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By Ken Ham Disney has been in the news a lot lately over promoting the LGBTQ worldview publicly, at its attractions, and increasingly through various Disney movies and other programming. A member of the Disney family (who was born a female) publicly stated they were transgender and came against a bill the governor of Florida approved. The bill was designed to protect young children in public schools from being taught explicit material. Disney was once seen by millions of people as being child-friendly and a trusted company for entertainment for their children. But Disney’s recent actions have greatly tarnished its [More]
Unlike other superfoods, celery has a mild flavor and pale color. But despite its unimpressive look and taste, scientists say that celery may have impressive qualities to prevent and treat cancer.   Celery (Apium graveolens) is a superfood that’s full of essential vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber. Celery is full of different beneficial compounds, but studies have shown that it’s main cancer-fighting constituent is apigenin, an antioxidant flavonoid.   Apigenin has powerful chemopreventive effects that continue to impress researchers. In many cell and animal studies, findings revealed that apigenin could inhibit the “initiation, progression and metastasis of tumors.”   Read More: Scientists say celery may help [More]
By Michael By Tyler Durden A new survey finds that the cost of insulin is driving many diabetic Americans to go into debt, forcing them to ration medication as they struggle to pay for other living expenses…. …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
My mom, a devotee of Saint Anthony Fauci – America’s Doctor! – found herself in atrial fibrillation following her booster last fall. The afib passed, so come spring she dutifully lined up for another booster.   Guess what came back?   Read More: Thanks Pfizer! – by Alex Berenson – Unreported Truths
Creator of the world’s biggest ‘Bible comic’ project. …read more Source: creation.com     
On Wednesday morning Moderna released supposedly positive data from a trial of its Omicron-specific booster mRNA shot.   Do NOT be fooled by the company’s spin on the data – a claim credulous reporters are gladly abetting.   In reality, the trial showed that Omicron-specific boosters don’t work very well against the Omicron variant. Even after being given an booster designed against Omicron, people made far fewer neutralizing antibodies against it than they did against the original coronavirus – which of course is no longer a threat.   How could Moderna say the trial succeeded, then? Because the Omicron booster did produce [More]
Fauci and Sen. Rand Paul had yet another contentious exchange at a Senate hearing. Dr. Anthony Fauci admitted Thursday that even though the Biden administration recommends that everyone over the age of 5 gets a booster dose of a COVID-19 vaccine, there is currently insufficient evidence to prove that the boosters actually lower rates of hospitalization or death in children. During a Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee hearing, Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., asked Fauci if he was aware of any studies that showed a reduction in deaths or hospitalizations for children who had received boosters. …read more Source: [More]
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE It’s becoming increasingly clear that severe food shortages are going to be inevitable, more or less worldwide, and whatever food is available will continue to go up in price The cost of agricultural inputs such as diesel and fertilizers is skyrocketing due to shortages — caused by a combination of intentional and coincidental events — and those costs will be reflected in consumer food prices come fall and next year Mysterious fires, alleged bird flu outbreaks and other inexplicable events are killing off livestock and destroying crucial infrastructure. Since the end of April 2021, [More]
mRNA Covid vaccines offer essentially no defense against Omicron only months after a booster shot, according to a major new study from British researchers.   Both antibody and T-cell protection are nearly non-existent, the scientists found.   In an even more worrisome development, when vaccinated but previously uninfected people suffer breakthrough Omicron infections, their T-cell response is biased toward earlier versions of Sars-Cov-2 – not to the Omicron variant that has actually infected them.   In other words, the mRNA shots appear to permanently wrongfoot the immune systems of people who receive and bias them toward producing T-cells to attack variants [More]
You were likely taught that the famous Archaeopteryx was a bird-reptile ‘link’. But what are the facts? …read more Source: creation.com     
For a few years now, we have been documenting the on-going progress of one of the most powerful scientific evidences of a young Earth.1 Since evolutionist Mary Schweitzer began bringing to light soft tissue in dinosaur fossils in the early 2000s, the list of dinosaur species in which soft, stretchy tissue, collagen, blood vessels, cells, or proteins have been found has grown significantly, reaching ever deeper into the geologic column.   Obviously, her research has been controversial and dismissed by many from the beginning, since all dinosaur fossils allegedly are at least 65-66 million years old—according to the evolutionary paradigm. While [More]
06/26/22 “As long as there are drop boxes and electronic voting machines the chances of fair elections occurring are always in question.” Admin Shades of 2020! The election results from 2022 – at least the primary results – already are being challenged as inaccurate. There were plenty of reasons to wonder about the accuracy of the 2020 presidential race, which President Trump has maintained he actually won. But more significant that any fraud, according to Margot Cleveland of the Federalist, were the instances of election-rigging. “The election was rigged with every illegal drop box placed in Democrat-heavy precincts,” she explained, and “when [More]
By Sara Tipton It is a rather common misconception that the use of trekking poles is only for older adults and those with debilitating joint issues. But those who are avid hikers or those who are training for long-distance hiking know there are many advantages to having these in your gear pack. Trekking poles are great for all hikers who want to: Protect their knees when downhill hiking. Prolong the onset of leg fatigue by distributing weight between arms & legs. Use as a makeshift splint in the event of an injury. Increase speed by creating a rhythm. Increase balance [More]
