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Stew Peters Show: The injectable bioweapon is leaving its mark on the unsuspecting, as the media desperately hides the stories of those who have survived the shot. Steve Kirsch joined the show Friday to detail how American airlines are putting their pilots and passengers in danger as they enforce the clot shot. The complicit media continues to conceal the truth, as our pilots face the risk of heart attacks at high altitudes.
By Ken Ham Christ is risen! Hallelujah! Easter Sunday is such a wonderful day of celebration for believers as we remember that Christ died for our sins and then rose again, conquering death. With so much suffering and uncertainty in our world (with no sign that it’s going to stop anytime soon!), it’s wonderful that we can be grounded in the unchanging, eternal truth that Christ died for our sin and then rose again—and those who have trusted in him for salvation are saved for eternity. Praise the Lord! One way to celebrate Christ’s victory over sin and death is [More]
Jeff & Erica – Dr Ryan Cole On The Explosion Of Cancers Airborne AIDS-How The BioWeapon Destroys Interferon In The Cells – Natural Healers Freak Out…’See’ Vaxed Patients As Being ‘Dead’ Listen here
04/23/22   “Excellent article on fraud Bidens cancellation of two weapons systems that the military brass say we need to help counteract the hugh Russian advantage in nuclear weapons. Is this another move to lower our military readiness? It also discusses our aging nuclear weapons stockpile which hasn’t been tested for decades. If a nuclear war broke out now we would definitely be on the short end of the stick.” Admin   The Sea-Launched Cruise Missile-Nuclear (SLCM-N)    President Biden’s defense budget “zeros out” funding for the U.S. Navy’s SLCM-N, ignoring protests from the Pentagon, including the Chairman of the [More]
By Sara Tipton Blackcurrants have many health benefits, including relieving joint pain often caused by autoimmune disorders. But Americans have missed out on the health benefits of these nutritious berries! Blackcurrants (Ribes nigrum) have been called “the forbidden fruit” in the United States. They can help spread a fungus that infects white pine trees called white pine blister rust. For this reason, blackcurrants were banned in the early 1900s in the U.S and many plants were removed from certain areas in an effort to save the logging and timber industry. Blackcurrants, which are native to Europe and Asia, were once [More]
By Michael Patricia Burke of Safe Tech International, Image Courtesy Floris Freshman My friend has 2 golden retrievers who are seemingly oblivious to lightning, fireworks, and blasts from the gun firing range near her home. Two Golden Retrievers at rest, oblivious to gun target practice nearby Dog vs. Lightning… … …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
Welcome to another ‘In the News’ edition of Objective:Health, where we touch on some of the latest health news making headlines. This week we talk about the latest info to come out of the Pfizer releases, Moderna seeking Emergency Use Authorization for their vaccine for under-six-year-olds and massive conflicts of interest in the advising members of the US Dietary Guidelines committee. Meanwhile, unvaccinated Australians are still being held prisoner in their own country. Join us for this episode of Objective:Health as we cover the latest news and give you the O:H take! And check us out on Brighteon! For other [More]
By everybodysfit We do a full examination of our face in the mirror practically every day as if it is part of our morning or evening routine. We stare at every blemish and watch the effects of aging take place with a little disgruntle every time we spot something new. Age spots occur on the skin looking like tan, brown, or black spots. Age spots are also called liver spots and/or sunspots. The darker pigment of the skin is actually a response to injury (sun exposure). Sunspots are very, very common, mostly seen on the face, arms, hands, and shoulders. [More]
Heart inflammation severe enough to cause hospitalization is more common among vaccinated individuals than unvaccinated according to study   So the vaccines aren’t just ineffective, but unsafe, according to studies. Go figure. A massive study of tens of millions of Europeans revealed that those who have received COVID-19 vaccines are more likely to suffer from heart inflammation which causes hospitalization than those who did not receive a vaccine.   Read More: Study Reveals Heart Inflammation More Common Among Vaccinated
By Eric Cassell On this ID the Future radio host Hank Hanegraaff interviews Animal Algorithms author Eric Cassell about insects and other small-brained animals with innate behaviors of astonishing sophistication—desert ants, leafcutter ants, honey bees, spiders, monarch butterflies, and many more. These appear to be hard-wired from birth with complex algorithms coded into their neural networks, and some of the algorithms seem to involve complex mathematics. Also mysterious: many of these innate abilities are do or die. So how could they have blindly evolved one small Darwinian step at a time? Also, how would genetic mutations generate the ability to [More]
Creator of the mRNA injection, bioweapon gene therapy, Dr. Robert Malone joined the Stew Peters Show Thursday to answer drilling questions on construction of the jab, Moderna, peptides, and more. In the premium segment, Dr. Malone detailed the inflammation caused by the injection, the dangers of mRNA, and puss formations in the body.
Stew Peters Show: The US military is forcing vaccination as extreme discrimination takes place in the ranks, vaccine injuries become 10-fold, and the ideological purge damages our armed forces. A military whistleblower, soldier of 20 years, joined the show Thursday to expose the hypocrisy of the military, the dangers of mandates, and the threats facing our men and women in service.
