By Ken Ham I came across this article recently and found it fascinating. The article mentions that fifty stones were found in France with carvings on them, which were manufactured by firelight. They were likely made using stone tools by the Magdalenian people, conventionally dated as supposedly living from 23,000–14,000 years ago. Now while we would strongly disagree with the conventional dating that claims these “stones were incised with artistic designs around 15,000 years ago” (in reality probably only around 4,000–4,200 years ago), these stones actually showcase the ingenuity and intelligence of early post-flood peoples. The Universities of York and
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE The U.S. Food and Drug Administration granted fast-track designation to UB-311, a vaccine for Alzheimer’s disease made by biotechnology company Vaxxinity Aside from the potential problems that can arise when a vaccine is rushed to market, the vaccine may be problematic from the get-go because amyloid beta may be a symptom of Alzheimer’s, not the cause Researchers have even suggested that amyloid beta is a response to neuronal stress, one that functions as a protective adaptation to the disease Fast-tracking a vaccine that’s targeting an isolated element of Alzheimer’s disease that is not the
By Dr. Mercola This article was previously published September 9, 2019, and has been updated with new information. Your immune system is your first-line defense against bacterial and viral infections, so the most effective way to prevent infectious illness is maintaining robust immune function. Your diet and other lifestyle factors are foundational for this, but certain supplements can also be helpful. One such supplement is quercetin,1 an antioxidant flavonol found naturally in apples, plums, red grapes, green tea, elder flower and onions, just to name a few.2 Quercetin is one of those compounds with a wide range of benefits, making
A new study conducted by scientists at the University of Colorado confirms the vast majority of humanity have had absolutely no choice in the matter of whether they wish to get the Covid-19 injection or not because the vaccinated have been transmitting antibodies generated by the injections through aerosols. The findings should however come as no surprise, because a confidential Pfizer document had already confirmed exposure to the mRNA injections was perfectly possible by skin-to-skin contact and breathing the same air as someone who had been given the Covid-19 jab. Read More: New Study & Confidential Pfizer Docs.
By Dr. Gordon Wilson Horned lizards aren’t known for speed to avoid predators or venom to bring down threats. But these miniature dragons have tricks for desert survival. …read more Source: AIG Daily
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE So far, all of the drugs developed against COVID-19 have been disastrous in one way or another. Remdesivir, which to this day is the primary COVID drug approved for use in U.S. hospitals, routinely causes severe organ damage and, often, death Despite that, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved remdesivir for in-hospital and outpatient use in children as young as 1 month old Another COVID drug, Paxlovid, will in some cases cause the infection to rebound when the medication is withdrawn Molnupiravir (sold under the brand name Lagevrio) also has serious safety
By Michael By Sara Tipton Foraging for your own food or medicine may become a necessity in the coming months unless you want to fork over massive amounts of money for a limited amount of food. With soaring… …read more Source: Natural Blaze
By Fabian Ommar By the author ofStreet Survivalism: A Practical Training Guide To Life In The City and The Ultimate Survival Gear Handbook. Jose did a great piece recently on the importance of timing for relocation. When to leave is perhaps the hardest aspect to determine for either a planned move (in advance of an event) or an emergency escape. Actually, getting the timing right is hard in most serious situations of life due to the continuous, fickle, and capricious nature of …read more Source: Organic Prepper
How can Christians stand up to scientific elitism? What does the plant fossil record in Iceland tell us about the global Flood? Does a new bacterium prove evolution? What is our responsibility to those Jesus has placed in our lives? Discover the answers to these questions and more in the May-June 2022 issue of Acts & Facts! Full versions of More… …read more Source:
By Stephanie Woods (NaturalHealth365) Kindness has the power to change the world, change hearts, end arguments, and now, apparently, change the brain. New research from the University of Texas at Dallas has found that practicing and teaching kindness at home improves children’s empathy and the parents’ resilience. This, in turn, enhances the brain of the person who performs a kind deed and everyone who lives in the same household. Recent study reveals kindness changes cognitive function In the study, the researchers put 38 moms through an online kindness training program with their children ranging from three to five …read more
By Sara Middleton, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) On April 25, 2022, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) made a shocking announcement about the latest drug they are willing to subject people to – including people as young as 28 days old. And while Big Pharma company Gilead Sciences touts randomized controlled trials supporting this drug’s safety and efficacy, plenty of real-world evidence suggests that the drug can be downright dangerous and even accelerate death in those who receive it. Go-to drug used to treat patients hospitalized with COVID-19 associated with severe liver damage – but is apparently perfectly fine to
By Liz Abrams Even the most vocal unbelievers can’t completely escape the knowledge of God. …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Brian-Admin by Brian Shilhavy Editor, Health Impact News From time to time I get emails from people asking me to cover some story or video about Bill Gates and his influence in global vaccine production and distribution, and I usually reply by asking the person who is emailing the information if they have first searched for “Bill Gates” on Health Impact News, because we have been covering Bill Gates’ role behind global vaccination programs, mainly by buying a controlling interest in the World …read more Source: Health Impact News
