Contrary to Darwinian theory, creatures are not molded by the environment, but rather they actively sense the environment and adapt accordingly. They continuously track their environmental surroundings through complex networks of sensors and then rapidly deploy pre-programmed adaptive solutions to maintain homeostasis. While many scientists have been documenting this phenomenon at the individual organism level, little is known how this works in l… More… …read more Source:
On today’s Dr. Jane Ruby Show, Dr. Jane rips into the Nurses That Stayed, as more and more of them are outwardly admitting that, while they continue to witness killer lung and blood clots, Remdesivir driven deaths, and many other never before seen outcomes of these bioweapon fake vaccines, they are staying for not only paychecks but now it’s for their retirements!!
04/25/22 The United Nations World Health Organization is in the process of usurping ever greater powers over the nations of the world with updates to its international health regime, WHO whistleblower Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger told The New American magazine’s Alex Newman in this episode of Conversations That Matter. Citizens from countries around the world must rise up and make sure this usurpation does not succeed, or freedom and self-government will be lost forever, she warned. Watch: UN Whistleblower: WHO is Tip of the Spear for Global Tyranny – The New American
Weaponized psychiatry is one of the key tools being used by the Deep State to usher in its diabolical New World Order, explains The New American magazine’s Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The Deep State. For generations, psychiatry has been at the forefront of the movement for tyranny, even being used against dissidents to keep them locked up in horrific conditions in communist nations. Now, the UN World Health Organization is in the process of developing and imposing a global “mental health” regime that is extremely dangerous. Meanwhile, Alex explains that psychiatry is not like other
04/25/22 “Better start taking this seriously folks! When the globalists start telling you what they are going to do you know hard times are coming. Are you prepared for them? If not, time is running out to do so and if your are not right with the Lord you better get right.” Admin Rockefeller Foundation President Rajiv Shah told Bloomberg Television’s David Westin a “massive, immediate food crisis” is on the horizon. Shah provides what could be a timeline for the next global food crisis that could begin “in the next six months.” He said global fertilizer supply disruptions caused by
04/25/22 Miranda Devine was the lead reporter in the New York Post’s blockbuster stories weeks before the 2020 election featuring evidence of Joe Biden’s involvement in the family’s influence peddling operation. A poll indicated that if those revelations had not been censored by Twitter, Facebook and other social media, they would have changed the outcome of the vote. Now, Devine is weighing in on what she calls the “most compelling evidence to date” of a systematic scheme to subvert the electoral process. Read More: Miranda Devine: ‘The most compelling evidence’ of 2020 vote fraud
By Ethan Huff (NaturalNews) (Natural News) Canadian independent media outlet Rebel News has procured documents showing that Justin Trudeau and the rest of the Canadian government took full advantage of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) as a vehicle for better aligning the country with the “Great Reset” agenda of the World Economic Forum (WEF).Access to Information … [Read More…] …read more Source: Natural News
By Ken Ham It’s graduation season as students wrap up their high school years or their college degrees. Are you looking for a unique, faith-affirming gift for the graduate(s) in your life? Whether you’re looking for a grad gift for your child, grandchild, or the youth in your church or Christian school, we have graduation gifts with an eternal purpose. We have an entire bookstore filled with resources to equip and encourage young people in their faith, but I’ll highlight a few gift ideas for your 2022 graduate: Prepare to Thrive: A Survival Guide for Christian Students. This is my
By Ethan Huff (NaturalNews) (Natural News) The world’s largest rice-producing countries are having difficulties planting their normal crop this year due to soaring fertilizer prices, which the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) warned could send harvests plunging by as much as 10 percent next season.China, India, Bangladesh, Indonesia, and Vietnam are … [Read More…] …read more Source: Natural News
By Abby Campbell, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) Alzheimer’s patients (and their families) know this is true: cognitive function doesn’t improve by taking pharmaceutical medications. In reality, prescription drugs have failed to prevent or halt the progression of this dreaded condition. Billions of dollars have been spent on ineffective drug therapies, while the real answer is in your local farmers’ market or health food store. In fact, recent studies show that diet has a powerful effect on cognitive function. Let’s discover what the research has found. Numbers don’t lie: Task force admits failure Over the years, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration
By Ken Ham When we stand firm on God’s Word, we can expect attacks. How should we respond? It depends on who the opposition is. …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Ethan Huff (NaturalNews) (Natural News) Researchers from Saudi Arabia have found that people who take antidepressant pharmaceuticals are just as miserable and unhappy as people who do not.Rather than helping to improve happiness levels, antidepressants do nothing, at best. At worst, they cause horrific side effects that can lead to suicide or homicide … [Read More…] …read more Source: Natural News
By Arsenio Toledo (NaturalNews) (Natural News) An investigation into publicly available data from Public Health Scotland (PHS) shows that there has been a massive surge in teenagers and young adults suffering heart attacks and other heart complications since the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines emerged.PHS is the government-owned public health body overseeing … [Read More…] …read more Source: Natural News
By Brian-Admin by The Exposé On April 15 2022, the World Health Organisation issued a global alert about a new form of severe acute Hepatitis with an unknown aetiology (cause) affecting previously healthy children in the UK over the last month. Cases have also been notified in Spain and Ireland. Tests have excluded all previously known Hepatitis viruses. 74 cases have been found so far, with more expected. The WHO alert said: “The clinical syndrome in identified cases is of acute hepatitis with markedly elevated …read more Source: Health Impact News
