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By Michael By Study Finds Could a 10-minute power walk every day could add years to your life? A recent study of nearly 5,000 older adults found that deaths fell as physical activity increased. Just 10, 20, or… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
Stew Peters Show: Hospital malpractice must come to an end, or all taxpayer funding should be stripped. Rod and Vira Brooks need your help. Rod was put under Remdesivir treatment without consent and is now holding on to life. They are now facing over $200 thousand in debt, and eviction on July 31st.
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE Bill Gates appears to be behind the push to stop breastfeeding and encourage uptake of BIOMILQ, a cell-cultured “human milk” made in a lab, along with other varieties of fake food Nearly every large meat and dairy processor/manufacturer has also acquired or developed plant-based meat and dairy substitutes This “protein” industry convergence is jeopardizing the resilience of the food system and reducing genetic diversity of livestock and crops When you factor in soy production as well as the use of conventional energy sources, lab-grown meat may be worse for the environment than conventionally produced [More]
By Harry F. Sanders, III How biblical kinds differ from modern species, a history of speciation models, and why the biblical model better explains the natural world …read more Source: AIG Daily     
Stew Peters Show: Do we have information on Evusheld? Do Spike Proteins transmit via touch? Is MonkeyPox growing because of VAIDS passed on to Vaccinated people? Dr. Jane Ruby answers these questions & more on Ask Dr. Jane Wednesday!
By Michael By Keean Bexte The second most published critical care physician in the world called vaccine injuries — and health professionals’ unwillingness to treat them — a “crime against humanity.” “My heart… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By Brian-Admin by Brian Shilhavy Editor, Health Impact News Weakened hearts, blood clots, and now you can add neurological brain damage to the list of side effects being reported in children following COVID-19 vaccinations. In at least one case, one poor child developed all three conditions. In a case study published earlier this month (May, 2022) in the Journal of Neuroimmunology, a 15-year-old girl developed encephalopathy, myocarditis, and thrombocytopenia simultaneously following the second dose of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine. As billions of people are getting vaccinated, it is not …read more Source: Health Impact News     
Giant mammal-like reptiles in the age of dinosaurs? Cretaceous dicynodont reclassified to Cenozoic mammal, otherwise it would be a proverbial Precambrian rabbit. …read more Source: creation.com     
By Ken Ham The hills are alive with the sound of music—the hills of Williamstown, Kentucky, anyway! In addition to daily concerts with our phenomenal resident artists of TrueSong, we have two major music events happening this summer at the Ark Encounter: Faith Country Music Festival, June 16–18, 2022, and 40 Days and 40 Nights of Gospel Music, August 2–September 10, 2022. And both events are free with general admission! Faith Country Music Festival features at least five different artists performing each day (that’s 15 total!) on our outdoor stage and a headline event in the Answers Center, our 2,500-seat [More]
By J.G. Martinez D Seeing that hyperinflation on a global scale isn’t too far off in the future, I wanted to take the time today to address an important issue: when did the mass of Venezuelan society realize that they were living through hyperinflation? This is how things played out here… Were there people initially deemed as crazy for shouting that hyperinflation was coming? Hyperinflation was not an effect many people could foresee. The opposition party tried to warn about this, but with the ongoing war between the official party and the Other Side, fake news was rampant. Relying on [More]
Ben Armstrong Show: This information is the truth and everyone who has been vaccinated needs to hear it.   Watch: The True Dangers of mRNA Lipid Nanoparticles in the Vaccine – The New American
  Stew Peters Show: Was the MonkeyPox outbreak PLANNED over a YEAR ago Dr. Jane Ruby exposes her findings of “smallpox vaccines” being approved in August last year that they EXPECTED would work for monkeypox!
Evolutionary scientists recently determined that seafloor spreading has been slowing down.1 And they are not exactly sure of the reason. However, this is no surprise to Flood geologists. It’s exactly what we predicted.2,3,4 Scientists from Brown University and University of California, Santa Barbara examined the spreading rates at 18 different ocean ridges.1 Studying the magnetic seafloor reco… More… …read more Source: icr.org     
On today’s Dr. Jane Ruby Show, Dr. Jane discusses how those pushing The New World Order will try to get there through Medicine, the perfect vehicle for tyranny but Dr. Jane will prepare you to send them packing.
