therapy; and the show winds up with a look at Moderna’s top line results they will use to seek an emergency use authorization to shoot up 6 month
On today’s Dr. Jane Ruby Show, Dr. Jane shows you the implications of what we now know is the intentional gene changing mechanism in these shots falsely referred to as vaccines, that in addition to forcing the body to become a pathogenic spike protein factory, the natural God Given DNA is permanently altered with NO proper informed consent and no oversight by the Human Subject Review Boards that are charged with your safety.
Although we see much beauty in God’s creation, we cannot help but see Earth as a perfect world gone wrong. Conditions such as cancer, COVID, and carnivores reminds us this world has been cursed due to the sin of our first parents. Cursed is the ground for your sake; in toil you shall eat of it all the days of your life. Both thorns and thistles it shall bring forth for you, and you shall eat… More… …read more Source: icr.org
Analysis by Tessa Lena STORY AT-A-GLANCE On March 7, New York City lifted the indoor vaccine mandate for restaurants, bars, and theaters along with the mask mandate in public schools Masks are still required in public transportation and healthcare settings, and children under the age of five are still required to mask The past two years, and especially the recent period of state-mandated segregation, have brought out the best and the worst out of us The mandates in NYC have been mostly lifted but how long will it take us to heal, and what are the guarantees that the mandates are
04/02/22 “Criminal fraud Biden’s perverse agenda marches on. How long will God let us survive as a nation if we continue promoting evil of all kinds.” Admin Joe Biden’s agenda, announced just this week, to endorse and promote transgender surgeries that mutilate the healthy body parts of children has been the target of widespread condemnation from the Christian community. But none has been more pointed that the comments from Franklin Graham, chief of the worldwide ministry Samaritan’s Purse, which has multiple programs reaching out to and helping children specifically. Biden’s plan was featured in an announcement from his
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE Researchers from Northwestern University found even a moderate amount of light exposure while sleeping has a negative effect on your heart health and metabolism, increasing your risk of developing Type 2 diabetes Light controls your internal clock known as your circadian rhythm, which is influenced by melatonin production in the pineal gland. Light exposure at night inhibits melatonin, which plays a role in many health functions Melatonin is a powerful antioxidant with anticonvulsant, antiviral, antibacterial and antiexcitotoxic properties. It has the rare ability to enter the mitochondria and prevent impairment; melatonin has been used
By Ken Ham How would you and your family like to “bounce” back and forth between the world’s two leading Christian themed attractions? Well, now you can because we’re presenting a whole new way of experiencing everything the Ark Encounter and the Creation Museum have to offer in N. Kentucky. The museum and the Ark both offer so much for families to see and do: world-class exhibits, beautiful grounds, hands-on family programs, presentations, concerts, animal encounters, zoo animals, playgrounds, and more (with more coming!). Whew! No wonder families want to spend more than just one day at each attraction! And
04/01/22 “Is this the coming world government that the Bible says will occur in the last days? It’s sure looking that way.” Admin Economist and White House advisor, Dr. Pippa Malgrem, during the World Government Summit 2022’s session, which the globalist group titled “Are We Ready for A New World Order?” asserted that the world is on the brink of a dramatic change from the “traditional system of money” to a new digital system enforced by world superpowers. “What underpins a world order is always the financial system,” she told the audience. “What we are seeing in our world today
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE Fear of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine causing a nuclear incident has resulted in Europeans stockpiling iodine. In the case of a serious nuclear accident, radioactive iodine can be released into the air, increasing your risk of thyroid cancer and acute radiation sickness when inhaled Non-radioactive iodine supplements help to prevent the radioactive iodine from concentrating in your thyroid gland, thereby reducing the risk of thyroid cancer The conventional recommendation to ward off some of the health dangers of radiation exposure is to take supplemental potassium iodide. In addition to potassium iodide tablets, you could
Dr. SarahBeth Hartlage was the associate medical director of the health department in Louisville, Kentucky. She was also “the face of the LouVax site” at the Kentucky Exposition Center and became known for pushing the COVID-19 vaccine. Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer said that Hartlage “took command of an amazing team of city workers and volunteers to vaccinate tens of thousands of people in a previously unthinkably short amount of time.” Earlier this month, without apparent cause, the 36-year-old died. All Louisville Chief Health Strategist Sarah Moyer had to say was that it was “sudden and expected” but could not explain the
By Ken Ham The plain meaning of Genesis, how the “days” in Genesis 1 have been understood in church history & answering common objections to the historical reading of Genesis …read more Source: AIG Daily
Ben Armstrong show: This is a must see! Dr. Reiner Fuellmich exposes all the lies of the globalists! Watch the video if you want the truth.
