05/17/22 “Looks like pastors are mirroring the sad state of our nation.” Admin We cannot fix something until we know it is broken. And according to the latest Barna research, the American Church is in dire need of repentance, repair, and revival. This time, the study focus is on Christian pastors, their philosophy and worldview. It’s common sense and only natural to expect your church leaders to have a proper foundation and understanding of Scripture, but the new nationwide survey of pastors shows a large majority do not even have a biblical worldview. Read More: Barna Study Exposes Great Weakness In
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE Your body depends on essential nutrients for growth, development and health maintenance, and deficiencies in certain vitamins can impact your immunity, vision, wound healing, bone health and much more Common nutrient deficiencies include vitamin D, magnesium, vitamin K2, carnosine (beta-alanine) and vitamin B12 Many people also do not consume enough omega-3 fats, vitamin A, vitamin E, iodine and saturated fat from butter and animal products The best way to ward off nutrient deficiencies is to intentionally fortify your meals with whole, nutrient-dense foods, including healthy saturated and omega-3 fats; targeted supplements can also be
Electromagnetic field exposure in pregnant women is associated with a shorter pregnancy, increased fetal heart rate variability and temperature, and babies born with smaller head and chest circumferences, according to a review of scientific findings. Read More: EMF Exposure and Pregnancy Risks: Here’s What the Scientific Literature Tells Us • Children’s Health Defense
Compromise undermines the Gospel …read more Source: creation.com
On today’s Dr. Jane Ruby Show, Dr. Jane revisit the Covid 19 perpetual hamster wheel of new drugs to keep you frightened and compliant, now with pills and she reveals just how the companies are able to rush them through and out….you guessed it…on an emergency use basis…for a flu with a 100% recovery rate, that is LONG gone.
In the following audio interview, Dr. Lee Meritt interviews former airline pilots, about the medical complications happening to pilots post mRNA injections. One of the most stunning shocking discoveries is how the standard for certification of class 1 medical required by all commercial pilots has dropped dramatically to ignore post-injection adverse reactions, even up to and including pericarditis and myocarditis. Read/Listen: Dr. Lee Meritt: ‘Vaccinated’ Pilots Represent a Significant Threat to Aviation – RAIR
American Conversations Host Christine Dolan speaks with Dr. Meryl Nass on the corruption in Covid-19 treatment and the prevention of repurposed drugs which were safer and more effective than the vaccines. Watch: Episode 51 – Fight Against Medical Tyranny – Interview With Dr. Meryl Nass – CD Media
U.S. Air Force officers described what it’s like for service members who refuse the COVID-19 vaccine, and how their treatment is leading to a “manpower crisis” in the military, on an episode of CHD.TV’s “Friday Roundtable.” Watch: Military’s COVID Vaccine Mandate Threatens National Security, Erodes Morale • Children’s Health Defense
By Michael Denton Today’s ID the Future spotlights the groundbreaking new book The Miracle of Man: The Fine Tuning of Nature for Human Existence, with author and biologist Michael Denton reading excerpts from the work. Here Denton, who is also an MD, marvels at the engineering sophistication of the human heart and hands. Then he dives into the heart of his new book, teasing just a small sampling of the many ways nature appears fine tuned for bipedal, intelligent, technology-developing creatures such as ourselves. One or two such examples are interesting. But where the argument gains dramatic force is in
By Dr. Mercola This article was previously published January 21, 2019, and has been updated with new information. Magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral in your body and the second most common intracellular cation1 (positively charged ion) after potassium. It’s required for the healthy function of most cells in your body, but is especially important for your heart, kidneys and muscles. According to one scientific review,2 which included studies dating as far back as 1937, low magnesium actually appears to be the greatest predictor of heart disease, and other recent research shows even subclinical magnesium deficiency can compromise your
By Ken Ham Buddy’s off on his most far-flung adventure yet! Search for exciting wildlife alongside your favorite adventurer, AiG’s Buddy Davis, in this newest episode of Buddy Davis’ Amazing Adventures. Buddy’s latest adventure takes him on a safari to South Africa. Join Buddy as he walks with lions, follows giraffes, sneaks up on zebras, watches rhinos and goes looking for elephants. And you’ll learn some fascinating facts about these animals from Buddy as he explores God’s creation. For example, Buddy explains that giraffes can kick both forward and backward! You’ll also hear a new song from Buddy as he
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE In 1992, researchers published data showing the quality of sperm counts in men had been cut nearly in half over the previous 50 years. A 2017 systematic review confirmed this trend, showing a 50% to 60% drop in total sperm count among men in North America, Europe, Australia and New Zealand between 1973 and 2011 Testosterone has also declined in tandem with lower sperm counts, while miscarriage rates among women and erectile dysfunction among men have been steadily rising We can rule out genetics as the cause, because the decline in sperm count is
By Arsenio Toledo (NaturalNews) (Natural News) The shedding effect of Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines is affecting even the unvaccinated, causing serious health complications including blood clots so massive they’re almost the size of a person’s fist.This is what happened to Ananda, an unvaccinated and board-certified practitioner in acupuncture and oriental … [Read More…] …read more Source: Natural News
By Dr. Kaia Kloster One argument that has surfaced in the pro-abortion camp is the unborn baby in the womb is merely a parasite, taking what it needs at the expense of the mother. …read more Source: AIG Daily