Jeff & Erica – Explanation Of Deadly Amyloidosis And Amyloid Clots – A Revelation Of The Dangers plus misfolding proteins caused by the spike proteins. Listen here
With each passing day, the news connected to the COVID shots grows worse.  That the injections don’t prevent COVID — or even its spread — has been known for months, and post-injection problems encompass almost everything that can go wrong with a body.   “Not a single organ, not a single bodily function, is unharmed” after one of these shots, said Arne Burkhardt, a professor of forensics at Reutlingen’s Pathological Institute.   So little has been written about why “side effects” such as myocarditis have popped up that one can’t help but wonder: Does anybody understand how these shots work?   In [More]
By Ken Ham According to a popular evolutionary story, 66 million years ago an asteroid hit earth, forming a massive crater off the coast of Mexico and starting a chain of events including acid rain, massive wildfires, earthquakes, and tsunamis that eventually caused the extinction of the dinosaurs. And scientists may now have discovered bits of this asteroid, encased in amber. All of these findings point to a massive catastrophe—but what was the catastrophe? In yet-to-be-published research (so these claims have not undergone peer-review yet), researchers claim they’ve discovered minuscule bits of asteroid that were trapped in sticky tree sap [More]
Dr. Meryl Nass provides some basics about the budding “pandemic” and the proposed vaccines against it.  Her points include: the World Health Organisation (“WHO”) released a statement to introduce mass vaccination; the smallpox vaccine, of unknown efficacy against monkeypox, causes a huge number of myocarditis cases and other known cardiac problems; smallpox vaccines, when used routinely in babies, were considered the most dangerous vaccine available; and, more.   Here’s what you should know about the latest money pox, also known as monkeypox.   The WHO released a clever statement to introduce the idea of mass money pox vaccination to the public:   The World Health Organization (WHO) maintains [More]
? 06/02/22 Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE The Great Reset involves the demolition and radical overhaul of several interlocking pillars of civilization: technology, society, economy, environment and geopolitics. Food and health also fall within these categories Through control of these core pillars, the World Economic Forum (WEF) and its globalist allies intend to seize control of all the nations of the world and centralize all power and wealth The WEF is an organization that profits from famine and disease; it uses tragedies and fear to further its own agenda. It intends to dictate what you eat, what you own [More]
By Ken Ham Join us October 4–6, 2022, for a powerful three-day conference at the Ark Encounter in Williamstown, Kentucky (south of Cincinnati), “A Church & Culture in Crisis.” Prepare to discover why our culture is in chaos, why the church is conflicted, and what we can do to boldly stand for truth in the church and in the culture. It’s going to be a wonderful time of equipping pastors, Christian leaders, and laypeople in the church with answers to what’s happening in our world and in the church—and what we can do about it. It’s such an important conference [More]
By Daisy Luther by Daisy Luther Author of BEYOND the Prepper Stockpile and Be Ready for Anything Have you ever wondered how personal protection experts can manage to watch a big crowd to … Read the rest The post Secrets of a Professional Bodyguard: How to Stay Safe in a Crowd appeared first on The Organic Prepper. …read more Source: Organic Prepper     
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE An animal study showed how a time-restricted and calorie-restricted diet could lengthen life by 35%, adding nine months over the typical two-year lifespan Past research showed calorie-restricted and time-restricted diets each confer health benefits, including activating autophagy, improving immunity and reducing the risk of neurodegenerative disorders such as dementia, Parkinson’s disease and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) Time-restricted eating increases certain metabolites that are connected to muscle maintenance and antioxidant activity, increases longevity, improves potential weight loss and lowers the risk of diabetes, certain cancers and dementia There are several strategies to help overcome hunger [More]
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE The FDA has authorized the use of a booster COVID-19 shot in children ages 5 to 11; less than one-third — only 28.8% — of U.S. children in this age group have received the first two doses of this experimental gene therapy Effectiveness of COVID-19 shots in children wanes rapidly; a CDC study found that two to four weeks after the second dose of Pfizer’s COVID-19 shots, effectiveness was 60.1% among 5- to 11-year-olds, but this fell to just 28.9% by month two There is still no data on whether the booster is effective [More]
By Michael Denton This ID the Future continues Miracle of Man author Michael Denton’s conversation with host Eric Anderson about his latest book. The focus of this capstone work in his Privileged Species series is, as the subtitle explains, The Fine-Tuning of Nature for Human Existence. Here Denton and Anderson dive deeper into the book’s argument that science has uncovered multiple ensembles of fitness for creatures much like ourselves—land-going, airbreathing, intelligent bipeds capable of controlling fire and developing new technologies. In other words, it’s not just a handful of things about nature that appear fine tuned for our existence. It’s [More]
Analysis by Dr. Robert Malone STORY AT-A-GLANCE Taken together, this work clearly demonstrates that vaccine-induced protective antibody responses following a second and third dose of BNT162b2 are both very low and transient in older people The authors conclude that “additional booster doses may be necessary, particularly in older people.” … One has to wonder, whether the study authors really mean to imply that a total of 13 boosters per year are needed (52 weeks/four weeks = 13 boosters)? Or are they just writing this to get through peer review? A more unbiased conclusion based on these data is that the Pfizer/BioNTech [More]
Marsha was selected to be one of the first people at UCSD to receive the COVID vaccine. Today, she is one of the most severely vaccine injured people on Earth and nobody wants to help her recover. Executive summary Marsha Gee used to be a happy, healthy 37-year-old ICU nurse working at UCSD without a care in the world. Her life was fantastic.   She was honored to be selected as one of the first people at UCSD to receive the COVID vaccine.   Big mistake. In less than an hour after her first Pfizer dose, her face was paralyzed. [More]
Ben Armstrong Show: Dr. Betsy Eads and Dr. Ryan Cole Talk about the horrific rise in cancer after the vaccine. Also, a lot of information about how the vaccine can damage people.