For Dane Donaldson, father of eight-year-old Tanner, saving his son from terminal kidney disease is the least he can do. However, despite being the perfect kidney donor, the Cleveland Clinic turned him down simply because he was not vaccinated, and they mandate that everyone who goes under the knife should be. In the March 25 episode of “The HighWire,” host Del Bigtree discussed Tanner’s situation. Read More: Cleveland Clinic denies father right to donate a kidney to his terminally ill son because he is unvaccinated – NaturalNews.com
The Covid vaccines were supposed to protect those who got inoculated, but that is not what’s happening. In fact, instead of the pandemic of the unvaccinated that we were warned about, many of the sick and dying had gotten vaccinated. In this episode of “Beyond the Cover,” host Gary Benoit interviews Rebecca Terrell about her article “The Jab Jinx” that was published in The New American magazine’s April 11, 2022 “Covid Special Report.” Terrell, who is a senior editor of The New American, discusses the mounting evidence showing that the adverse effects of the vaccines are doing far more harm
04/01/22 “Anyone thinking that we will someday get back to normal (pre 2020 days) is in for a rude awakening with what the globalists have planned for us. This is just a sample of what’s to come if they are allowed to usher us into their Great Reset tyranny.” Admin Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE Evidence that The Great Reset is rapidly approaching can be seen in the recent decision by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to ban real meat, and if history is any indication, the same decision may be taken by other countries as well. The
04/01/22 “Total depravity characterizes the fraudulent Biden regime. Wanting to foist this radical sexual agenda on grade schoolers should convince any sane parent to get their kid(s) out of public school.” Admin President Biden published a direct message to “transgender Americans of all ages” on social media Thursday to mark “Transgender Day of Visibility” in the United States. “To everyone celebrating Transgender Day of Visibility, I want you to know that your President sees you. Jill, Kamala, Doug, our entire administration sees you for who you are,” said Biden from the White House. Watch: BIDEN: I’m
Jeff & Erica – The Alarming Unfolding Novavax Story The EVIL Spike Protein Creating AIDS In The Vaxed Update On The Spike CJD Prion Horror Explosion and personality changes Listen here
Evidence continues to accumulate that the Genesis Flood caused an ice age lasting hundreds of years.1 Creation scientists maintain there are two significant climate factors needed for an ice age. First, warm oceans are needed to increase evaporation, which ultimately generates extra rain near the equator and heavy snowfall in higher latitudes. Such conditions would build ice sheets atop the continents. Second, Earth&rsqu… More… …read more Source: icr.org
By Ken Ham In January, Answers in Genesis held a two-day conference with teaching, workshops, and displays to help equip Vacation Bible School directors and volunteers who will be using AiG’s powerful 2022 Answers VBS program, Learn more about Zoomerang at AnswersVBS.com. Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,Ken This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team. …read more Source: Ken Ham AIG
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE In the first large-scale trial to evaluate the long-term effects of cocoa flavanols on heart disease, notable benefits were uncovered Those who received cocoa flavanols had a 27% reduction in death from cardiovascular disease, and incidence of three cardiovascular events — heart attacks, strokes and cardiovascular deaths — was also significantly reduced Among those who took the cocoa flavanol supplement regularly, there was a 15% reduction in total cardiovascular events and a 39% reduction in death from cardiovascular disease Cocoa flavanols have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-obesity and hypolipidemic effects, with research showing that even short-term
More stories about those injured by Covid vaccines plus news from the blog of Dr. Mercola. Attorney Dies From Vaccine-Related Heart Attack Watch This Man’s Uncontrollable Spasms After Getting the Vaccine Australian Man Develops Pericarditis After Getting the Pfizer Shot Bayer Chief: mRNA Vaccines Are Gene Therapy Woman Develops Autoimmune Disorder After Pfizer Shot AstraZeneca Injury Victim Still Awaiting Compensation Man Gets Pericarditis After COVID-19 Booster Woman Struggles With Sores Months After Moderna Shot COVID Jab Messed Up This Woman’s Menstrual Cycle Moderna to Seek Emergency Use COVID Shot for Children Under 6 Once-Healthy and Active 6-Year-Old Boy Suffers After
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE A March 2022 study shows a link between artificial sweeteners and cancer, even after controlling for factors known to contribute to cancer, including age, weight gain, physical activity and family history of cancer Artificial sweeteners are commonly found in diet and low-calorie foods. However, they are also found in foods that you may have thought were either sweetened with sugar or not sweetened at all, such as bread, Pedialyte, Greek yogurt, granola cereal, non-diet ginger ale and microwave kettle popcorn Evidence suggests that artificial sweeteners also trigger beneficial bacteria to become pathogenic, lower the
By Kaitlyn Iocco What do so many beautiful geological formations around the world have in common? …read more Source: AIG Daily
Five items for this article: FDA authorizes 5 doses of the COVID vaccine?!? We thought it was four. Ron DeSantis is suing to end the transportation mask mandate. Joomi’s vax story Amputation after vaccination Does the flu shot reduce mortality? Nobody wants to know. Read More: FDA authorizes five doses, DeSantis mask lawsuit, Joomi’s vax story, leg amputations, flu vaccine