More stories about those injured by Covid vaccines plus news from the blog of Dr. Mercola. Man Who Died With Transplanted Pig’s Heart Had an Animal Virus 2022 Bird Flu Has Resulted in 36 Million Dead Chickens and Turkeys ‘I’ll Probably Never Fly Again’: Pilot Shares His Vaccine Story COVID Deaths No Longer Overwhelmingly in the Unvaccinated 57-Year-Old Scottish Man Loses Leg After COVID Jab Most Americans Don’t Want Those Shots Doctors Blame Frontliner’s DNA for Her Vaccine Injury Woman Only Got Jabbed So She Can Get Her Life Back ‘This Head Pressure Is Debilitating Right Now’ ‘My Heart Rate’s
Jeff & Erika – Most All US Vaxed Are Developing AIDS And Bill Gates Describes How To Sneak Altered MRNA ‘Vaccines’ (BioWeapons) Past FDA Regulators Listen here
A 22X increase in athlete deaths that nobody can explain, 75% of UCSF/Marin radiology department says “no way” to the booster, and world governments no longer break out stats for vaxxed vs. unvaxxed. If the vaccines are perfectly safe and effective, then explain these three items for me: Read More: More troubling data for the vaccine: athletes, UCSF, government silence
The most abundant protein on Earth is probably an enzyme (biological catalyst) called RuBisCO (or Rubisco) designed by the Creator to function in photosynthesis.1 Specifically, Rubisco combines carbon dioxide (CO2) with a 5-carbon sugar called RuBP. This is the first major step in carbon fixation that results in glucose (sugar) and other compounds. Rubisco is a plentiful protein and is the foundation for photosynthesis. Where did it co… More… …read more Source:
? 05/10/22 Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE The World Health Organization has started drafting a global pandemic treaty on pandemic preparedness that would grant it absolute power over global biosecurity, such as the power to implement digital identities/vaccine passports, mandatory vaccinations, travel restrictions, standardized medical care and more The WHO is not qualified to make global health decisions. As just one example, the WHO didn’t publicly admit SARS-CoV-2 was airborne until the end of December 2021, yet scientists knew the virus was airborne within weeks of the pandemic being declared. The WHO also ignored early advice about airborne transmission
By JD Heyes (NaturalNews) (Natural News) The agricultural situation in the United States and the Western world is about to go from bad to worse, thanks to sustained shortages of raw materials needed to grow food.After much of the supply of fertilizer was taken off the market thanks to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the world’s biggest manufacturer of the … [Read More…] …read more Source: Natural News
By Ken Ham Want to win a $1,000 shopping spree for your church’s Vacation Bible School program next summer? That shopping spree is just part of the grand prize for our exciting 2023 VBS giveaway as we prepare to reveal the theme for our next Answers VBS program. Answers VBS is totally unique, incorporating apologetics, biblical authority, and the gospel message into every component of the curriculum. What is Answers VBS? Well, it’s the summer VBS program Answers in Genesis produces, and it’s totally unique, incorporating apologetics (with science experiments), biblical authority, and the gospel message into every component of
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE Steroids can be administered either orally, topically through a cream or ointment, or by injection. Steroids work by inhibiting the production of inflammatory chemicals, thereby reducing symptoms associated with inflammation Three of the most common side effects, even from short term use, are osteoporosis (reduced bone density), cataracts and an increased risk of diabetes. However, more serious effects such as life-threatening sepsis have also been reported In one 2019 study, 8% of patients with osteoarthritis of the hip or knees who received one to three steroid injections ended up worse. Adverse effects were observed
? Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE To address fatigue and low energy, you need to improve your mitochondrial energy production Mitochondria have a mutually exclusive dual function. They produce energy, but they’re also environmental sensors that detect threats inside the body. When a threat is detected, the mitochondria downshift energy production to focus on self-defense Common threats that can result in reduced mitochondrial energy production include oxidative stress, poor nutrition, environmental toxins, psychological stress and sleep deprivation Mitochondrial capacity declines by about 10% with each decade of life, but it’s not a natural function of aging. Rather, the loss
Around the world today, people observe a seven-day week. Why do we have the concept of a week at all? …read more Source:
Animals deaths appear similar to rising vaccine-related human deaths While there are no official data suggesting an uptick in animal deaths, reports show that there may be elevated incidence of deaths among vaccinated zoo animals. Last week, Gladys Porter Zoo announced the unexpected death of Martha, a 32-year-old gorilla who was being treated for a urinary tract infection but otherwise showed no signs of illness. “Upon necropsy, we found that she had multiple organ abnormalities, which, in turn, created a life-ending cascade,” said Dr. Tom deMaar, the Zoo’s Senior Veterinarian. “The cascade began with fibrosing heart disease, which led to renal failure.” Read
Jeff & Erica – Paxlovid Failures, Why Deadly Children’s Hepatitis Is Increasing, Shedding …And Much More Listen here
The confidential Pfizer documents that the FDA have been forced to publish by court order reveal that 82% to 97% of women who were mistakenly exposed to the mRNA Covid-19 injection either suffered a miscarriage or suffered having to witness the death of their newborn child upon giving birth. But Pfizer claimed – “There were no safety signals that emerged from the review of these cases of use in pregnancy”. Read More: Confidential Pfizer Docs. reveal 90% of Covid Vaccinated Pregnant Women lost their Baby; but Pfizer claimed: “No safety signals emerged” – The Expose
The Daily Clout and others are reporting ‘Sudden Rise of Children with Liver Damage Were Breastfed By Vaccinated Mothers’. Watch the video for much more information. Watch: Massive Evidence The New Hepatitis Is Connected To The Vaccine – The New American