The push to get the general public to stop eating meat and go vegetarian continues at pace, with a new study in the Lancet attempting to misguide. Interestingly, the diet dictocrats have been forced to drop (somewhat) the old red-meat-and-fat-raises-cholesterol-leading-to-heart-attack nonsense, simply because, as people have become more aware of the scam, it’s no longer possible to steamroll over the truth. But fear not. There’s a new way meat is going to murder you in your sleep: TMAO. Trimethylamin N-oxide is an organic compound generated from the metabolism of a number of nutrients found in meat. Aside from the fact
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE Researchers studied the effect of consistent periodic fasting on severe COVID illness and found it reduced the risk of hospitalization and mortality but not the risk of contracting the illness The study confirmed past research that intermittent fasting and time-restricted eating, which are two different types of eating patterns, reduces the risk of severe COVID and promotes weight loss Obesity is an independent risk factor for COVID-19 and a contributing factor to other comorbidities that are associated with severe disease; even mild obesity can influence disease severity Data gathered since early 2020 have demonstrated
Interview with the late Dr Raymond Damadian who helped develop the MRI. …read more Source:
News that Dr. Anthony Fauci is finally leaving his post after what seemed like an endless reign at the helm of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases should be a time for celebration. But it’s not. Fauci has caused such tremendous damage throughout the past few years that it’s almost impossible to comprehend. In nearly every area of life in the United States, as well as in many other parts of the world, Fauci’s influence has been a key contributor to massive amounts of human suffering. Fauci inexplicably had particular ire for children. Long after
Affirming what ex-Blackrock executive Edward Dowd has been saying about excess deaths and Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines,” the Society of Actuaries Research Institute (SARI) has released a new report indicting jab mandates as a major killer of millennials last fall. Excess deaths among people aged 25-44 – also known as the working-age population – soared roughly a year ago as Operation Warp Speed reached its peak. Some 61,000 millennials died as a result of being forcibly jabbed, a phenomenon that Dowd likens to another Vietnam War. “This is what we call democide: death by government,” Dowd told Steve
Dr. Jane Ruby joins the show to detail how 13 billion bioweapons injections have been administered, and how the British government has confessed that people are dropping dead from the jab!
By Ken Ham We’ve all seen the illustration—a knuckle-dragging ape follows a hunchbacked hairy man-ape who follows a more erect, but still very hairy, man-ape, who eventually follows modern man, dressed in a suit and carrying a briefcase to his meeting. This apes-to-man illustration is popularly used to show people the supposed evolutionary transition from ape-like to modern man. But is this “march of progress” accurate, even by evolutionary standards? Well, according to a recent article, this is one of the misconceptions many people have of evolutionary biology (and a reason creationists should not use the argument, “if humans evolved
Poornima Wagh is part of a group of 18 scientists from 7 countries who have analysed 2,305 samples of Covid “vaccines” from twelve different brands. On Thursday, she discussed their findings in Part 3 of her Scamdemic series during a Global Conversations podcast hosted by Regis Tremblay. As reported by Business Insider, the co-founder of BioNTech, Ugur Sahin, designed the Pfizer injections in January 2020 within a few hours. And Moderna’s vaccine also took just two days to design. How do you make a vaccine for a virus that was never isolated or purified or even known before the official pandemic
By Sara Tipton There is a gigantic water battery located in the canton of Valais, under the Swiss Alps, called Nant de Drance. It’s a hydropower plant that provides the same energy storage capacity as 400,000 electric car batteries! This renewable energy source could be a game-changer for energy use in Europe. Beginning operations last month, the water battery, is a pumped storage hydropower plant that is equipped with agile, reversible turbines that offer new levels of flexibility, says Robert Gleitz, a delegate of the board of directors of Nant de Drance. With the flick of a …read more Source:
By Ken Ham Movies are filled with worldview teaching. Whether it’s a subtle encouragement that “who you feel you are is who you really are,” an earnest call to “follow your heart,” or Eastern religious teaching carefully woven into the story, worldview teaching is there. Can you and your children recognize it? We want to help you think about popular media through the lens of a biblical worldview, recognizing error and fallacious thinking and accurately applying God’s Word to what you’re watching. We want to help you think about popular media through the lens of a biblical worldview, recognizing error
By Michael By Study Finds Getting a good night’s sleep on a regular basis slashes the risk of heart disease and stroke. Unfortunately, few people are actually getting this, according to a new study. Researchers in France found that a staggering 90 percent of people are generally poor… … …read more Source: Natural Blaze
By Michael By Neenah Payne Florida Knows Ending COVID Fear Is THE Key and Florida’s New Surgeon General Calms COVID Fears reported that in 2021, Gov. Ron deSantis of Florida (Republican) hired Dr. Joseph Ladapo (Democrat) from California to serve as the Surgeon General for Florida. America’s… … …read more Source: Natural Blaze
By Mark Looy Dr. Raymond Damadian was a gift inventor. What drove this exceptionally gifted medical scientist and devout Christian to invent the MRI scanner? …read more Source: AIG Daily
A colleague prepared this graph which shows an interesting correlation between the timing of the spring booster rollout in the U.S. (green line) and a wave of excess deaths (red line), made more striking by the fact that Covid deaths (blue line) were falling at the time. It should be noted that in absolute terms the excess deaths shown here are relatively low, which is perhaps not surprising after a large number of additional deaths over the last two and a half years; the units on the above graph have also been normalised to make the trends clearer. Still, the