Australia recently recorded a 7 day average of 72 Covid-19 deaths every day. But during the first wave of Covid-19 to hit the country back in March 2020, the 7 day average equated to no more than 4 deaths per day.   Meanwhile official New South Wales Government figures shows that throughout the whole of March 2022, the vaccinated population accounted for over 4 in every 5 Covid-19 deaths.   So why is it that the 7 day average number of Covid-19 deaths is currently 18 times higher two years on from the beginning of the pandemic?   And why [More]
04/23/22   On April 14, the Biden administration unleashed a “total transformation of government” — as described by the Department of Energy — arguably based on principles of Critical Race Theory. Toward that end, more than 90 federal agencies announced “equity action plans” to supposedly address inequality in American society — but critics say that the plans will create a coercive bureaucracy intent on punishing certain Americans based on racial marxism and other progressive ideas that champion victimhood. The White House recently noted that on his first day in office, President Joe Biden “signed Executive Order 13985, Advancing Racial Equity [More]
04/23/22   “How much longer will God’s judgement be delayed as the world sinks deeper into spiritual darkness.” Admin   As “woke” corporations and Democrats shrieked about Florida’s new law protecting children from LGBTQ+ indoctrination in Kindergarten to third grade, the United Nations and the Biden administration were busy pushing transgenderism into school classrooms worldwide.   Indeed, the UN, through its UNAIDS agency, even launched a program called “Unbox Me” to bully teachers into pushing gender confusion on children worldwide. In partnership with an advertising agency, the global outfit launched the global propaganda program last week.   Read More: UN [More]
By Rob Webb Many believe that scientific laws confirm ideas like evolution, but we don’t ask why these laws exist, where they came from, and how can we even understand them? …read more Source: AIG Daily     
04/22/22 Stew Peters Show: Tyranny in Australia is expanding and the government is cracking down on purebloods, as hospitals commit mass fraud, the elites freeze more bank accounts, and WHO plans to destroy all constitutions and overrule with vaccines. Maria Zeee joined the show Thursday to expose the tyrants’ intentions for world vaccination, the establishment of digital cities, and the Australian government’s attack on flood victims.
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE There’s an, often unspoken, effect of coffee drinking that many would consider a benefit — it makes you poop Colon activity increases quickly after a cup of coffee — within four minutes — and the effect persists for at least 30 minutes In terms of acting as a colonic stimulant, drinking caffeinated coffee has effects similar to that of eating a meal, and leads to activity that is 60% stronger than drinking water and 23% stronger than drinking decaffeinated coffee Molecules including exorphins, which are opioid-like compounds in coffee, motilin or the hormone gastrin [More]
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE Incidence of early puberty has surged since the start of the COVID pandemic, and is affecting children at ages that are historically unprecedented Many children diagnosed with slow-progressing early puberty also experienced an acceleration of pubertal progressing during and/or after lockdown Early puberty can have serious consequences for those affected. It’s been linked to a higher risk for depression, eating disorders, substance abuse and antisocial behavior The cause for the unprecedented rise in early puberty is unknown, but experts suspect it has to do with lifestyle changes related to lockdowns, such as stress, elevated [More]
More stories about those injured by Covid vaccines plus news from the blog of Dr. Mercola. From Healthy to Disabled, All Because of the COVID Jab Wuhan Lab Can Ask for Secret Research Files To Be Destroyed 13-Year-Old Dies From Cardiac Arrest Days After Pfizer Shot The Vaccine Injury Compensation System for COVID Isn’t Working E-Cigs Alter the Inflammatory State of Brain, Heart, Lungs, Colon Did the Booster Shot Cause This 24-Year-Old’s Sudden Death? Transit Mask Mandates Finally Ended — but Some Come with Caveats Nursing Assistant Gets Terrible Spasms After Moderna Jab Here’s A Different Doctor’s Take on the [More]
By Heather Brinson Bruce When modern evolutionary physicists begin to connect the dots with abstract ideas that can’t be tested, even they are alarmed. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
Jeff and Erica discuss Covid stories in the news then interview whistleblower nurse Anne who works in a NY hospital. Listen here
“Links to the report are in the article.” Admin   Paul Craig Roberts   That is the conclusion from “The Vaccine Death Report” prepared by David John Sorensen and Dr. Vladimir Zelenko.   You should read the entire report and understand how cruelly and intentionally you were deceived and to comprehend that the deaths from the Covid “vaccine” are likely far from over.   I am familiar with many of the individual pieces of information in this report and reported on them on this website.  This extensive summary of the factual evidence of the deaths and injuries caused worldwide by the [More]
Biotech analyst and former Pfizer employee, Karen Kingston has applied her advanced skillsets to read the COVAX drug patents and federal contracts and she’s back with Greg Hunter to explain some of her latest findings.   She says, “We are being lied to at such a level, it is difficult for people to comprehend. The American people and global citizens were told the injections were vaccines. In fact, when you look at the patents, they call them ‘bioweapons’. They call them ‘toxins’, they call them ‘agents of chemical biowarfare’…   Read More: 7 Patented Poisons in CV19 Injections – Karen Kingston – [More]
04/22/22   Carl Jackson discusses green energy myths with Author of “The Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change,” Marc Marano. Marano concludes that the Green New Deal is about controlling the masses not cleaning the air. Topics include: Is the Amazon Rain Forest really the “lungs of the earth?” Are EVs better for the environment than gas guzzlers? How can CO2 be bad for humans if we exhale it? Is Biden’s green energy policies responsible for the Russia- Ukraine war? That and more on today’s show   Watch: Watch: Great Reset & The New Green Deal Fraud w/Marc Morano | [More]
Whale sharks are amazingly designed, and have ‘teeth’ on their eyes instead of eyelids for protection. …read more Source: creation.com     
Stop vaccine genocide! Lt. Col Theresa Long joins the Stew Peters Show to bring awareness of wounded military members due to the COVID-19 vaccine! The more you see the injuries in perfectly healthy, battle ready soldiers, it makes you think twice about the motivation of pushing this deadly injection.