By Ken Ham Earlier this year, I shared a report that claimed that TikTok content with “#trans” has been viewed a whopping 26 billion times and that child advocates were concerned that this constant exposure to gender-questioning content would lead more young people towards the irreversible harm that is transgenderism. Given reports like that, combined with the radical sex ed, which usually includes transgender content, taught in many schools, I wasn’t surprised by this sad headline, “Report Reveals Sharp Rise in Transgender Young People in the US.” But it’s not to do with biology: it’s conditioning! According to the latest [More]
Multiple studies have found that the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine is leading to more cases of chickenpox.   The chickenpox virus, known as varicella-zoster virus, is one of the eight known herpes viruses that can infect human beings. After people contract and recover from chickenpox, usually at an early age, they gain lifelong immunity to the virus.   But the chickenpox virus never actually leaves their bodies. It only remains dormant in their nervous systems for years until it gets reactivated, usually as shingles or herpes zoster (HZ). (Related: Federal govt. data indicate COVID-19 vaccines increase cases of shingles by more than 4,000%.) [More]
In US, 5M people who got the vaccine are now unable to work and over 800,000 are dead. The rate of heart issues is 6.5%, far more than they claimed. No wonder our government isn’t doing these surveys! Executive summary Our latest polls are devastating for the official narrative: a 6.5% rate of heart injury, 2.6% are unable to work after being vaccinated (5M people), 8% had to be hospitalized, and you’re more likely to die from COVID if you’ve taken the vaccine. It also showed that almost as many (87.1% to be more exact) households lost someone from the [More]
By Karly McKinney While sometimes a nuisance and a carrier of unwanted disease, the mosquito has a role in the success of the environment that was implemented by the Creator. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Stephanie Woods (NaturalHealth365) Social isolation, “the absence or near absence of social connections or relationships,” and loneliness are not healthy. There is evidence of an association between living socially isolated and adverse health effects, such as depression, anxiety, various physical stress responses, decreased immunity, and more. However, researchers have now established a strong link between social isolation and dementia later in life. Socially isolated people are more likely to develop “later dementia” The study, published in Neurology, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology, used data gathered from the UK Biobank. Researchers found that …read more Source: [More]
A mountain of evidence found in the confidential Pfizer documents that the U.S. Food & Drug Administration has been forced to publish by court order proves that Covid-19 vaccination is going to lead to depopulation through its effect on fertility in women, its contribution to pregnancy loss, and the harm it causes to newborn babies, sadly leading to premature death.   But now a new study, conducted by respected doctors and scientists in Israel, reveals Covid-19 vaccination is also going to lead to depopulation due to the adverse effect it has on the fertility of men because the respected doctors [More]
Does the biblical account have support from archaeological remains in Egypt or elsewhere? …read more Source: creation.com     
By Lori Alton, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) Whether we call it exhaustion, burnout, tiredness, or fatigue, most of us experience low levels of energy from time to time. Many people turn to high-sugar, caffeine-laden foods and drinks to fight fatigue, but unpleasant side effects – such as the well-known “sugar crash” or jangled nerves from too much coffee – make these remedies far from ideal. Fortunately, studies suggest that certain herbs and nutrients can spur flagging concentration and boost energy. For instance, a recent review published in Frontiers in Pharmacology highlights the ability of Panax ginseng to increase fatigue resistance. …read [More]
Analysis by Stuart Cooper, Campaign Director, Fluoride Action Network STORY AT-A-GLANCE Government-funded studies confirm skyrocketing fluorosis rates, fetal and infant neurotoxicity, and numerous other side effects from fluoridation The U.S. Centers for Disease Control has helped create and promote a new fluoridation system they hope will expose nearly 20 million more Americans to harmful levels of fluoride The governments in the United Kingdom and New Zealand have passed bills that will effectively mandate fluoridation throughout their nations The published science over the past decade has taught us a lot about water fluoridation, about both the very real and significant side [More]
By Jeremiah Johnson It’s more important now than ever before in recent American history to understand how to live off the grid. And to do this, you need to understand how to make your own power. I’ve lived off the grid for years now, and have had the opportunity to learn what it takes to generate electricity for a house. Today, I’m going to show you exactly how I do it. A brief caveat Before you guys and gals try and duplicate what I do here in Montana, some words of advice and caution are needed. Know the laws …read [More]
While Margaret Sanger was anti-abortion, she was a fanatical racist and eugenicist. Planned Parenthood is practising racist eugenics by locating in minority neighbourhoods and aborting minority babies. …read more Source: creation.com     
By Michael By GreenMedInfo Research Group If you only think of ginger as a condiment that you eat with sushi, say “Hello” to the powerful therapeutic benefits this plant packs into its roots…. …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
“Control the water, the food and you control the people.” Admin   As you are no doubt aware, the global elite are making moves to have people “own nothing and be happy.” The world will be controlled by an authoritarian one-world government and humanity, according to Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum, will be enslaved in a totalitarian system featuring mass surveillance, mandatory vaccinations and desperate servitude.   Making matters even worse, the global elite are boasting about their plans for humanity in advance. Take a look at this video from the WEF. Are they mocking us?   Read/Watch: Nestle [More]