By Michael By Mac Slavo The amount of unplanted farmland in California is increasing, making the food supply crisis even worse. The drought is causing farmers to refrain from planting crops that they cannot afford to water. United States Department of Agriculture data shows there are more… … …read more Source: Natural Blaze
How was the soft tissue of an ammonite fossilized without its shell attached? …read more Source:
08/28/22 “Apparently the goal is to turn every kid into a “climate nutcase” like Greta Thunberg. These psychopaths are going all out to shove their Great Reset down humanities throat. Will we let them get away with it is the big question. For real info on the climate change scam check this post out.” Admin The headline to an article posted on the website of the World Economic Forum (WEF) on August 26 asks, “Should schools teach climate change studies?” The question is rhetorical, of course, since the WEF globalists have been in the forefront of the worldwide push
By Guest Contributor By Oscar Collins Being a parent is challenging. You’re responsible for raising an otherwise helpless baby from infancy to adulthood while contending with parents who will tell you that no matter what you’re doing, you’re doing it wrong. Whether you’re a breastfeeding supporter, a parent who uses a formula, or someone who falls somewhere in the middle, you couldn’t escape the impact of 2022 and are likely looking for an update on the baby formula shortage. Have things returned to normal? Have things gotten worse? We’ll delve into all of these questions below. Image courtesy of Wikimedia
By Fabian Ommar By the author of Street Survivalism: A Practical Training Guide To Life In The City and The Ultimate Survival Gear Handbook. Thanks to advancements in technology, materials, and manufacturing, the last few decades have witnessed profound changes in both lifestyle and consumption habits. Every homes used to have a handyman. Now, they largely don’t. Until the late 1980s and early 90s, the majority of household items and appliances were built from metal, wood, and rubber. They were also designed to be more easily serviceable. Polymers had been around for over a …read more Source: Organic Prepper
By Ken Ham School is back in full swing in Kentucky, and that means our fall programs at our attractions are about to begin, including our very popular full-day Explore programs and half-day Explore Jr. programs. During Explore Days at our Northern Kentucky attractions, your children will enjoy hands-on science learning with instruction from experts who not only communicate science but also teach a biblical worldview. Now, where else can you find such a wonderful combination? Many of the programs are already full and registration deadlines are right around the corner, but it’s not too late for your child aged
By Stephanie Woods (NaturalHealth365) If you are like most people, when you have a headache, chronic pain, muscle aches, or pain from an injury, you reach for acetaminophen and don’t give it a second thought. After all, it is one of the most common first-line treatments for pain, mainly due to the belief that it is safe and does not cause significant adverse health effects. But, some studies suggest there is a problem. Evidence is now emerging that shows regular use of acetaminophen can have a negative impact on blood pressure in people who have hypertension. New …read more Source:
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE In 2013, Americans spent more on health care than Japan, Germany, France, China, the U.K., Italy, Canada, Brazil, Spain and Australia combined. At the time, the U.S. ranked last in terms of quality of care among industrialized nations. Little has changed since then. If anything, conventional medicine has only gotten more dangerous over time In 2021, The Commonwealth Fund’s international health care performance report ranked the U.S. dead last out of 11 industrial nations yet again, despite spending more of its GDP (18% as of 2019) on health care than any other nation A
A World By Design conference attendee submits six questions, on existential type issues of the sort most people ponder at some point in their lives. …read more Source:
In my previous piece, I speculated on whether there would come a tipping point where even the most incurious would begin to notice all those dead bodies under the proverbial carpet and wonder whether they might just have something to do with the Injections-Masquerading-as-Vaccines. Although the second part of that is still a long way off, it does seem that the number of excess deaths is indeed becoming too big and too unmistakable to ignore. This from the Daily Telegraph in a piece entitled, “Silent crisis of soaring excess deaths gripping Britain is only tip of the iceberg”: “Britain is
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE Industrial agriculture is a key driver of environmental destruction and ill health, yet this destructive cycle is defended in the name of affordable food and the need to feed the masses Industrial agriculture uses 75% of available farmland yet produces just 30% of food consumed globally. Small biodiverse farms use 25% of land and provide 70% of our diet. If the industrial agriculture share continues to rise, it will eventually kill the whole planet and eliminate any possibility of growing food The rise of fake meat is an attempt at recreating the same global
08/28/22 “Make or get a sign for whatever candidates you support, go to a sidewalk at an intersection and hold them up. Get involved, get active and pray for these elections. They are quite possibly the most important ones of our lives.” Admin This year is the year for “all hands on deck” for Christians at America’s elections, according to George Barna, senior research fellow at the Family Research Council’s Center for Biblical Worldview. In a commentary at the Washington Stand, he wrote, “It seems that sometimes conservatives are in danger of being like the boy who cried ‘wolf’ too
? Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE Conventional medicine doesn’t offer a lot of hope for rheumatoid arthritis (RA) sufferers, as it is focused on treating the symptoms — typically using highly toxic drugs From the late 1980s and for the following 10 years, I treated over 3,000 patients with rheumatic illnesses, including SLE, scleroderma, polymyositis and dermatomyositis; lifestyle changes can be very effective The vital elements to successfully reversing RA include optimizing your vitamin D levels, consuming a diet that’s very low in seed oils, optimizing your circadian rhythm and embracing time-restricted eating Following a carnivore diet, using low-dose