God coded the gender binary into every cell of our bodies. …read more Source:
The Universal Antidote University has put together a Beginner Training Guidebook to teach the world about the miraculous power of chlorine dioxide (ClO2). This free video training guide is replete with time-tested knowledge about how ClO2 really is a universal antidote for just about anything, including the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19). The interactive training guide contains clickable links to documents and other resources on the web that you can use to gain a greater understanding about how this simple, safe and easy-to-make solution supports a healthy and vibrant immune system. Read More: Here’s what you need to know about chlorine dioxide (ClO2), the “universal
By Aden Tate By the author of The Faithful Prepper and The Prepper’s Guide to Post-Disaster Communications. Fire seems to be the buzzword of the day as America continues to witness fire after fire within its food production facilities. This comes right on the heels of a ban on the exportation of Russian fertilizer, numerous fertilizer plant fires within America, and a chicken problem we’re facing in the US. But fire? Why do they keep popping up within American food infrastructure? What are we seeing there? Here are a few the …read more Source: Organic Prepper
04/24/22 “It looks like the treasonous Biden admin is trying to create a greater food crisis with this move. Is this designed to create chaos and usher us into the globalists Great Reset tyranny? Better get ready, hard times are coming.” Admin Food shortages, China buying hundreds of thousands of acres of farmland, food processing plants blowing up, catching fire, or having small planes crash into them…weird, right? All of the above is fixing to have a significant impact on the food chain. Now, the Brandon administration is looking to make life even harder for American
04/24/22 “All this sabre rattling about nuclear weapons and war is not a good sign for the worlds short term future.” Admin When Russia began its invasion of Ukraine in February, Russian President Vladimir Putin promised ‘consequences you have never seen’ for countries that attempt to interfere in the conflict. Britain has been one of Ukraine’s biggest supporters, sending them weapons and admitting this week that it has placed Special Forces in the country to train and advise the Ukrainian military. Today, Putin announced that Russia is in the midst of developing a nuclear weapon that
“Arrogant little twit Fraudci thinks he’s a dictator.” Admin Disagreeing with a court ruling freeing public transportation passengers from required masking, Anthony Fauci this week revealed perhaps a bit more than he intended. Courts should not have a say on public health issues; only government agencies like the U. S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention should, according to Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. What’s that, doctor? The CDC, your organization, the Biden administration and even the lowliest county health office is above the law? Is that what you’re saying,
By Ken Ham The Genesis Flood by engineer Dr. Henry Morris and theologian Dr. John Whitcomb was one of the first major books I read on the issue of creation, the age of the earth, and a historical Genesis, and it greatly impacted me. This book was one of the first we started selling back in the 1970s—indeed, it was the book that is credited for launching the modern creation movement. I’ve heard many testimonies over the years of pastors who told me The Genesis Flood book saved them from the liberal theology at the seminary they were attending. They
By Ethan Huff (NaturalNews) (Natural News) A company-wide Zoom call that was held on Dec. 3, 2020, revealed that AstraZeneca’s Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “vaccine” was never intended to be injected into the bodies of immunocompromised people.James O’Keefe and the team at Project Veritas obtained a recording of AstraZeneca CEO Pascal Soriot explaining plainly … [Read More…] …read more Source: Natural News
? Analysis by Tessa Lena STORY AT-A-GLANCE Dr. Spiro Pantazatos is a researcher at Columbia University who recently co-authored a study on “vaccine-induced fatality rate” His initial reaction to the COVID pandemic was 100% mainstream, and it was the data (and his scientific integrity) that compelled him to change his mind Dr. Spiro Pantazatos believes that the risk associated with COVID injections is comparable to the risk associated with getting COVID in 2020, with the injection risks increasing with each dose His message for the fellow scientists is to find their voice and stop being silent This story is about a
By Ken Ham This recent article caught my attention . . . for all the wrong reasons. As I’ve mentioned hundreds of times over the years, once you open the door for compromise on the book of Genesis, it allows the door to continually be opened wider for compromise on the rest of Scripture. It places a person on a slippery slide of unbelief. Genesis is the foundation for so many biblical principles, like creation, sin, death, marriage, gender, and sexuality. When the book of Genesis is relegated to myth, moral parable or “mytho-history” (as William Lane Craig puts it),
As people continue to get jabbed, more and more evidence proves that the injections contain killer snake venom. Dr. Jane Ruby joined the Stew Peters Show Friday to expose the snake venom peptides, their function, composition, and more. Dr. Jane detailed the damage caused to the cell by these peptides, and the dangers of vaxxed blood.
Stew Peters Show: The bioweapon strikes again as spontaneous blood clotting riddles the bodies of healthy Americans, stopping them dead in their tracks. Nita Shannon joined the show Friday to expose how her father dropped dead from the booster, the autopsy’s confirmation of death by vaccine, and more. Shannon detailed the downfall of her father; a once active horse trainer, suddenly killed by the clot shot.
Stew Peters Show: The injectable bioweapon is leaving its mark on the unsuspecting, as the media desperately hides the stories of those who have survived the shot. Steve Kirsch joined the show Friday to detail how American airlines are putting their pilots and passengers in danger as they enforce the clot shot. The complicit media continues to conceal the truth, as our pilots face the risk of heart attacks at high altitudes.