Dr. Robert Jackson said in his 35 years of practicing medicine, he has never seen anything like this — 40% of vaccinated patients in his practice reported a vaccine injury, and 5% are still injured. Dr. Robert Jackson has been a physician for 35 years. In his practice, there are more than 5,000 patients, about 3,000 of whom got vaccinated with COVID-19 vaccines. What makes him unusual is that he is not afraid to speak out about what he is seeing in his patients. This is because he’s too valuable to fire. Jackson said never in his
A BBC radio host who suffered from painful adverse events after taking AstraZeneca’s COVID shot has spoken out against media silence on injuries arising from the jabs. BBC Kent Radio host Jules Serkin blasted mainstream media outlets in an interview with GB News Monday night, arguing that either the “media have been told to be quiet” on the topic of “vaccine” injuries or they “don’t want to hear another side.” Watch/Read: Radio host injured by COVID jab says media ‘don’t want to hear’ about adverse events – LifeSite
“Once you get on the vax train they don’t want you to get off.” Admin Second and third doses of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine provide protection against the Omicron variant for only a few weeks, according to peer-reviewed research published today in JAMA Network Open. “Our study found a rapid decline in Omicron-specific serum neutralizing antibody titers only a few weeks after the second and third doses of [the Pfizer-BioNTech] BNT162b2,” the authors of the research letter wrote. The authors said their findings “could support rolling out additional booster shots to vulnerable people as the variant drives an uptick in new cases across the country,” Forbes
I’ve always told people to listen carefully to what the CDC says… and then do the opposite. Here’s what happens if you don’t follow my advice and follow their advice. Summary If you are pregnant or are thinking of getting pregnant, you should do the opposite of what the CDC says, i.e., do not get vaccinated. They gave that advice using no data. Look at the survey below I just did on Gab at the urging of a reader. Read More
Their formation is a ‘chicken and egg’ problem for evolution. …read more Source: creation.com
By Aden Tate By the author of The Faithful Prepper andThe Prepper’s Guide to Post-Disaster Communications. Everybody is familiar with military field manuals, and I confess that I thoroughly enjoy reading them myself. There’s a lot of good information in them, even if they can be rather dry sometimes. But there are a host of other field manuals out there as well that you may have never read and should. Plenty of them come from non-military sources, and that’s what I’d like to take a harder look at today. What are we designating as a …read more Source: Organic Prepper
By Ken Ham Recently, the Evangelical Press Association (EPA) announced their 2022 Award winners. Not surprisingly, with our many dedicated and excellent staff, AiG won many Higher Goals Awards and received recognition in many Awards of Excellence and Awards of Merit. Let me list them and provide a few brief comments on them. Answers Research Journal Our Answers Research Journal (ARJ) won first place in Biblical Exposition for Dr. Terry Mortenson’s article ” won several awards, including three first-place awards, a second place, and several third, fourth, and fifth place awards, as well as several Awards of Excellence and Awards
? ?”I wouldn’t stop at fraud, crimes against humanity should be at the top of the list of charges.” Admin “We declare that Pfizer, Moderna, BioNTech, Janssen, AstraZeneca, and their enablers withheld and wilfully omitted safety and effectiveness information from patients and physicians, and should be immediately indicted for fraud.” “… although correlation isn’t causation, reasonable criterion have been applied to examine the relationship between injections and the events and is absolutely clear cut that these are the cause of death mechanistically the design of these products was knowingly deficient in a number of ways.”
By Ethan Huff (NaturalNews) (Natural News) The so-called “clinical trials” that Pfizer conducted on its messenger RNA (mRNA) Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccine” appear to have been completely fraudulent, which means the company could one day be held liable for all associated injuries and deaths.Documents released in November 2021 by the U.S. Food and Drug … [Read More…] …read more Source: Natural News
By Rob Webb To effectively counter abortion arguments, we need to understand their anti-Christian and secular foundations and history. …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Ethan Huff (NaturalNews) (Natural News) Now that most everyone in New Zealand has been “fully vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) per the government’s orders, new “positive cases” of the disease are reportedly on the rise.Up until recently, New Zealand’s “My Vaccine Pass” was required to enter businesses. Non-compliers reportedly faced fines of up … [Read More…] …read more Source: Natural News
The COVID-19 Vaccine isn’t the only dangerous shot you can receive. Alexa Golden joins The Stew Peters Show to share her experience her horrifying side effects that she is stuck with after receiving the Influenza vaccine at her local grocery store. Alexa is unable to see well, she is covered in needle-like vibrations, pulsing throughout her body, and her head is constantly aching. Pray for Alexa as she is in a time of helplessness, for only Jesus Christ can perform MIRACLES!
A simple survey anyone can do provides convincing evidence that the COVID vaccines have killed over 500,000 Americans. They should be halted. Now. Executive summary A simple survey of my readers provided some extremely compelling evidence that 1) the US government has killed over 500,000 previously healthy Americans and 2) that the vaccine actually caused the deaths. It took me around 30 minutes to create the survey and 11 hours to wait for highly statistically significant results. I was able to accomplish something in less than 12 hours that the CDC has been unable to accomplish in 18 months: prove